She’s Hangry

Isobel landed in the same hallway she was in a couple of days before. Blue lines running over the black and white checked floor. White walls She stalked her way through the hallways stomping all the way.

Jayden landed in the same place as well. He saw Isobel a few paces before him, stomping as if the floor had personally done something to offend her. She was walking with the intent to kill someone.

He knew what it was. He had seen the same thing with his younger sister. He quickly ran towards her. She was hangry.

Rule #15 of dealing with hangry people.

Do not initiate physical contact if you don't want to land on your ass. Call their name but don't touch them, that includes tapping on the shoulder, grabbing their hand etc.

These are the rules one learns in their life themselves.

"Izzy!" Jayden called once he was just a few steps behind her.

Isobel turned around, glaring holes through Jayden's skull. If looks could kill he would have been six feet under and his soul would have died too. No afterlife, no anything.

"What?" she spat with so much malice in her voice that Jayden was tempted to run away, but he stood his ground.

Jayden quickly brought what was in his hand towards her face. Isobel's eyes widened and she quickly grabbed it.

Rule #3 of dealing with hangry people.

If the food is present with you, quickly hand it over to them. Your chances of dying of starvation are negligible against your chances of surviving a hangry person.

It was his good luck that when he was summoned here he was having lunch and reading a text from his mother. He had just started with his sandwich. The moment he tasted blood in his mouth he quickly ran from his table towards the nearest room that was a storage closet. In the rush, he forgot to put down his sandwich. That lack of action has seemed to work out for him.

Isobel was silently munching on the sandwich. Damn, she would have been really hungry judging by her speed and need to consume the food.

"Any better?" Jayden asked tentatively once she was done.

"Loads," she answered and smiled at him. Well, at least she wasn't going to kill anyone.


"I'm still going to kill Alasdair though," she added.

'Well, that hope fucking lasted long.' He thought to himself.

They quietly made their way towards the end of the hallway. Jayden wanted to tell Isobel about his mother's text but he decided right now wasn't the time.

Isobel pressed her hand on the glass and the door slid open. A couple of minutes afterwards they were standing in front of the tube room. And in front of Alasdair.

Isobel was glaring daggers at the man and he was looking nervous. If he was on the receiving end of that he would have run away. Jayden was proud of the man's courage. It was just that, it was a foolish time to show it.

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorn'd.

This may not fit right now but the anger of a woman is a scary thing. If you show them that their anger is not affecting you as much as it should you're just adding fuels to the flames and digging your own grave.

You do that and you make them even angrier, and scarier and violent.

With a mother and a sister, he learned it the hard way.

Especially when Aunt Flo is visiting.

He shuddered at that thought. His sister and his mum are somehow synchronized and when those days come, it's the nine circles of hell blazing.

"Do you even check before you are bringing people here?!" Isobel snapped.

"What happened?" Alasdair asked, taking a step back.

"What happened? I'll tell you what happened. Ansel Nguyen was talking to me! We were planning on going to his house when I had to run from there like a bunny whose tail is on fire." Isobel stepped forward making Alasdair back up a little.

Jayden winced. He had heard about Nguyen from Isobel. Alasdair had fucked up, and badly this time.

'Say sorry Isobel. No last name.' Jayden mouthed towards Alasdair.

"I'm really sorry Isobel. I had no idea and I had no means to check. If I could, I promise I wouldn't call you like that but if you didn't leave in a few minutes a world would end." Alasdair said in the sincerest voice possible. Jayden nodded at him for his good work.

Isobel also seemed to take in his words and nodded silently. Alasdair was right, it was billions of people's life against her stupid plans with her crush. It held no weight. She felt guilty for snapping at Alasdair; she was probably just hungry.

"I'm sorry Mr Marquez, please lead the way," she said.

"Okay. so this is the tube room. It can be only accessed when there is a mission. No one is allowed here any other time." he said. He motioned both of them to stand in front of the gates and they did. The doors slid open.

Inside the room were two cylindrical tank-like things. The bottom of it was covered by blue and gold ley lines with a few green ones. It had a circular plate in the centre which was hovering over the floor by a couple of inches.

"Both of you stand in front of the tube. You both will shut down E-C.O.S.M.O.S 46466416 and 61466464. The door will slide open. Get inside and you'll be there. Then turn on E-C.O.S.M.O.S 46466416 and 61466464 again. You both know what to do then?" Alasdair's voice rang inside the quiet room.

Both Isobel and Jayden nodded. "Look for something that doesn't fit, feels wrong and shouldn't happen at that time."

Alasdair nodded.

Both of them did as they were told. As they stood inside the doors closed back again. Jayden and Isobel both gave each other the last nod before they both teleported to a parallel world with the same stretching and squeezing feeling.

Alasdair sighed. He just hoped the mission went well and nothing happened to both of the teenagers.