Ch. 21 The Game

Twenty-Eighth Day of the Eighth Moon, of the year 293 A.C

In the week after the Royal Family arrived at Casterly Rock, things began to rapidly happen. The Rock had nearly reached max guest capacity with all the visiting high lords, vassals, and dignitaries from the Free Cities. Two of the more prominent guests included the Tyrells and an Iron Bank Representative.

Fortunately, I was spared from having to escort Margaery and Loras Tyrell around. They were well behaved, but there was no mistaking them as anything but children. Mace Tyrell also proved the rumors of his intelligence to be correct. That man really is an oaf.

Oddly enough, Mace and Robert seemed to get along quite well. Mace may not be the drunk that Robert was, but he definitely enjoyed drinking and merriment. The oaf would even sing along with the bards when he had enough wine.

When I was growing tired of our guests, I would venture out and visit the small tent-city that was set up outside the walls of Casterly Rock. The hundreds of colorful tents were set up to handle all the personal guards, hopeful knights, and eager smallfolk. Within a few days, nearly ten-thousand people had arrived at Casterly Rock to either witness or to participate in the Grand Tourney. And it would be grand, with dozens of competitions and entertainers.

One-thousand Lannister soldiers were tasked with policing the bustling tent city day and night. Even still, there was no shortage of petty crimes and brawls. Luckily, no murders were committed, at least no bodies were reported.

Despite being given accommodations inside the Rock, many of the Westeros lords and Essos representatives would walk through the gathered tents to enjoy the shows being put on. There was good money to be made at such a gathering, and several of the shows were well worth the few coppers being asked for before the performance.

With so many guests inside Casterly Rock, I begin to have my martial training in the private areas reserved for family use. This allowed me to get my practice in without putting on a show for strangers. It also gave me a much-needed hiding spot from Queen Cersei.

It didn't take Cersei long to enact her plot for me, and it couldn't have been more apparent if she just came out and said it. She would 'randomly' run into me around the castle, and then ask for me to accompany her for a time. Her non-subtle flattery, encouragements, and unsolicited advice was a dead giveaway to her game.

Of course, I would play along. I listened with 'rapt' attention to everything Cersei said. I even made sure I looked slightly eager and appreciative of receiving as much wisdom as she wished to impart to me. I figured it would be easier to allow her to think she was wrapping me around her little finger, versus her coming at me with a more aggressive scheme. Judging by her satisfied looks when we depart, she probably believes her plan is working.

Sitting in the Lord's Solar, reading over the reports Tywin was finished with, my mind started to wonder about the start of the tourney in the morning. I still wasn't sure what, or even if, I was going to compete in. Surprisingly, Tywin never mentioned my involvement in the tourney.

"I hear the Queen has taken an interest in you," Tywin said as he looked over another report.

Setting my own report down, I looked at my least favorite uncle. "Yes, she has expressed her interest in supporting me to succeed you. When she is not flattering me, she has been giving me 'lessons' on court and ruling." I said. I continue after a slight pause, "She either wishes to make me an easily manipulated puppet, or she is not as smart as she thinks she is."

Tywin laid the report down to look at me. "Do not underestimate her. My daughter is far more experienced in this type of game than you." Tywin warned.

"Of course, uncle. That is why I personally hand-selected every servant, maid, and guard that could possibly have any contact with the Royal Family. I left your spies in place, uncle." I respectfully reply. I saw no point in hiding what I did. Tywin most likely knew what I did within the hour of me doing it.

Ceasing the momentum of the conversation, I ask a question of my own. "Are we going to make a second trip to Valyria before selling bits of the information to the highest bidder?"

"Ser Stafford and his son are due to return any day now," Tywin confessed after a short moment.

I'm rendered speechless at what Tywin just revealed. Once I had time to process this fact, I quickly tried to sort everything out. No matter how I look at it, it doesn't make any sense. Uncle Gerion has been back for two months. Even if Stafford set sail the day after Gerion arrived, the time frame is extremely ambitious. Unless...

"Uncle Gerion didn't bring back everything he found," I mumble aloud.

"My brother may have a penchant for ill-humored jokes, but he is a true Lannister. Gerion understood the effects his success would have on the world and planned accordingly." Tywin explained. "His year-long absence wasn't just to heal. He made half a dozen trips to Novos and combed through the entire city for anything of value. Not only that, but he mapped out several miles within the Smoking Sea. Gerion is now the key to exploring the Valyrian Peninsula."

"The men that returned with Uncle Gerion?" I regretfully ask.

"Have been dealt with," Tywin confirms.

I would be lying if I said I'm surprised. It was a ruthless scheme, but it's incredibly logical to eliminate any possible leaks on securing a monopoly on such a valuable resource. If worked properly, this could generate even more gold and prestige for House Lannister.

"A second successful voyage during the tourney will allow you to dictate the terms for any and all negations. That's why you extended invitations to the Free Cities. Having them present will weaken their already unstable positions for reaching a deal with us. That is simply brilliant, uncle," I admit aloud.

"And selling information, that will lead any upstarts to certain death, will only further validate and strengthen our position." Tywin said as he watched my reaction to what could be achieved by manipulating our information. Something did occur to me about launching a mass expedition to Valyria.

"Regardless, this will create a frenzy of cutthroat explorers with ideals of finding wealth beyond their wildest dreams," I caution Tywin.

"Contingencies are already being put in place for just such an event," Tywin said as he leaned back in his chair. "You are not quite ready for the Game, nephew."