"Seriously? Right now?" Ronnie asked to confirm. Though his voice was anything but inclined.

With a lazy groan, he slid off of Jet's back, giving the younger man two pats on the shoulder as thanks. Jet grumbled in response as he carefully rotated his arms to try and bring back feelings into them. It felt like a stick and needles with Ronnie's weight.

Alice also jumped down from Alec's back as the three men with her turned to face her. She blinked twice as she was unsure why they were looking at her. Jet rolled his eyes at her but it was Alec who vocalized what they were all thinking.

"At what time will it appear?" He asked, looking around the busy bazaar.

Alice turned towards the left, staring at one of the busiest booths in the plaza. With a glance to the men, Ao opened up her wings and flew away with s loud caw.

-"In a few minutes," Alice answered.