Memory loss

Lisa moved out of the apartment for a few days. The fact really saddened Dazzle. Lisa said Dazzle that her mother isn't feeling well , so she has to take care of her. But Dazzle was confused because Lisa hated her mother because her mother never cares about Lisa and not only that her mother is rich and gets best medical treatment.

Even Noah who isn't in touch with his mother was confused because he didn't get any information about his mother's illness. Dazzle was a bit lonely in her apartment but she enjoyed the loneliness by cooking, writing stories.

Dazzle heard her apartment's calling bell ring. So she went out to check who was ringing it but no one was there. She thought it was the kids in the apartment again pranking her. She sighed irritated. She came back in and felt her wrist hurting.

She held it and looked around to understand what was happening. While looking around, she saw the window and was shocked. She saw a person holding a red umbrella wearing a scary mask peaking in at her apartment. She stood there not knowing what to do.

Once that person saw her looking at them, he or she slowly walked away. Dazzle was so scared . She knows something is wrong because her wrist hurts. She closed the curtain of her apartment. She immediately wanted to call someone over. Liam came to her mind .

She called him and said about what happened. Liam was able to come in few minutes because he isn't living with his mother anymore. Liam asked her "are you fine? What's wrong?" Dazzle stammered and told " a watching from ...the wind..window...Liam"

She said him about that weird and creepy person. Liam went out and checked, no one was there but he trusted his friend. That night, Liam slept in the couch while Dazzle was in her room.

She noticed that there wasn't any new line in her wrist. She was again confused. Only the line that was already in her wrist hurt. That is when it hit her. She thought maybe it was a person who was already noted in her wrist . She slept with wandering mind and thoughts .

She woke up next morning. She found that,Liam was not there. She shook her head and smiled. She changed her clothes and got ready for school . She was on her way to school. She went to school and was again welcomed by a surprise.

Those senior girls who tried to ruin her life back at the party were kidnapped at a club yesterday. She immediately looked at her wrist. The lines were still black. So no one died yet . Everyone in the school were questioned.

The cops asked Dazzle about the seniors too . She said the cops that "they used to trick people and try to ruin their reputations ....I was one of their victims too sir." . The cops nodded and moved on to the next person.

Dazzle felt like someone is doing these for her. Maybe a magic or a person or a spirit but they can be only imagined, Dazzle thought shaking her heads.

Whenever she thinks about someone helping her , she can only remember LM . She wanted to meet him but she knows she can't meet him unless he wants to meet her. Dazzle made her mind to go to the alley. She walked near to the alley but she couldn't get the confidence to continue after her tragic event there.

Dazzle was about to walk back to her house but she saw someone leaning in the wall. It was like they were waiting for her. She ignored them and started walking way. But the person said "I thought you wanted to meet me".

Dazzle was shocked. It was LM but how did he know she wanted to meet him. Dazzle thought to herself in disbelieve "Is he reading my mind?". She was in her own thoughts when LM asked "what's wrong?".

Dazzle realised he was close to her now. She moved back a bit and said "I...I ...I feel like I am related to the recent ....deaths" . He smirked with a scoff and said "yes, you are" . She looked at him with a shocked expression and said "please reveal yourself and explain me what is going on" .

He said "impossible, wait till you get it, if you need me, come here." With that he left her dumbfounded. She didn't know whether it is good or bad. Everyone who bothers her and made her life miserable are getting bothered. But killing them is a bit too much .

She tried to call or reach Liam but no use. She was still worried about Liam because he didn't respond to her calls. Later, Noah came to her apartment all sweaty and concerned.

He said in a urgent voice "Lisa is in our city hospital, room number 123, please rush" Dazzle was so shocked to ask anything back to Noah.

Dazzle went to the hospital without any second thought or questions. Her brain and soul was frozen. She saw Lisa in a hospital room. Lisa was so pale and looked scared.

Dazzle rushed to the doctor nearby and asked him about Lisa's condition. He looked down worried and said " She was badly hurt and raped, she lost her memories temporary". Dazzle couldn't process anything.

Lisa's parents didn't even show up but paid the hospital bill. Dazzle remembered the day when Lisa was crying and was scared but refused to tell her anything. She felt so bad for not asking about it to her that day, right now. Dazzle also felt bad for not understanding that she wasn't with her mother.

Later, Dazzle went to look after Lisa in her hospital room. Dazzle rubbed her hands on Lisa's hand. Noah came later, he looked so mad. He also mentioned that Liam is not anywhere to be found. They all thought that Liam had gone out somewhere and will come back.

Lisa woke up. She couldn't remember anyone or anything that happened to her but she remembered Noah and Dazzle. It seems she lost her recent traumatic memories alone. That was quite puzzling how she only lost the bad memories.

Dazzle was happy that Lisa couldn't remember any of her bad memory but that didn't help them in investigating and finding about the kidnapper . Dazzle felt her wrist hurting . She knew why it hurts too. Her new enemy appeared.

Lisa is a bit detached from Dazzle because she didn't remembered their recent close moments.

Dazzle was crying alone in the hospital bathroom to see her best friend who saved her from bullies and always was there for her, lying emotionless in a hospital bed. Lisa lost all her cheerful smiles. She looked so blank, her emotions are all drained out completely.

Dazzle felt a big fury growing inside her. She is waiting for it to burst. Noah used all his influence to find the kidnappers but no improvement in it. Noah's parents were not even interested to visit their daughter. They were busy in their business trip.

Noah lost himself in this case. He was filled with bad mood and anger. Dazzle spent time with Lisa giving her all the emotions back slowly. Dazzle said Lisa all the crazy and funny stuffs they did together when they were little until now. Lisa was smiling and laughing thinking about it .

Dazzle felt good that she made her friend happy . Noah visits them often while Dazzle is staying there with Lisa along with Jenny. Liam is still not there. Whenever Dazzle thinks about Liam her wrist hurts but strangely her heart and head to hurts badly too.

She know it is something different this time. Dazzle tried to take Liam of her brain and tried to concentrate on Lisa and her health. Lisa was showing lot of progress and emotions now.