Maia and Meketaten

Isobel, who had just heard about it and had little idea paled at the flashback of the mentioning. She gripped Toutankhaton tighter and hugged the boy fiercely.

Jayden had paled. He rushed to the hallway to the way their room was, Isobel running after him. He barely made it in when he collapsed onto the floor and started dry heaving. Isobel carefully sat down next to him and Toutankhaton crawled out of her arms. He hugged Jayden tightly as she rubbed his back, calming him down. When Jayden looked up, his face was lined with tear streaks.

Seeing his dejectedly broken eyes filled with pain and revulsion, Isobel felt her heartbreaking. She winced at thinking what Jayden would have experienced. He saw himself do it, he felt himself do it even though that wasn't him. She squeezed his shoulder in silent comfort and Jayden leaned against.

Even in the body of a middle-aged man he felt as small as a toddler. Isobel hugged him tightly as Jayden put his head on her shoulder and closed his eyes. He just soaked himself in Isobel's warmth and focused on calming himself down. Isobel was the strongest between the two of them, and it was always Jayden who broke down. Though the things he just saw, he knew even Isobel wouldn't have been able to bear it.

Isobel saw Toutankhaton standing there fidgeting. She opened one of her hands from the embrace and called him silently to join them. Tut gave them a small smile and shuffled towards them limping. She noticed his leg and saw he had a club foot. She smiled sadly at him. There was a cure for it in their time but right now there was none. Toutankhaton will have to live with that for the rest of his life, which Isobel was painfully aware wasn't long.

Maybe Isobel should stop reading. Knowing death in such scenarios wasn't helpful. It was a bit depressing if she was honest. She didn't like it one bit.

"I need to tell you something," Jayden said. "But I want to speak it, I don't want the pictures of it to travel to you." Isobel quickly nodded.

"Tut, go lie on the bed and take a nap. Ay, and I need to discuss something." Isobel said softly in her motherly tone. Toutankhaton smiled warmly at her and did as instructed. Jayden and Isobel moved to the farthest corner which was well away from the lazing down tut and also out of earshot so that even if he was awake, he wouldn't be able to catch up on what they were talking about.

"Okay Jay, what did you see Ay do?" Isobel said. She had carefully worded her statement. She hadn't asked what he saw his body do or what he saw himself do. He had seen Ay do something and Isobel wanted to press on the matter that they were two different things. Even though it was hard for Jayden to see it, he needed to remember it.

Jayden nodded and sighed. He gulped, but he should make Isobel aware of what happened. "Maia, eh, she was Toutankhaton's wet nurse," he whispered. "A couple of years ago, half a year ago before Akhenaten passed away. Well, he and I, no he and Ay violated Maia," he paused as his eyes filled with tears again. "A couple of days later Akhenaten did it again, Ay wasn't there. He then felt bored with her, Toutankhaton walked upon them and he decided to kill her but Tut was coming in between. He decided to make it a lesson to show Tut just what a pharaoh was and tied him up. He killed his motherly figure in front of her."

Isobel had paled a bit. She felt disgusted by Akhenaten and Ay. Ay not Jayden, she reminded herself. She held Jayden's hand to tell him that she is not blaming he needed all the support he could get. But she had a question at the moment, "Why did he have a wet nurse? Nefertiti is perfectly fine, even now." She asked.

Jayden winced, that was something he didn't want to answer. He looked away.

Isobel narrowed her eyes at him. Jayden knew and wasn't telling him. Curiosity killed the cat, but she would rather die than be left in the dark. Except if the thing was personal, she doesn't deal with those sorts. But this, this was history.

"Jayden…" Isobel said warningly and Jayden looked at her sighed. She was going to regret it and it would be all her fault.

"Toutankhaton is not a Nefertiti's child," he said. She looked at him as if he was insane, as far as she knew Akhenaten didn't have another queen. They wouldn't give the throne to someone without royal blood.

"Meketaten, she was the one who birthed him," he said. She was confused again, who was she? She had never heard of such a queen

"She was, umm, do you really need to know?" he asked, sighing. Isobel looked incredulously at him as if she was an idiot and Jayden returned her with an annoyed look. He knew she was going to regret it.

"Meketaten was the second daughter of Akhenaten and Nefertiti. She was Toutankhaton's half-sister." Isobel's eyes widened as she heard it. She sneered, she was not a fan of incest. Especially incest between two different generations.

"She died during the birth of Toutankhaton, he was born immature as well. Not surprising since she was only ten," he said.

"What?!" she hissed. She was raging, that wasn't just incest, that was rape and paedophile. "A ten-year-old cannot consent to such things!" she whisper-yelled.

Jayden sighed, "She didn't, it was going on since she was five. Meketaten was a beautiful child and her father had disgusting fantasies of her." he spat in disgust.

Isobel was going to be sick, how could a father do such a horrendous thing to his child? If Akenaten was alive, she would stab him to death.

"He started when she was just five when she was nine and a half and she got pregnant," he told her.

Oh, she was going to boke. She gulped to push it down. "We might not have much time, but we need to teach him a bit, Jay, he needs to know how to be respectable and how to treat people with respect."

Suddenly Nefertiti's hate made sense to her. The throne was being taken by not her child, but by a bastard child. Tut was the bastard child.

Both Jayden and Isobel made their way towards Toutankhaton's limp lying figure. Little did they know that Tut had an exceptional hearing and had told no one. Little did they know that Tut had heard the end part of their talk.