

Gut-wrenching, heart-pumping— after several thrusts forward my legs became tired. I felt my whole body working; my leg muscles running warm, fresh air entered my lungs and blood flowed into all my limbs. I'm tired.

[Dan and Alex's Conversation]

Alex: "Dan, what are we doing here in the parking lot, I've asked you a lot, but you never answer, now again, what did you saw on the CCTV monitor?".

Yeah I did, while heading here, I asked him about the findings in the CCTV, but he never answered until we arrived here.

Dan: *looked back* "how did you get here?".

And that's all nothing added, just a question asking me, how in the world I got in here.

Alex: "I... I used the um... what place? Here in the parking lot, or, here in the hospital".

Dan: "Um, obviously, you ran with me through here, so yeah, the hospital?".

Alex: "Oh, yeah, I borrowed Sam's car, why? Is there any problem? But don't worry, I asked permission to Holly's".

Dan: "Where did you park it?".

I told him where I parked the car, but...

Dan: "Where's the car?".

Alex: "I parked it here".

Dan: "Then where is it?".

Alex: "I don't know. Wait, it could've been stolen, right?".

Dan: "No. Sam took it".

Alex: "how can you be so sure? I have the key card".

Dan: "But, Sam's phone is connected to the car".

Alex: "Wait, really?".

Dan: "That's what I heard, I don't even know if I'm right. You know what?... forget it".

Alex: "Okay, if that's what you say".

Dan: "Do you know any place, country or something, could be possible is she right now?".

Alex: "No, I don't know anything, Amber could be. But, Sam didn't say anything".

Dan: "Wait, I saw you with your friends, included Sam in Alki, past month, and you're here?".

Alex: "Oh, about that... It was Tyler's birthday the other day, and Sam planned something for his birthday, so we went here. And about the Alki thing, we just have fun there".

Dan: "So, you guys live in Seattle, and you went here because of Tyler?".

Alex: "Something like that".

Dan: "Sam didn't live in her house in Seattle, so do you know where she lives?".

Alex: "Yes, it's a studio apartment".

Dan: "A studio?".

Alex: "Yep, she kind of, rented the place".

Alex: "Why? Do you think that she will go there?"

Dan: "Sam is quick-witted, she knows what to do when in a situation like this, imagine, we never found her for 3 months. Wait, was it 3???"

Alex: "I agree with you with that."

Alex: "So, any plans???".

Dan: "Take me to Sam's apartment".

Alex: *nodded, then ran away*


*Amber and Elle shouting in the car*

"That was lit!" Elle said.

"Sam, your actions are way too good, you're a queen, babe!" Alaina said.

Well, I know you're asking, "Who's Alaina?!". Well, let me ask her to introduce herself...

"Ah, Allie?" I called.

"Yep?" She replied.

"Can you introduce yourself to them?" I asked.

"Yeah, we don't know you," Amber said.

"Oh, yeah, I forgot. *clears throat* I'm Alaina Cameron Carson, just call me Allie. Oh, Sam and I are cousins." Alaina replied.

"Which side? Sam's mother or father?" Elle asked.

"Mother. My father and her mother are siblings" She replied.

"Oh, okay. Makes sense... Carson." Elle said.

"So, where are we going, Sam?" Alaina asked.

"How old are you, um... Allie?" Elle asked.

"21, why?" Allie replied and asked.

"Oh, just wondering, 'cause you look like 18" Elle replied.

"Oh, ok. Thanks!" Allie answered back.

"So, again, Sam, where are we going?" Allie asked.

"Sam, we only have a week, here," Amber said.

"Oh, yeah. Thanks for reminding me, Amber" I replied.


"Who's phone was that?" Amber asked.

"Mine, *reads message* oh geez," I said.

"What is it?" Amber asked.

"Holly" I replied.

"What did she say?" Amber asked.


Holly: Sam? Are things okay there?

Holly: They're going to your apartment, I just heard their conversation in the living room.

Holly: Oh, wait.

Holly: Dan and your boy friends are only going to your house, your two brothers are staying with Spencer.

Sam: Hi, Holly. Yes, things are fine here.

Sam: Oh, really?

Sam: Thank you, Holly! I knew I could depend on you

Holly: *Smiley face emoji*

Holly: You're welcome, Sam! You're so kind like your father. Anyways, I'll let you know what's happening here.

Sam: Ok, talk to you later, Holly xo

- END -

"And that's it," I said.

"So, the boys and Daniel is going to your apartment, and school's starting any day," Elle said.

"Well, we can live at my house, right Sam?" Allie said.

"Oh, yeah! But do they know where you live?" I asked.

"Nope," Allie instantly answered.

"Oh, ok! You guys in?" I asked.

"Where do you go to school, by the way?" Allie asked.

"Kentwood high school" Sam replied.

"Oh, my house is very near to your school, then I can take you to school every day" Allie added.

"Yeah... O-okay" Amber replied.


"Welcome home!" Allie said.

"Um, thanks for letting us stay here, Allie. I owe you" I said.

Allie replied and asked, " Welcome. Do you guys want, coffee, tea, milk, or anything you like?"

"Oh, I just want milk with ice? Please?" I said.

"Milk with ice, interesting. How about you Amber and Elle?" Allie asked.

"Oh, I want iced coffee, please?" Amber replied.

"Um, do you have any sweets?" Elle asked.

"Sweets?" Allie asked.

"Candy! Yeah, candies, sorry, my bad" Elle said.

"Okay, just wait here, I'll get you guys something," Allie said.

"Thank you!" I said.

"Um, Sam?" Elle called.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"Can I talk to you for a minute? Outside? If it's okay for you" Elle asked.

"Oh, yeah sure!" I replied.


[Sam and Elle's Conversation]

Sam: "So, what are you gonna say?"

Elle: "Is she really your cousin?"

Sam: "Yeah, why? Is there anything wrong with me and Allie?"

Elle: "No, there's nothing wro-

Sam: *walks out*

Elle: *grabs Sam's wrist*

Sam: "Awa! What was that? Get your dirty hands off me!"

Elle: "Ah, that was rude!"

Sam: "Yeah, you know what's rude, and you still grabbed my wrist"

Elle: "Well, you left before I finish my sentence!"

Sam: "Well, I left because I know there's nothing wrong with-"

Elle: *covers Sam's mouth*

Sam: *shaking*

Elle: *let go*

Sam: "Fine!"

Elle: "Fine, what?"

Sam: "Finish your sentence"

Elle: *stares at Sam*

Sam: "What?"

Elle: *Walks away*

Sam: "Yeah, leave me, alone"

- END -


This is wrong.

I saw Amber with Allie, talking to each other, Amber's uncomfortable actions are worrying me, talking to Sam earlier adds to it. What's wrong???

"Um, Amber?" I said.

"Oh, Hi Elle! Here's *pulling the candy basket from the table to Elle* your candy. Where's Sam" Allie said and asked.

"Oh, I lost my appetite, sorry. Sam's outside" I replied.

"Oh, okay. Wanna chat or something?" Allie asked.

"Nah, I'm good" I replied.

While sitting on the couch with Amber beside me and Allie in front of us two, Amber begins to squeeze my arms and crumbling my hoodie sleeve.

"You okay, Amber?" I asked.

"Oh, just a little bit cold" She answered.

"Oh, I have an extra hoodie you could borrow, do you want me to get it for you?" Allie said and asked.

"Um, yes please, thank you" Amber replied.

After Allie left, Amber pushed me away and asked, "Why do I feel this?".

"Feel what?" I asked.

"That she's bad" Amber replied.

"Uh, that's what you say every time you met a new person. Like you said about Sam, that she is bad, and now you end up being a best friend with her!" I said.

"Well, yeah! Because you told me she's a good girl, and a friend, to be exact" She said.

"Well, I had to that, so you stop talking bad to her, especially in her back," I said.

"In short, you're worried about how would she feel, if she knows what I think about her" Amber said.

"Uh, Sam's the best girl I've met, that made the special one to me," I said.

"Woah, it's the first that I heard you say something good to people," Amber said.

"Of course, we just met!" I said.

"Woops, my bad" Amber said.

"But, where's Sam, anyway?" I asked.

"Right behind ya!" Sam said.

"Sam! You scared the-"

"Woah! *covers Elle's mouth* ...don't you dare" Sam said.

*Removes Sam's hand* "Yeah, right"

"So, you're lookin' for me?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, ah, you know where we are, right?" I replied and asked.

"Yeah, why?" Sam replied and asked back.

"How long does it take to drive from here to school?" I asked.

"3 or 4 minutes" Sam replied.

"Do you know how to drive?" I asked.

"I do. But, I didn't get a driver's license, yet" Sam replied.

"Do you have friends in here, that can drive us to school?" I asked.

"Oh, yeah. Kiera, my dad's driver's daughter, why?" Sam replied and asked.

"Um, where is she now?" I asked.

"In her inflatable pool with her kids" Sam replied.

"Okay, that's nice," I said.

"Wait, why are you asking me those things?" Sam asked.

"Oh, can I just be curious?" I asked.

"Oh, hi, Sam!" Allie said.

"Hey" Sam replied.

"Amber here's your hoodie, sorry, it took so long. I have some difficulties looking for that" Allie said.

"Thanks, Allie! I'm feeling much better now" Amber said.

"I'm just gonna cook for dinner, okay?" Allie said.

"Thanks, Allie," Sam said.

"No biggie" Allie replied.


"Sam!" Amber said.

"Oh, no," Three of us said.

- Who called? -