The Words of the Witch

 Cora and Miles led Delaney and Vincent into the house. Delaney saw Vincent's limp wasn't good but tried her best not to pay too much attention as he had asked.

   They went up a flight of stairs and ended up at the bedroom Delaney recognized from when she had been there after Bernard had lost his hand. There were two sobbing older women in the hall, one being Olive's mother and the other being Bernard's mother.

   Delaney and Vincent greeted them quickly, saying they were sorry to hear Olive wasn't well. When the women saw Vincent their eyes widened but they didn't reply, just nodding for them to go ahead into the room.

   Just inside the doorway, Delaney paused, not wanting to go forward and see one of her best friends so unwell. She felt Vincent's warm, strong hand take hers though and she looked up into serious green eyes.