Cruel Truths

 Delaney gasped and flung her arms out to try to regain her balance. Her eyes were wide and her heart pounding.

 Suddenly a cold, boney, hand shot out and closed over her wrist, jerking her forward again. Delaney stumbled and nearly fell but the grip on her arm kept her upright. Once she was firmly standing away from the cliff edge she pulled her arm away and frowned at her savior.

 "Violet," he crossed her arms over her chest, "You scared me half to death. I almost fell over the edge."

 "I saved you from falling to your death," Violet Adair snapped, "Only a fool stands so close to the edge of a cliff."

 "Vincent and I come here all the time."

 "Well of course! With your husband it's different. He wouldn't let you fall."

 Delaney had to bite her lip to keep from continuing to argue with her mother-in-law.