Ch. 20 Royal Visit

In a beautiful and lavish wheel-house, protected by hundreds of soldiers, Cersei Lannister, Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, leisurely laid across a bed of silk pillows. She sipped on a glass of wine as she absentmindedly ran her fingers through the golden colored hair of her eldest son, eight name-days old, Prince Joffrey Baratheon.

Prince Joffrey's eyes were half-closed as he enjoyed his mother's fingers gently moving through his hair. The prince was a beautiful boy, having many of the queen's own features. He would undoubtedly be handsome.

The sudden jerking of the wheel-house as it hit a rut in the road brought the queen's attention back to the present. The unexpected jarring of the wheel-house woke Queen Cersei's youngest child, Prince Tommen, who was previously sleeping in the arms of his wet-nurse.

The wet-nurse began to hum and gently rock the young prince, attempting to get the one name day old to fall back to sleep. Even under the scrutinizing eyes of the queen, the wet-nurse couldn't help but smile at Prince Tommen's excessively chubby cheeks. It wasn't long before the youngest prince was soundlessly sleeping in the arms of his wet-nurse again.

After the queen was reassured Prince Tommen was sleeping again, she turned her attention to her second child, Princess Myrcella. The queen gave a slight smile as she observed her five-name-days old princess, diligently listening to the queen's handmaiden, Bernadette, reading her a story. Princess Myrcella looked exactly like Queen Cersei when the queen was her age. The princess would be extraordinarily beautiful, like her mother.

Despite the queen's bored appearance, she was excited to be returning to Casterly Rock, even if only for a few weeks. The Red Keep lacked the splendor and beauty the queen remembered from her childhood home. Queen Cersei made several previous attempts for the Royal Family to visit Casterly Rock but, her worthless husband and king would never agree.

Of course, with Queen Cersei's Uncle Gerion returning from a journey to Valyria, with two Valyrian steel swords and other priceless treasures, Robert didn't have much of a choice in attending her father's tourney. This was a historical achievement, and the queen's father, Lord Tywin Lannister, would not miss an opportunity to flaunt House Lannister's superiority to the realm. It is even expected of House Lannister to host a grand celebration for this achievement.

Despite the monumental occasion, the queen was not pleased with her uncle. Her uncle not only returned from a perilous journey with the Lannister heirloom, the Valyrian steel sword, Brightroar, but the man returned with a second priceless sword. No other house could boast of currently owning two Valyrian steel swords.

Once Gerion presented Brightroar to her lord father, her unruly uncle gave the second sword to a young cousin of the Queens, instead of giving the sword to her twin brother, Jaime, the greatest swordsman in all of Westeros. The queen firmly believed Jaime to be far more deserving of a Valyrian steel sword than a child.

"We've arrived, your grace," One of the drivers called into the wheel-house.

As the wheel-house entered into Lion's Mouth of Casterly Rock, the royal family began to prepare themselves to be received. Queen Cersei softly spoke into the ear of Prince Joffrey, giving him instructions on how to conduct himself in front of his grandfather, Lord Tywin. The handmaidens busied themselves smoothing out the wrinkles of the royal children's clothing.

Once the wheel-house door opened, Queen Cersei gracefully descended the stairs. By the time she reached the stone floor of the Lion's Mouth, a rhythmic beating drew her attention towards the receiving Lannisters. From behind the line of nobles, two columns of soldiers in gleaming armor marched out to form an aisle for the royal family to walk down. The soldiers' movements were synced as if they all shared one mind.

The queen watched King Robert, a large and overweight man, take on a weary look as the Lannister soldiers pivoted towards the aisle they just created and raised their swords in salute. Queen Cersei immediately recognized this to be her father's ploy to both honor and intimidate the king.

The queen couldn't help but smirk at the message this welcome sent. It was clear these soldiers were far more disciplined than any of the men in their own entourage. Queen Cersei decided she would have to replace her current guards with some of the elites of Casterly Rock. They will make it much easier to cow the upstarts back in King's Landing.

Cersei's thoughts of political maneuvering were interrupted by the King's boisterous voice talking with Lord Tywin. As Cersei began to regally walk through the honor guard, her husband and father turned and walked away together. A sneer flashed over the queen's face before she was able to resume a look of poise and grace.

As Cersei neared the end of the honor guard, her Uncle Kevan stepped forward and bowed. "Welcome back, your grace," Kevan respectfully said after raising from his bow. "And forgive you, father, the king wished to speak with Lord Tywin privately."

"Of course, uncle," Cersei said with a slight smile. "I am aware of the king's prerogative." Looking to the young man standing beside Kevan, the queen asked, "And who might you be?"

The young man respectfully bowed before speaking. "I am Lancel, your grace," the young man said confidently.

The queen blinked and looked rather surprised for a moment. "You are not what I pictured, cousin," Cersei said as she looked over Lancel. While the rumors of his looks proved true, Cersei did not expect a child of only one-and-ten to be as tall as her and showing signs of muscle under his leather doublet.

"We have heard many rumors about you in King's Landing, Lancel," Cersei said as she curiously looked over her cousin.

"Exaggerations, I'm sure, your grace," Lancel replied.

"Perhaps," Cersei said in an odd tone, before turning away.


Sitting at the High Table for the feast to welcome the Royal Family is not the most exciting place to sit. While I had a great view of the entertainment, the company I shared at the table was less than desirable.

The royal children were pleasant enough, even Joffrey. I guess he's not turned into a full-fledged cunt, yet. Tyrion was only present for the formalities, but after a hushed conversation with Cersei, Tyrion grabbed a bottle of wine and found another seat at a table on the other end of the Great Hall. The last glimpse I saw of Tyrion, he was thoroughly drunk and working to increase that level.

Uncle Gerion was doing an amazing job keeping Robert distracted, with his tale of visiting Valyria. Luckily Robert looked entertained. I wasn't worried about the death sentence for visiting Valyria, I was a bit concerned about how the king would react when he realized there were no serving maids in the Great Hall.

Knowing Robert's reputation for being a lecher, I took measures to prevent the fat-fuck from dishonoring House Lannister by sleeping with another woman under our roof. I discreetly passed an order to the staff that no woman was to approach the king or allow herself to be fondled by him. The cleaning staff was reorganized, and additional men and boys were hired to see to the cleaning in the areas the king will frequent.

Cersei may be a psycho bitch, but it's still a stain on House Lannister's honor if the king freely fucks the serving girls under our roof. And to be honest, after being in Robert's presence for most the night, I will not be 'inventing' the Heimlich maneuver if he suddenly starts to choke. By the Seven, is that fat-ass annoying.

As much as the king is getting on my nerves, the queen is making the hairs on the back of my neck raise. Cersei is, without a doubt, absolutely gorgeous. She does resemble the actress that played her on the show, but the real Cersei appears much younger, and her features are much more delicate. But the occasion looks she sends my way do not make me think of lust. She's plotting something for me, and I strongly doubt I will like what she has planned.

Robert hammers a meaty fist onto the table as he stands up with a bit of drunken sway. "Silence!" He roars over the hall.

"Gerion Lannister has done what no man has been able to accomplish in nearly four-hundred years. He's shown those pompous shites, across the Narrow Sea, that it takes a real man to accomplish what they can't!" Robert bellowed with a bit of slur in his words. "So, as a reward from your King, I, Robert Baratheon, King of the Seven Kingdoms and all my other fancy titles... To legitimize your bastard, and name her Joy Lannister!"

A great commotion erupted across the Great Hall. Many of those present stood from their seats to applaud and shout out in celebration. I was no exception. As I stood and calmly clapped for Uncle Gerion's reward, I caught the sight of Tyrion walking out of the main doors of the Great Hall.

I'm not sure what Cersei said to him, but I don't think Tyrion will be putting up much competition to be named Heir of Casterly Rock.