Vincent and Violet

 Back in her bedroom with her husband, Delaney felt oddly lighter after her conversation with Violet Adair. Vincent opened a window to let the cool ocean breeze in before pulling off his clothes again and climbing in bed.

 Delaney got back in bed at last too and Vincent pulled her in against his warm chest where she belonged. She rested her head on him and he wrapped an arm around her.

 "I was worried when I woke up and you weren't here," he murmured, "I thought for a moment that you had run away again."

 "I'm sorry love," she said sincerely, "I just couldn't sleep and I didn't want to wake you. You don't have to worry about me running away ever again. I promise."

 He leaned over and kissed her head lightly. Delaney smiled and snuggled in closer against his soothingly warm body.

 "What were you and my mother talking about?" he asked quietly, rubbing her arm lightly with his thumb.