
 Delaney sat anxiously in a light blue high-back chair in Vincent's office turning her wedding ring around and around on her finger. With the large stone, it didn't turn as easily and she found herself missing the little ring he had given her first. It was a small comfort knowing it was Cora's wedding ring though and her friend loved it.

 Vincent paced back and forth in front of her between the door and the desk, his boots thudding on the floor. His anger was palpable in the room and written all over his face. With his brows drawn together, scars deep red, and the muscles twitching in his jaw, Delaney knew he was bubbling quite close to the explosive anger she had not seen since the beginning of their marriage.

 "She came all the way here just to reprimand us," he spat as he walked, "She had to travel for at least a week, probably more, just to come here and tell us we are bringing shame on our family."