
 "Alright," Vincent sighed, rubbing his hands over his scarred face and up through his hair, "Let's go see them. I'll call for the carriage."

 Delaney looked at him in surprise, "What... what do you mean?"

 "I love you and I want you to be able to see your friend and her baby. Besides you're right. Bernard is one of my best friends. When we have a baby I'm sure he'll come with his wife to see it."

 Delaney clasped her hands together in excitement, "Oh Vincent! Do you mean it?"

 He rubbed the back of his neck and nodded, "Yes. You can tell them to ready the carriage if you'd like. We can both change while they do so."

 "I will right now!" Delaney got up and moved towards the door before coming to a halt. She turned and rushed back to her husband, taking his face gently in her hands, she gave him a deep, loving kiss before hurrying on her way.