Roselyn vs Darkness

 Roselyn reached the academy at night, and while everyone was sleeping, she quietly entered the dorms, going to her room, in full silence and scary atmosphere and Lyn didn't help, she only made it worst.

 'I think I included ghosts in my story.' Lyn whispered, near Roselyn's ear, to add to the creepiness, even if her voice rings in Roselyn's head and not into the outside world.

 'You did not, I read your story twice.' Roselyn said, holding tightly the lamp she has, and the book Jonathan gave her.

 'Damn, I forgot that it was released, but you never know, if Jack entered the scene, maybe some ghosts will too.' Lyn said, not letting go of the matter, enjoying Roselyn occasional shaking and scared puppy face.

 'I swear to god, if you say one more thing about ghosts, I am going to become a ghost and hunt you down.' Roselyn said, getting sick of Lyn talking about ghosts for the past ten minutes; the darkness was enough to scare her, she doesn't need any other factor; she can handle the darkness, heck it's her element so she have to, but to be all alone in an empty place, that is also dark, that, she can't do, without looking behind her, every two seconds.

 'Alright.' Lyn decided that, it was enough, because Roselyn started looking genuinely scared, and she doesn't want to add to it anymore, she is not that mean.

 Soon after, they were close to her room, they were nearing the rooms that had 200 in them and hers, was 209, so that's relaxing. Roselyn released a breath of relief, walking steadily to her room, with a smile.

 'Alex, there is something at the end of the hallway.' Lyn said, after noticing something move ahead of them.

 'Stop trying to scare me.' Roselyn rolled her eyes, not believing Lyn.

 'I am not, there is really something. I am serious.' Lyn said, in a very serious tone, looking straight into Roselyn's eyes, and the latter had no choice but to believe it, even though she wanted to pass it as a joke.

 'Shit. Why did they send me alone for goodness sake, do they think a lamp will help me when someone comes out to murder me?' Roselyn thought, her hands shaking, breath and heart speeding up, not knowing what to do, but to hold on to the hope, that it's nothing serious or scary.

 'It's coming.' Lyn informed Roselyn, seeing the thing move towards them.

 'I am dead.' Roselyn said, closing her eyes tightly, ready for something or nothing to happen to her.

 "Mrs. Rose, you are finally here." Jack's voice came to her senses, because her heart almost stopped right then. Jack was always with her, whenever she goes to a dark place, so him coming is a blessing, but him coming out of nowhere, nearly scaring her to death, is a curse.

 "I never hated someone more than I hate you now." Roselyn said, clenching her heart and leaning on the wall beside her.

 "Mrs. Roselyn?" Jack asked, confused, having a hard time, understanding where that came from. He did expect a reaction from her, since she is a bit scared of the darkness, but not this kind of reaction.

 "Why the heck were you waiting there? At the end of a black hallway? Trying to cause someone a damn heart attack?" Roselyn said, still not sure if she should be thankful, he showed up, or be angry he is here. Like who is in their right mind will wait in complete darkness and emptiness, then show up like boom? Ghosts, that's the right answer.

While hearing her, Lyn had déjà-vu, remembering the first time she introduced herself to Alex and how scared she got; luckily, she didn't choose Alex because of her massive bravery, that would have a catastrophe. 

 "I was waiting for you to come." Jack responded, with his usual monotone voice.

 "Why?" Roselyn asked, as she got informed by Lyn, that he has been waiting for her, for about two hours, on top of a tree, near the window that's in the hallway.

 "I wanted to welcome you, I felt bad for leaving you, just like that." Jack was no sincere with his words and Roselyn wasn't a fool, to fall for it.

 "When you say it like that, I feel like you are mocking me. Did Lola tell you to do this?" Roselyn said, because most of the thing Jack does, are related to Lola in a way or another, especially when it comes to emotions or actions related to the topic.

 "Yes, she didn't like that I left you with no security." Jack responded immediately, since his lie didn't work like Lola said, Roselyn knew him too well, so he went with being honest.

 "You are such a brocon." Roselyn sighed, shaking her head.

 "What's that?" Jack didn't understand what the word meant, he never heard it before.

 "A word to describe people like you, who are too obsessed with their sibling." Roselyn responded, seeing her fair share of brocons in a lot of books/manga she read, and even in real life, those type of people are a bit weird but mostly harmless, in Jack's case, his complex might a bit deeper than it should be, it might just her thinking that way though.

 "I am not obsessed." Jack said, feeling offended by Roselyn's words, because he is obviously not brocon, or whatever she said.

 "And I am not a fujoshi. We all can lie to others, but not to ourselves." Roselyn said, continuing to walk to her room, as Jack followed her, not taking Roselyn seriously, because he knows he is not, he just treats Lola the same as any other brother, they are not real siblings, but he had a sister before, a sister who is almost an identical twin to Lola, personality wise, and he won't let the same thing that happened to her, happen to Lola; he won't commit the same mistakes again, even if it means dying or killing others, he only needs to be stronger, to beat everyone, who dares to harm them, or destroy the harmony they have.

 The next morning, Roselyn woke up to find Bella and Lola staring at her, with an anticipation look on their faces, who were too close to her own face.

 "What are you two doing?" Roselyn asked, shrinking in her bed and closing her eyes again.

 "We were waiting for you to wake up so we can go have breakfast, come on." Bella said, taking the covers off of Roselyn, who still wasn't ready to get up from the bed, wanting to sleep more.

 "What is brother doing here?" Lola asked, pointing at her brother, who's sleeping in a chair, while his head was on the desk.

 "He couldn't leave, because he forgot his room's keys, so he had to sleep there." Roselyn answered, yawning and lazily getting up.

 "A married woman and an unmarried man sleeping in the same room. That's not going to be good for your reputation, mother." Bella said, but didn't care that much, Jack is all over his sister, so she doesn't have to worry about him that much, he won't steal her mother away, and even if he did, she has his weak point, Lola.

 "Don't forget that it's Rose here, and I don't care about reputation, you two, three know me and I don't need another people." That was Roselyn way of seeing, she isn't even going to try making friends, that's too stressful for her.



 Bella and Lola engulfed Roselyn in a tight hug, teary eyed and moved by her words.

 "It's Rose." Roselyn said, chuckling and lightly hitting their heads.

 Soon after, Jack woke up, seeing his sister smiling and talking to Bella and Roselyn, it made him feel a bit jealous, but mostly warm inside, because if his sister is having fun and happy, he is too.

 Coming to this world, he thought he will live the same dull life, but he got a sister this time, and a friend; these two are his world, quite literally, it's....

 "Brother! Are you listening to me?" Lola waved her hands, in front of Jack, trying to get his attention.

 "I am, yes. What is it?" Jack said, pretending that he was really listening, and not staring into space.

 "You weren't." Lola said, pouting and angrily looking at her brother.

 "I am sorry, I was thinking about something." Jack said with an apologetic tone and a sweet voice.

 "Hmm, okay. I was saying that brother should go to his room and get ready, so we can meet to eat breakfast, all of us. What does brother think?" 

 "I think it's a great idea, do you want to stay here or go with me?"

 "I want to stay with ma…...Rose and Bella."

 "As you wish." Jack said, patting his sister's head and leaving the room. 

 Roselyn dressed up, in the uniform, she had in the closet, and when she was about to start brushing her hair, Lola asked her to let her do it instead, Roselyn didn't agree, but after Lola fluttered her sparkly eyes, she handed her the brush. "What did you and brother do last night?" Lola asked, brushing Roselyn hair, peaking Bella's interest, who was sitting beside them.

 "We...talked...…about things." Roselyn said, raising both of the girls' suspicion.

 "What things?" Bella asked, putting down the book she was reading, even more intrigued.

 "I don't really remember; I was half asleep. We should get going, Jack must be waiting for us." Roselyn got up, put on her headband and went to the door, leaving no choice to Bella and Lola, but to follow her.

 "Do you think they talked about adult things?" Lola whispered to Bella, while Roselyn was busy, observing the, now bright academy. 

 "I don't know." Bella answered.