Snow White's Apple

"Amber!" We yelled.

"Liz, you gotta wake up, you're freaking me out," Alex said as he puts Amber in his lap.


"I'm going with them, you boys stay here, okay?"; I said.

Alex and Shayne looked at each other.

*Door closes*

"Hey, Elle!"


"There's like 20 people here," Shayne said.

"Okay, we're going there, we just gonna borrow Sam's car," I said and ran to the garage.


"Oh, she got a Porsche, Lamborghini, and a Ferrari. How can a 16-year-old had these cars when I only have to wait to get my car until 18. Rich kid." I said.

"Don't have your family have 3 companies and your brothers have nice jobs?" Shayne said.

"They also have family, Shayne," I said to him.

"Hi, Holly, can we borrow Sam's car?" I asked Holly.

"Oh, you can't use that without getting Sam's permission" Holly replied.

"The Tesla is at the next door and the key is at the blue box," Holly said.

"Thanks, Holly! You're the best!" I said.

Holly smiled and said, "thanks, hope you enjoy the car! But don't break it, Okay?".



The door bang to the wall loudly, his scent made me quickly happy... but when I looked at Amber, I cried again...

"Elle, stop crying, you know I hate it when I see you cry, worse that you're in front of Amber," Alex said.

He sat beside me, hugged me, and said, "Shh... don't cry, buttercup, big bro's here, everything will be just fine, okay?" and patted me like I was a 6-year-old kid.

" Elle, what did the doctor said?" Shayne asked.

"She got poisoned," I replied and leaned back on Alex.

"Poor, Amber... Where's Sam's hospital room, by the way?" Shayne asked.

"Next door" I replied.

When he went out, Alex gave me a little hammer toy, and said, "I bought you a little hammer and some snacks, 'cause I know you would cry". I smiled, Alex is like the older brother mine in our circle of friends... He knows when your emotions come out, especially if you open up to him...

"Oh, and there's a chocolate chip cookie, and a chocolate milk, that's is super cold when I got it, and there's a mini-fridge here if you want it to be a little cooler" He added.

"What am I Santa? But thank you, you know me a lot, and I owe you" I said.

"You're welcome, it made you happy, right?" Alex asked.

I nodded and smiled. My tears stopped falling, knowing you have a friend who cares about you.

"Sam would be lucky to have you as her boyfriend," I said.

He looked at me clueless and said, "What did you just say? Her boyfriend? Haha, that won't happen, Sam doesn't like me either".

I replied, "Well, you know little thing about us, and you never forget it, like how toy hammers, cookies, and milk could make me extremely happy, and how you know that I would cry seeing the person I love the most lying in a hospital bed,".

"Well, as the second oldest in our circle of friends or should I say, family... I wouldn't forget those things, knowing it can make you happy" He said.

I smiled.

"And also, I noticed that you and Shayne, are getting colder... you fought didn't you?" He asked.

"Well, it's worse than a fight" I replied.

" Okay, it's Luna Moreno, right?" He asked.

I stood up with my eyes widened.

"How did you know that it was about Luna? Did he told you already?" I asked in curiosity.

" Uh, Luna is my cousin... and Shayne's best friend" He replied.

"Oh, why didn't I know that stuff?" I asked.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't think of telling you about this, she hasn't been home since 7 years..." He replied.

"Where has she been?" I asked.

"London, UK" He replied.

I nodded.

"Why is she here?" I asked.

"She's a doctor" He replied.


"Shayne called her because her cousin is sick?" He said.

"Oh okay... I must have misunderstood him, for getting her number" I said.

"Shayne asked Luna's number?!" He asked.

"Uh, yeah?" I replied.

"No, he can't!" He said.

"Why?" I asked.

"She can't give her number to anyone else, she promised she will give her number to her-"


"-boyfriend..." He finished his sentence.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Luna just texted me" He replied.

"What did she say?" I asked.

"Hi, Alex, It's Luna, just had a relationship with Shayne, and as I promised, he's now my bf, I gave my number... only... to... him..." He said.

Alex and I stared at each other and said.


"She had a relationship with my ex-boyfriend?!" I said.

"And he's my friend, and she's my cousin?!" Alex said.

"How dare he did that..." I said.

"And also she..." Alex said.


Alex was hitting the walls and I... felt destroyed. How dare that girl to be my ex's new girlfriend after breaking up a minute ago... Is he cheating on me the whole time? Ah! I hate men...

"Buttercup, you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, for you... it's a yes" I replied.

"Where is he by the way?" I asked.

"Sam's room" He replied.

"Okay," I replied and walked out.

"Elle!" He yelled.


"Hi, guys!" I said.

"Hi, Elle..." Nathan replied.

And you won't believe who's in the room...

"Luna and Shayne... He-ey, what a coinkydink!" I said.

"Oh, really?" Luna said.

"Yeah..." I said.

"Why are you here?" She asked.

I replied, "I'm here, because, my best friend is here" I replied.

"Since when is Sam your best friend?" Shayne asked.

Gosh, what are they doing to me? I only end up in our relationship and they're both playing me in.


"Elle!" They yelled.


"Sweetie, can you hear me?" I said to Elle.

Elle fainted, I tried to ask for some response from her, but she won't answer anything.


Shayne popped out from the door and said, "Alex! It's Elle!".


"How long has she been like this?" I asked.

"Great. Now, our 3 girls are in the hospital, Tyler had no clue about this and we're still here..." Shayne said.

"Speaking of the devil..." I said.

Tyler arrived in a rush, and when he saw us at the emergency room, he held to my shoulder with his breath losing it.

"Tyler, are you okay? What's with the rush?" I asked.

Tyler replied, "Are you kidding me? You didn't say anything about the hospital thing, and our girls are here... Where's Sam?" He replied.

"Room 204 and Amber's at room 205" I replied.

"This is a nightmare isn't it?" He asked.

"No, this a hundred percent real! So, you have to take what you saw, I nearly can't take the truth about Sam in the hospital and also Amber and now I'm kinda freaking out on Elle" I replied.

"Why didn't you tell me about this, in the first place?" He asked.

"I told them, but wait did I or it's Shayne?" I replied.

"Okay, so tell me, what's wrong with our princesses!?" He asked.

I replied, "Sam and Spencer got shot and-"

"Wait, Spencer's here too?!" He asked.

I replied, "Yeah. And Amber got food poisoning, and on Elle..."

"She's stressed, and has a low blood sugar, she'll be fine later..." Daniel said.

"She said it. Thank you Dr. Daniel" I said.

"Oh, don't call me with the doctor thing, just Daniel," He said.

"Okay, if you say so, Daniel," I said and chuckled.

"Okay, what happened to these girls is a big problem of ours, especially that Sam's in her room" Shayne said.

Tyler ran to us and said, "Alex, guys, Sam woke up!".



"Wait, where is she?" I asked.

"She maybe went to the restroom" Nathan replied.

Beck knocked and knocked on the restroom door, and no one answered, and when he tried to open the door... No one is there...

"Guys... Did we just lose Sam?" Beck asked.

"Guys, Elle is not here!" Luna said.

"And also Amber!" Tyler said.


"So, the girls are in the hospital and now they're gone," Alex said.

"Guys, search everywhere, they must be nearby," Beck said.

"Shayne and Luna on this floor, Me and Alex are below, Tyler and Daniel on the next floor, and - let's just split up!" Beck said.

So, now that these girls are gone, the search has begun, but it seems like...


Shayne: "They're not on this floor"

Tyler: "Here too!"

Alex: "Ours too!"

Nathan: "Sam's not answering, any of my calls and texts"

Beck: "Where do they think they're going?"

Daniel: (Shrugged emoji)

Alex: "Oh c'mon don't be dumb, but, how about the CCTV?"

Beck: "Yeah, right"

- End -


"Okay, Daniel, you do the talk," Beck said.

"Hi, Jack! Can we look at the monitor? Sam's lost and also her friends they must be together" Daniel said.

"How long is Sam lost?" Jack asked.

"Minute ago?" Dan replied.

"Okay, found her!" Dan added.

"Where is she heading?" Beck asked.

We waited for Dan to answer the question, but he ran away.
