Phone Call



"Sam!" Amber said.

When I looked at the phone...

It was his number...

"Spencer?!" I said.

"Oh no," The three of us said.

"Should I answer it?" I asked.

"Sam, it's ringing. I don't know Spencer that much, I don't know his point of view, but... it's ringing, you know what it means when it rings" Elle said.

"But, it's Spencer..." I said.

"And all of this is real," Amber said.

"You know what?" I asked.

"What?" Elle asked.

"I'm going to buy a house, we'll take it there," I said.

"It's still ringing," Elle said.

"Don't worry, it will stop. I know Spencer, he will give up on that" I said.

"But, this is not Spencer," Elle said.

"Yeah, but - I don't know who to believe, it's all possible" Amber said.

"Me neither," Elle said.

As I took a sip in my milk, Elle said, "wait, wait, wait".

"What?" I asked.

"You *points at Sam*," Elle said.

"Me? What's wrong with me?" I asked.

"You're going to buy a house?!" Elle asked.

"Yep" I replied.

"How are u going to buy a house? You don't have money" Elle said.

*Sam winks*

"Do you know rent?!" Elle asked.

"Elle, don't worry, it's okay. I'm not really going to buy a house. You broke my collection" I said.

"What collection? Houses?" Elle asked

"Yep" I replied.

"You have a house around the USA?!" Elle asked ridiculously.

"No, silly! Do you really think, I'm going to buy 50 houses?!" I said.

"Name the place where you own a house," Elle said.

"Seattle, Los Angeles, and uh... wait, I think that's it" I replied.

"Okay, how my houses?" Elle asked.

"I only have two!" I said.

"Okay," Elle said.

"Thanks?" I said.

And we all laughed...

"The phone will stop. I'm sure on that" I said.

And there it all ended, the phone stop ringing. Questions are still in my head. "Who's calling? Was it Spencer?"

"Hey, guys! I heard the laughing, what's funny?" Allie asked.

"Oh, Allie! I didn't even notice that you're here" I said.

"Is it ready?" Elle asked.

"Oh, yeah! Let's eat" Allie replied.


"Carbonara!! My favorite!" I said.

"Ohhh!! It's soooo creamy!!!" Amber said.

"Did you put mushrooms?" Elle asked.

"Why, do you have allergies to mushrooms?" I asked.

"Yeah..." Elle replied.

"Oh, really? I'm so sorry, I don't know..." Allie said.

"Oh, it's okay! I'm not that hungry" Elle said.

"No, sit right there. I'm cooking you - Oh, wait, are you. allergic to shrimps?" I asked.

"Are you going to cook garlic buttered shrimp, for me? *adorably smiles*" Elle asked.

"Yeah, what's with the... smiley thing? You look cute" I asked.

"Well, that's my favorite seafood dish," Elle said.

"Awww, you look... adorable! What did you eat today?" I asked like I was asking a 5-year-old kid.

"Sam, I think you should start cooking before she starts the annoying tantrum thingy," Amber said.

"Wait, Elle tantrums? Awww" I said.

Okay, let's get cooking!


After Elle has done with her meal, she ran to me and hugged me then said, "thank you, Sammy".

I didn't reply but hugged back. Amber starts teasing Elle, and so as Allie after they witnessed Elle's adorable side.

"Elle, you should do this more often," Amber said.

"Hey!" Elle said.

While pinching both Elle's cheeks, I said, "How adorable is this little one!".

Elle's smile dropped... and said "stop teasing me, you only child!"

"I think, I should end it here," I said.

"Yeah, you should," Elle said.

"Um, Allie?" Amber said.

"Yes?" Allie replied.

"I will wash the dishes," Amber said.

"Oh, okay," Allie said.

When Amber started washing the dishes, Allie, Elle, and I were left in the dining room.

"Sam, you three can use my daughter's bedroom-"

"Wait, wait, wait, you have a daughter?" I asked.

"Yes, I got pregnant early, her dad died together with your father," Allie said.

"Yeah, that was the first and last time I saw him, I didn't even know you were pregnant"

"Yeah, because my water broke that day when I was about to go to you," Allie said.

"Oh, I'm sorry," I said.

"No, it's okay," Allie said.

"But you got married to him, right?" Elle asked.

"Yes, I married him, and I even made the positive pregnancy test as a gift to him," Allie said.

"That's adorable! Too bad they didn't meet each other" I said.

"Yeah..." Allie said.

"Wait, your husband's last name is also Carson?" Elle asked.

"Yeah, it was a coincidence, my colleagues didn't even believe I was married"

"Yeah, like Sam's father and her other father, they're all Shay's," Elle said.

"So, what's her name?" I asked.

"Her name is Claire Mitch Carson, her nickname is 'Thirteen' since it's her father favorite number and the day she was born, April 13, I gave her a vacation to her grandma's house right now"

"You're a great mom," Elle said.

"Um, Elle? Can you come with me, please? I'm going to get something from the car" I said.

"Oh, okay," Elle said.

"Excuse us, brb!" I said.


"So, what are we doing in your car?" Elle asked.

"Getting some treasure?" I said.

"You know someone's gonna break into your car, after this, aren't you?" Elle asked.

"There's a garage," I said.

"You have a bag of money?! It looks like you robbed a bank" Elle said.

"Not just because the bag's color is black, doesn't mean I robbed a bank," I said.

"It's all clothes," Elle said.

*Sam pulls out money from the bag*

"Woah," Elle said.

"Shush!" I said.

"Now let's go back," I said.


When I ran to the dining room, I saw Allie, staring at a man's picture, crying quietly...

"Allie? You okay there?" I asked.

Allie quickly wiped her tears and started acting like it didn't happen...

"I'm okay... you are done washing the dishes?" Allie asked.

*Door opened*

"Hey, Allie!" Sam said.

"Uh... Allie, you okay?" Elle asked.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't know you're crying," Sam said.

The three of us began to comfort Allie, then Sam gave money to Allie and said, "I want you to take care of Thirteen, here's money to buy some things for her, I know it's hard to be a single parent, and I know this money don't support her much, but she's part of the family, or I should call her my niece. Promise me, that you will take care of her, okay?"

Sam and Allie became emotional, that it took so long for Allie to reply, Sam is indeed a kind-hearted person, then Allie replied, "Thank you, Sam... Of course, I promise you, I will take care of Thirteen, for all that I can do, and besides, it's my job as a parent too. Thank you, very much"

Sam started smiling at Allie...

"Guys, I would remind you, it's getting late," Elle said.

"Yeah... We should go to sleep, my daughter's coming home in the afternoon" Allie said.

"Okay," Sam said.


"Her bedroom's cute," I said.

"Pink, White, and Gold," Sam said.

"Sam, we haven't seen your bedroom, since we got to LA," Elle said.

"Hey, think of it as private property," Sam said.

"Yeah, I agree with you with that"

"Um, Elle? Can I ask you a favor?" Sam asked.

"Sure! What is it?" Elle asked.

"Can you get the blue bag in the car?" Sam said



"Okay, here's the plan, I will be in the middle. You two fight where's your place" Sam said.

"Okay, I will be at the right, beside the lamp," Amber said.

"Deal!" Elle said.

"That was quick," Amber said.

"Can't believe we fit in the bed" Amber said.

"Elle, Can I ask you a question?" Sam asked.

"Yes, sure"

"If Amber and I were drowning, who would you save?" Sam asked.

"You two can't swim?" Elle asked.

"It's a hypothetical question, Elle! Who would you save?" Amber said.

"My time and effort," Elle said.

"Really? Okay, another one" Sam said.

"Okay, hit it!" Elle said.

"Would you stab your best friend in the leg for 10 million gold?" Sam asked.

"You stab me, and then when my leg gets better, we buy a big-ass house," I said.

"You can stab me too, then we'll have 20 million," Elle said.

"Good thinking," Amber said.

"Are you kidding me?" Sam said.

"Next question?" Elle asked.

"Just go to sleep!" Sam said.

2 AM

When I rolled in the bed, I then wondered quickly, how did I just roll?! And the answer...

Sam's not in the bed...

"Elle!" I said and shook her.

"What!?" Elle said.

"Where's Sam," I said.

"What?!" Elle said.

"She's not here," I said.

"Have you looked around?" Elle asked.

"Nope," I said.

"Then I think it's time," Elle said.

When we went outside the bedroom in rush, and there it is, we found her in the kitchen, sitting on the floor facing the fridge, with the door open, eating Nutella...

"Sam!" I said.

She jumped in scare, showing she's really guilty, absolutely guilty...

"Hey, what are you guys doing here? I thought you were sleeping" Sam said.

"And I thought you too," I said.

"Wanna join me?" Sam asked.

"Are you kidding me? Sam, that's not your fridge" Elle said.

"Woops," Sam said.

"Now come here, before Allie getting shocked after seeing her fridge empty," Elle said.

I gave her a glass of water, I didn't expect to see Sam like this...



"Good morning!" I shouted.

"Now, what?" Elle said.

"Thirteen's here!" Sam said.

"Really?" Amber asked.

I nodded with a big smile... I have never been too excited to see someone, especially with my niece and nephews... Wait, I think she's the first one I met... Haha, no wonder.

To be continued...