A Baby

 The next morning, as soon as they had finished their breakfast, they heard the sound of a horse on the gravel. Vincent frowned, wiping his mouth and standing.

 "This is more visitors in a month than we'd normally have in twice the time," he sighed. He helped Delaney from her seat before they went to see who had arrived.

 Stepping into the entryway, they saw the butler talking to a dirt-covered man who was speaking urgently to him before he left again. The butler hurried to Delaney and Vincent.

 "My Lord and Lady, the messenger has brought news that Lady Olive has had her baby yesterday. It's a boy! They've named him Benjamin."

 Delaney clapped her hands to her mouth with a little squeal of excitement.

 "Oh that's so wonderful!" she exclaimed, "A boy! They must be so happy!"

 "My Lady the messenger also said they were inviting the two of you to come today and see the baby if you would like."