Lines in the wrist

Dazzle was happy, she brought her friendship with Liam back even if it took a kiss from her. She was also confused about these marks in her hand. They start to sting very badly if she sees her seniors who assaulted her. With a swirling mind, She was on her way back to home. On her way , she saw two boys who were harassing kids.

Dazzle felt a urge to hit them . She even went closer to them but as soon as she was close enough, all her energy and confidence drained . She looked down and walked away but she got pulled by the boys and they started to tease her.

Now she again felt a line emerging and stinging in her wrist . She started to scream because even though they just touched her hand, her wrist hurts like hell. It is clearly saying something. The boys saw something that Dazzle didn't see and ran away.

She looked around to see what ever scared them but nothing. She had a feeling they were actually running after seeing her face. She was a bit proud but she knows it was not something normal.

Two strong guys getting scared of a weak girl like her. She hates to be weak but today isn't normal at all. She went back to her apartment and took a good bath . She said Lisa about Liam and her second kiss. Lisa wasn't happy but she still managed to keep a good face .

Dazzle was staring at the road below through the window, after minutes she saw Noah walking somewhere. He kept a low profile. Dazzle didn't want to follow but she was so curious that she followed Noah. Noah was acting very suspicious. Noah went in a familiar direction.

Noah went to Liam's house. Dazzle was so confused but she didn't have good experience there in Liam's house. So She was about to leave but she stopped when the door of Liam's house opened and she saw a badly hurt and bleeding Liam coming out with Noah.

Dazzle was shocked because she didn't know they know each other. They acted like they have never seen before. Neither Noah nor Liam as ever mentioned her about each other. Noah was Dazzle's close child hood friend just like Lisa. Lisa and Noah are siblings.

She saw Liam's mother who was locking the door with a angry a face. Dazzle noticed she got a another black line now. It was the 8th line. She felt it appears whenever someone does something she hates.

It made sense . Mr. Choi and her boss are her most hated person. They are dead , then two red lines appeared. She got the other lines when her seniors appeared , then Liam's bully and now for Liam's mother. They are all still alive so the line in her wrist is black . She wasn't sure but it made total senses.

As Dazzle hid behind the nearby wall, she saw Liam and Noah walking away . She didn't hear what they said but they looked like friends. She sneaked back to her apartment. Lisa asked her where she was.

Dazzle didn't want to say anything about what she saw. She said she went out to get fresh air. Later, She saw Noah , who was invited by his sister to their apartment for dinner. He was smiling so widely and cutely. Her eyes couldn't believe it. A moment ago he had a intense and dark eye but now he looks like a puppy .

Next day , Dazzle went to school , She found another one of her 6 black lines turned red. She thought if she was right, someone should have died. She was expecting a death news but no luck. She was sulking and walking in stairs thinking her thoughts failed .

She was walking in the stairs to go to the library but when she saw the senior who tired assaulting her back in the party, she tried to run away. But she failed. He walked towards her with a smirk and said that he missed a opportunity back at the party with a wide smirk.

Dazzle quickly sensed a stinging pain in her wrist and then saw a shocked expression of her senior. He walked backwards on the stair, literally slipped on nothing and fell down. Dazzle was shocked. Dazzle was right . When the line in her wrist turns red it means one of them or the person she hate dies. Her senior was lying in the bottom stairs lifeless.

Soon after it she ran away. She didn't want to be accused for pushing him from the stairs or something. She rushed to the principal's office and said that her senior ran in the stairs and fell down.

Everyone were waiting for the result . Then it was announced that he was dead . They were warned not to run in stairs. Dazzle didn't want to say this to anyone because everyone looked shocked and scared.

Later she met up with Liam . She was expecting him to say her the truth about him and Noah but he didn't even mention anything like that. She again didn't want to ruin their friendship, so she kept it aside and talked about other things.

Things were a bit awkward between them after all what happened and what Dazzle saw between him and Noah but their silence broke when Dazzle asked "HEY , ARE YOU HURT AGAIN?".

He said " yes, as usual , that witch was drunk and she hit me , I hate you mom"

She nodded . Dazzle always liked her parents but they died in a car crash. She managed to live which is a big miracle for her . She was very little by that time. She was raised by her grandmother but a year ago she also left her and went to heaven.

Everyone said she will never have any more loss or misery but her life is always miserable. She is happy to have Lisa, Liam and Noah.

When she was thinking about her life, she got back to reality when she felt the stinging pain again . A new line in black emerged . Another person whom she hates as been discovered but she had no idea. No one was hurting her right now . Liam is also fine .

She returned home totally ignoring the pain. But was concerned when she saw Lisa with puffy eyes. She asked "Lisa , are you alright?". Because Dazzle felt like Lisa cried for a long time. Lisa nodded a yes and went away . Dazzle said to herself "she is definitely not fine, maybe I should give her some space."

Dazzle cooked dinner for Lisa and herself. Lisa came out of her room a bit better. She was happy to see the dinner. She ate it like a baby and smiled . Dazzle wanted to ask her about whatever is worrying her but she didn't want to ruin her happiness and make her sad again.

Dazzle thought about watching a scary movie together to hype up the mood. Lisa was happy and got diverted from her worries. They watched a scary movies hugging each other in fright and thrill.

Later, before going to bed , Lisa got a call and Dazzle found she was a bit tensed and afraid. At the same time Dazzle's wrist started to hurt very badly . Dazzle know that whatever troubling Lisa is the cause of the new line in her wrist.