A Fight

 After dinner, no one really felt like staying up for drinks and cards like they had been doing. Delaney and Vincent retired to their bedroom and she rang for Ms. Bird. Instead of ringing for Harris, Vincent kicked off his boots and dropped down on their bed in his shirt and breeches.

 Ms. Bird came and helped Delaney from her elegant dress and into her nightgown. She removed all the diamond pins from her hair and brushed it out, leaving it for Delaney to braid and tie with a ribbon at the end.

 Once her maid was gone, she turned to look at her husband who was still lying quietly in bed, staring up at the ceiling with one arm back under his head. He had barely said a dozen words at dinner after his mother had left and he had said nothing since returning to their bedroom.

 Delaney walked across the room and slipped into bed, scooting over until she was beside him. She looked down at his scarred face, brushing black locks away from his eyes.