

As my senses were back, my body was wrapped in ropes in a chair with duct tape taped in my mouth and all I can see is a black thing that turns out to be the cloth that's covered in my face... and when it was pulled and I saw some...


They were wearing a lot of cloth that I can't even see their skin! They kidnapped me...

I was tied at the chair with thick ropes, knowing I have Merinthophobia, fear of being tied.

I tried not to think that I was tied and I was about to scream for help but the man was holding my phone calling someone and he said

???: "Hello, is this Spencer Shay?"

He was calling Spencer?! How can he know the number of Spencer? I didn't even list his number on my phone! It was only filled with mom and my friends! Does Spencer know anything about this? The call was on speaker so I can hear Spencer's voice...

Spencer: "Yes, it's me. Do I know you?"

???: "No, you didn't. However, I think this person here that I have right now is someone you know"

He instantly removed the tape in my mouth that I screamed in pain making Spencer say...

Spencer: "Sam?! What did you do to my sister?"

Did he just say 'my sister'? He even recognized my voice, in fact, I just shouted or maybe he knows I was going to be here...

"SPENCER!! HELP ME!! The ropes are killing me!" I cried out for help.

He keeps asking the man what he did to me, the man never replied to Spencer's question.

Instead, he said to me "So, the ropes are killing you... Wrap her with the thick ropes and make sure it's secured!".

He was laughing hard while watching me crying and begging to loosen it.

You are so evil.

???: "Give me $10 THOUSAND and I will give you back your sister"

Spencer: "How can she be A THOUSAND?! She's more than that! And also get the ropes out of her!"

I smiled hearing what Spencer said.

???: "Okay, if you say so... 20 THOUSAND!"

Spencer: "WHAT?! ONLY 20?! MAKE IT 1 MILLION MAN!"

Did he just gave a man $1 MILLION?! Is he even thinking? Well, if you're rich enough to give 1 million dollars...

???: "Man, be careful with your money! But why a million?"

It's my first time hearing Spencer saying good to me. And they removed some ropes that made me kinda calmed down. Where are Amber and Alex?

Spencer: "Just tell me, where are you?"

???: "We're in the middle of somewhere you don't know"

Of course, he wouldn't know, why would he asked if he knows where on earth we are!

But wait, this place is...

???: "We're kind of in LA right now"

Spencer: "WHAT?! Sam is in LA?!"

Sam: "Yes I am Spencer!"

The man told me to shut up! But with F so Spencer declined the offer that made the kidnapper mad at me and taped my mouth again.

Spencer: "Where in LA are you?"

???: "In Mr. Nikolai's Mansion! Be here this night!"

I knew it! That's why the place looks so familiar. I'm in dad's office! But where are his things? How can I ask? My mouth is on tape! And he's a little silly saying where we are... Oh!

Dad's remote is in my back! It can alarm the whole mansion and also the police department! If I can just press it...

"What do you think you're doing?" He asked while in his suspicious face.

I shook my head since I can't speak with the tape on my mouth, I can't even move because of the ropes! They're wrapped so tight!



"Guys, do you know where Sam is?" I asked them. We were inside Sam's playroom waiting for her to come out of her room. Her room was locked and her brother Nathan was at his work and we can't contact her!

"Wait, isn't she missing?" Elle asked. Shayne and I quickly got outside the pool full of plastic balls and Shayne said "What are we doing in her playroom while she was out there?"

We quickly looked around in the mansion until we found two men standing outside Mr. Nikolai's office. We stayed silent and acted like we didn't saw the two men on the door, and because we know how to act, our action was not completely suspicious.

"I believe Sam was there, her father died 3 years ago, what are they doing in Mr. Nikolai's office? And if they were cops - Why are they investigating this late?" Shayne said. "Shayne, do you find anything suspicious at all? Elle, do you know everything about this? Like, are you involved in this situation?"

"Poor Alex, thinking I was behind of the lost Sam, and also not just because I want to kill Sam doesn't mean I'm behind of all of the things that happened here and besides I'm starting to like her! Don't make yourself a reason for me to stop liking her!" Elle replied in disappointment.

"I know, I know... But how can we get inside Mr. Nikolai's office?" I asked them.

"Well, I think you need my help," the man said and it's...

"Spencer!" We all said in chorus.

"So, you all know that the Sam you've been with is the Sam we've been looking for. Explanations are expected after this!" Spencer said. How did he know we're here? Maybe the kidnapper called him. But he's not even on Sam's contact list! Is he the...

"And also, Alex, I'm a little disappointed at you" Spencer added.

Yeah, right.


"Sir, you're not-" the guard said, but Spencer stopped his word by punching his stomach and hit the guard's back with Spencer's elbow. He told us to get Sam while he's having fun kicking and punching the guards.


"*Alex arrived* Well, well, well, look who's here! Sam's knight shining armor - *Shayne arrived at the room* Oh! There's two! - *the rest went in* And they're a lot." The kidnapper said. I saw Sam sitting on the chair while shaking herself like it's gonna free her, or maybe it can.

There were six men inside the office but Elle knocked the two men out with some random stuff she found in the office, like, the bookshelves, lamps and even got the chance to hold a gun.


"Oh! Look! I got the gun. I think it's time to say goodbye!" I said happily, but I was freaking out.

I held many guns, different kinds of guns. My brother taught me how to defend myself and even how to use a gun. I was gonna shoot the man, but I can't just shoot him, a lot of consequences may give to me. So, I stared at the gun while slowly getting the bat and I said, "any last words?" then I hit the man on his head.

Did I just knock down three men? Dead or not?

"Elle, it's Shayne and Alex!" Amber said.

Amber got wounds and she's messy.

"What's wrong with your face?" I asked her. Instead of answering my question, she grabbed my wrist and brought me to a dark room.

"Wait, where are they?" Amber said.

"They're here!" The man said


The lights were slowly turning on and I saw Sam, Alex, and Shayne, on each light, tied at the chair while three men were pointing the guns of each of them.

- Who's gonna save them? -