Liza: Mystery Solved

Liza: 16 years

Location: London

I feel something cold hit my skin. I open my eyes. The clouds have turned grey and water drops begins to fall from those cotton balls.


I shiver as the cold droplets pour down my skin but somehow the pitter patter of the rain seems to calm me down.


I close my eyes and loose myself to nature's melody.

Sometime later, I felt something warm touch my skin. I open my eyes. It was her, the mystery girl from the party.

"What are you doing here? Did you follow me?" I shout at her my voice filled with rage.

"Get up. It's raining. You will get sick" she says pulling me by my hand.

"No!!! I'm not going anywhere, leave me." I yell, hitting her hand.

"Don't be so childish Liza. Get up!! You're already soaked."

She lets out a sigh and stares at one for sometime and then out of nowhere she jumps on top of me, wrapping her long legs around my waist, leaning in closer and closer.

"Let go"

I push her away and run for shelter while she ran after me.

"Hey stop !!! Just listen to me" she says grabbing my arms forcefully.

"Let go of me. I want nothing to do with you." I say knocking off her hands.

The class had already begun and hence the staircase in which we were standing on was empty.


"Stay where you are. Don't come any closer." I yell, as I see her walk towards me.

She grab hold of my hands, and pushed me against the frozen wall. I struggle to move. She held my hands tightly locked around her fingers and began to leer at me like a hungry dog that was denied food for several days. She clearly dominated me but I didn't want to give in.

"Now listen to me, you little cute stuff. Stop shouting. It's hurting my brain." She says bringing her face close to mine. I could almost feel her warm breath hit my frigid cheeks.

"How do you know about Joan?" I ask her confused and scared.

"You told me."

"What else did I tell you?" I ask her anxiously.

"You told me many things but more than that you did many things to me. Funny, usually I'm the one who does it but you were so determined and dominant." the girl smirks.

I blush and shiver at the same time." I can't remember anything. I'm sorry, if I hurt you."

"Oh !!! you're a baby Liza. Was that your first time? " She says placing a kiss on my cheeks.

"Please don't do that"

"Why? don't you like it? " She says, this time kissing my colar bones.

"I like it. That's why I'm requesting you to stop."

I couldn't control my emotions. My eyes tear up and I began to weep. The girl looks at me in shock, paralysed by my sudden change of expression. She then lets go of my hand and proceeds to leave.

"Oh God. Please don't cry. Okay. I'll leave."

"No ...please don't. Please tell me what happened that day." I tell her wiping away the tears.

She sighs and lock eyes with mine. She seemed to hesitate a moment as though contemplating whether to give in to my request. She then takes out a pack of bubble gum from her pockets, unwrap it and began to chew on them.

"Okay. First of all, let me introduce myself. I'm Olivia and we met at the birthday party. In fact I saved you from some creepy guys who were trying to hit on you. You were searching for your keys or purse or something and that's when I ran into you. "

I stare at her astonished. Thats when it hit me. I must have lost my keys to the house at the party and might have went back searching for them. Besides that, Olivia resembled Joan in appearance and voice, so my drunken brain must have mistook her for Joan.

"Anyway, you started addressing me as Joan and tried to kiss me. I tried to push you away but you were pretty insistent on kissing me. Well then one thing led to another and uhh you did some things and I did some things and that's how you ended up in my bed. " Olivia says blowing her bubble gum.

I just stare at her wide eyed unable to utter a single word.

" Oh and about Joan. You kept calling me Joan while you were know ... the things.  It was kinda annoying. But anyway, I really enjoyed my night with you. So that's it"

" Thank you for saving me and I'm really sorry I came onto you like that. I was drunk and I.. I.... I.. didn't know what I was doing. " I tell her, almost tearing up.

"Don't worry baby. It's okay." Olivia says leaning in closer, cupping my face with her freezing palms.

"Get your filthy hands off her" shouts Jessica who came searching for me.

"Are you okay Liza? God you're freezing? What happened?" Jessica says pulling me into her embrace, wrapping her sweater around me.

"I'm fine, Jess"

"What did you do to her bitch?" Jessica shouts at Olivia.

"What did you just call me? " Olivia says tilting her head in anger.

"I know you. You are the Slut Goddess, Olivia."

Olivia doesn't reply, instead she walks angrily.

"Hey, she didn't do anything Jess. We were just talking. Why did you use such a belittling term to adress her?"

"That's because she is the Slut Goddess. Next time she comes over to talk, you must run in the other direction okay. You are a pure soul... Liza. I don't want you to associate with people like her." Jessica says in a serious tone.


That night I couldn't get one drop of sleep. Thoughts of Olivia filled my brain. I wanted to know more about her. I don't know why but something in my heart kept whispering that she needed a friend, and that she craved love.