Living together

"Hello there, Thirteen! How are you doing?" I smiled as I hugged her. She was just 3 feet tall, but she was adorable... she looks much like her mother. She ran up to Allie and embraced her after I greeted her "It's Aunt Sam, baby! - Is that all right with you, Sam?" Allie stated.

"Oh, yeah, it's okay," I said, I just know she'd be shy meeting me because we've never met before.

As she reached for my hands, she said, "Samsam?". I got down on my knees and reached for her hands; she giggled, which made me want to scream with delight. Then I said, "Hello, kid."

"Samsam, I love you," Thirteen said and hugged me. "Aww," we all said.

"She's freaking adorable!" Elle said with delight. Following Elle's words, I slowly removed Thirteen's hands before grabbing Elle's wrist and dragging her to the kitchen.


"Hey! There's a kid" I said. Since I don't want a child to hear a bad word from someone else or that I think it's a bad word. I don't want them to start learning it when they're still young.

Elle asked, "Wait, is that a bad word?" That, I suppose, is an example...

I said, "I'm not sure, please don't swear or something." Elle and I are still in the kitchen while Amber is assisting Allie with her chores, which is very thoughtful of her. Also, I did forget to mention that Elle did not take my hands off her wrist, and I did not think to do so either.

"Well, I think we're getting a week without swearing," Elle said. "Oh, and it's not just for a week, Elle... it's for the rest of your life," I said. If you're still with me... Not only for me but for everybody!


"Are you returning home?" Allie then asked. We just lasted for a brief period. After all, we had to go to school and just couldn't be able to be absent because we traveled to someone's home.

"Yes, the school will begin any day now, and we must return home. I'm guessing we'll run into each other on the weekends or when we have free time "I said.

"Wait, where are we going to stay?" Amber was the one who wondered. Amber seems to be thinking this; as I said, we're going home, and she's concerned about where we'll sleep.

"Why are you so concerned about it? We must, of course, return home" I said. Everybody else was curious about it as well, I mean, we're heading home, so of course, we're returning to our residences.

"However, who's going to look after - you know what, I'm coming with you," Amber said.

"No way! I'll join you when you're staying together. Hey, do not leave me "Elle spoke her thoughts.

"How can you be certain?" I questioned. If they really do, I'll be their grandmother... Elle and Amber exchanged stares as I posed my question.

"We are, of course! My mother doesn't care where I'm heading; she says that as long as I'm safe, I can just go "Elle noted.

We were already stunned by what Elle mentioned, and we all smiled at her. Is her mother unworried with her? Is she all right wherever Elle appears to be going? Elle is a confident girl, so there's no need to be concerned. All is well.

"It's you, after all. My mother is familiar with you. You are welcome to become our new mother" Amber expressed her thoughts. Amber's mother is the best person I've ever met, so of course, she does... I'm not shocked in the least. And if it's my mum, what will I do? I'm sure Dad will say yes, but I'm not sure what Mom would think...

"Woah, Woah, Woah," I exclaimed, "I thought you were taking care of me?" I added.

"Oh, yeah," Amber said.

"Then I think it's time to make a move," Elle said.

"We're leaving for home. Thank you very much, Allie! Until next time, Thirteen!" I said. We had a good time with them, especially when I cooked for Elle and met Thirteen, as well as learning about Allie's husband's story. I'm curious if the two had a good time... I'm sure they did.

"Bye!" Allie and Thirteen said.

We arrived at my house a short time later. It's my home, not the studio, that I'm talking about.

School had just resumed after a week of break, and the boys were missing; I think they're still searching for us three...

"G'day, mate!" I said to Johnny.

"You went to London?" With his head resting on his hand and a grin, Johnny asked as if I were a child.

"No! We went to LA, why?" I replied and asked, and mimicked his actions.

"Oh, okay. What's with the accent?" He asked and even smiled more. What's with this guy? Maybe he had a lot of coffee this morning... whoops!

"Mr. Johnny, oh, how I despise you! Tell Ms. Samantha that you adored her" Jerrah expressed her thoughts. With a grin, I lifted my brows. We have only a seven-year age difference... and yes, he is 23. Yeah, well, the class began to tease us all...

Johnny grinned and said, "Yeah, it's nothing, don't worry about them." I gave him a friendly smile and nodding before taking a seat between Elle and Amber.

"Okay, take your seats. Good morning, class!" Johnny said.

Perhaps they're still on the hunt for us. This is starting to get ridiculous, and I'm done with it. After class, we went home to my house, not the apartment...


"Do you live here?" Amber inquired as she examined the house's exterior. As they waited, Elle was busy holding their belongings rather than placing them next to the entrance. Oh, we informed Holly to sent our stuff, and it arrived as quickly as I expected...

"Yes," I added, "greetings to my house." We entered the house, which was spotlessly clean, indicating that Mom was around...

Elle said as she sat on the sofa, "This is cozy." Amber was having a good time twirling around the living room, and Elle was settling in on the sofa she had laid on... these girls...

"You put your stuff in the guest room, there's a sign that says so," I told them as I tried to get them to do a few chores before they relaxed in the room.

"Okay," Amber said.

I was just in the kitchen deciding whether or not to end the game. Do they approve, though? They would like to see me, but when I'm home, it's as if they'd rather see me with another family.

"Sam?" Amber called.

I rushed over to see just what she was up to, but when I got there... I found my siblings' belongings perfectly prepared as if they were about to move out of the house... They're probably coming to my studio apartment, as Holly predicted...

"I suppose we can leave now," Amber concluded.

"No," I said emphatically, "let it outside." After hearing what I said, Elle and Amber turned to face me.

"What else do you mean, you're going to bring this out?" Amber was the one who questioned.

"Put the stuff outside, throw them," I said. "It does not depend on whatever place you drop it in, just drop it somewhere."

"Okay..." Amber replied.

They toss the items outside the mailbox, just as I instructed. Elle kicked Spencer's backpack and appropriately placed Beck's backpack while Amber dashed back home... Elle was absolutely awesome...

"So, we completed it... so why are we throwing it?" Elle was the one who questioned.

"They'll be around in a moment," I said. "In the meantime, place this white paper on the entrance and shut everything."

They followed as I requested, and after an hour, they returned, visibly surprised to see their belongings tossed outside... With Amber and Elle by my side, I just stood behind the window and watched them.

They all got in their cars and brought their belongings.

"Can you tell me what I just saw?" Elle who first wondered.

"You just saw Sam's siblings leave and were surprised that they had been kicked out of Sam's home," Amber responded.

"That's what you saw," I confirmed.

"Sam, what's going on?" Elle asked.

"I kicked them out, end of the discussion," I said as I grabbed a non-alcoholic sparkling rose wine from the refrigerator.

Everything was fast and no hesitation, regrets, and everything... I've been a bad girl.



As time went by, Sam went out to get food, leaving me and Elle alone in the kitchen. Elle and I were bored inside, so I attempted to make an omelet for Sam.



"What the hell is going on, Amber?! I got a whiff of something- "Elle observed. "Oh, my Gordon Ramsay..." Elle added.


"And you think I could help?" Elle said as she poured the milk straight into the cereal container.

"And you think dumping milk into a cereal bag convinces me you don't?" Amber expressed her feelings.

*Door slam*


As soon as I walked inside, I dashed to the kitchen also because the smoke alarm kept making noise and...

"What in the world!?" I said.

"Sam!" Amber and Elle screamed in fear.


"I can't believe that just happened," I said.

"I'm so sorry, Sam... I tried to make you a meal but..." Amber replied.

"At least you had a burnt egg!" Elle said disappointedly.

"Amber, what you did was extremely risky, particularly given your lack of kitchen expertise! You could set fire to the house!" I stated.

Amber said, "I get that why you're so angry-"

"No, I'm not angry, I'm just... disappointed," I said.

"Can I at least do something for my punishment?" Amber asked.

"Take a break, you two; it seems that you're both tired from putting out the flames... I'm just going to make lunch "I responded.

"Can we help you?" Amber asked.

"Just relax, I'll be safe here... just run when you hear something beeping..." I advised.

We smiled and hugged, and I think I'll be a mother to Elle and Amber... what an amazing day!


"Guys? Lunch is ready!" I woke them up softly.

"Good afternoon, Sam," Elle said.

"Good afternoon to you both" I replied.


We all proceeded to the dining area, where I delivered the Beef Wellington that I cooked after several attempts... of course, it was my very first time cooking this meal... and eventually, I'm pleased with the last portion of beef that might have become the end of my life if I failed again... yet I succeeded!!! Well, indeed!!!

"This is so good!" Elle said while her mouth was full.

"Elle..." I said.

"I know, I know, I'm sorry!" Elle said.

"What is this again?" Amber asked.

"Beef Wellington" I replied.

"Beef Wellington?! You mean from Gordon Ramsay?!" Amber asked.

"He's my culinary muse," I confirmed, "but I don't curse." Yes, Gordon Ramsay swears, and I followed him not because of his swearing but because of his cooking...

"Haha, of course, you don't! You're an angel!" Elle said.

"Yeah, thank you..." I said.

"Welcome," Elle replied.

Elle has improved drastically! It's strange because she's doing something nice to people instead of what she did before... but at least she's improving. That's the silver lining.

"Sam preparing a meal for us? That's great, and we're going to live together? That's better, but for lunch, a beef wellington? That's crazy!" Elle remarked.

"I literally can not believe we're having beef wellington for lunch," Amber expressed her surprise.

"Um, guys?" I said.

"Yep?" They replied.

"It's actually dinner time..." I said.

"WHAT?!?" they exclaimed as they both got up. "Um, what really happened is..." I said, laughing because their expressions were so surprised.


"So, how am I going to prepare this?" I questioned myself.

"I went to the supermarket and purchased ingredients without knowing how much I'd need..." Panicked, I said to myself.

"AH!" I shouted.

I should be quiet because I don't want to wake them up. After some failed attempts... Currently, there are three... The beef wellington is now over.

"Finally..." I said.

And as I look at the window... "It's night," I said.


"So, you wasted, 3 portions of beef?!" Elle asked.

"Nope, I cooked it all... now, we have 4 welly," I said with confidence. Now that I didn't waste anything at least I had many dishes to wash instead of my food to throw outside...

"What?!" They said.

"It's cooking in the oven right now," I said.

"What?!" Elle said.

"Well, we can give it to the neighbors!" Amber said.

"Yeah, sounds a good idea," I said.

After the Beef Wellington was baked, Elle and Amber gave it to our next-door neighbors, who were all delighted, which made me or us... delighted as well. This could be our very fun first day!

"That was great!" Elle and Amber said.

"Oh I see, you're changing, Elle!" Amber said.

"Yeah, I know, right!?" I said.

"What?! Me? Changing? Ohh, no! I hate people..." Elle said.

"Really?" I asked.

We began bullying Elle, and as Amber and I both know, she's going to be furious! So that's why we went ahead and did it. What a great day it's been, just teasing the bossy...

"Ah, stop it!" Elle said.

Amber and I stopped, and slowly walking backward across my room... and then...

"RUN!" I yelled.

Instead of hiding in my bed, Amber and I ran around the whole house... who would've guessed, Elle had locked it...

"Run for your lives!" Elle said.

"Ahhh!!" Amber and I screamed.

We both came to an end by laughing and collapsing on the sofa. Wow, today is the most wonderful day of my life!

"Ohh, that was so fun!" Amber said.

"Wanna eat something yummy?" I asked.

"There's dessert?" Elle asked.

"If you're staying at my house, yes," I said.

"You're like my grandma, Sammy" Amber said.

"Thanks! You can do everything... in this house, except cooking..." I said.

"Yeah, sorry!" Amber said.

"It's okay, I was just reminding you" I replied.

"Yes, mother!" Amber and Elle said.

We finished the day with Elle's favorite dessert: chocolate chip cookies. I can't believe Elle is changing; I'm glad to see that we're all comfortable and enjoying ourselves while living in this house; to think that... they're the only people who entered and stayed in this house who are my mates. Ok, I had one before, and that was a long time ago... they actually just smashed and took some of my belongings. That's why I couldn't help but wonder what would happen if these two were in my home, especially with Elle... we can't trust everybody, but I believe they're the best friends I've ever had.

To be continued...