
Dazzle was inside a quiet room with Lisa, Noah and a therapists. Past days, Lisa started to get scared every nights after getting back to the apartment. The day after Lisa got discharged from the hospital, She was given a separate room to rest.

Dazzle who was in the nearby room heard screams from Lisa's room the very night. She hurried and checked if anyone was there but no one was there but Lisa was just staring at nothing and pointing at it. Lisa kept on mumbling "let me go, please, no". But once Lisa was fully awake, she couldn't remember anything.

It happened for many days continuously, so Noah took her to a famous therapist. Lisa was lying In a comfortable chair and was hypnotised for the session. The therapist first asked her basic questions just to check if she can recall her recent memories.

Surprisingly she remembered those memories. The therapist started asking her, "Who are you ? My dear".Lisa calmly answered "Lisa ". The therapy asked Dazzle few question to ask to Lisa relating to her recent memories. Dazzle remembered that night they watched a scary movie together. Dazzle said about it to the therapist. The therapist then asked Lisa "How did you feel when you watched a scary movie with Dazzle?"

Lisa smiled to herself and said "I was so happy that she was ready to watch something scary with me to make me happy. I felt so good". Dazzle had happy tears when she recalled that day.

Then the therapist asked "why were you sad and crying that night?".

Lisa stopped for few minutes and said " I was scared of all the messages and pictures he sent me". The therapist slowly asked "who sent you?".

Lisa said with a shivering voice " I don't know, she had a mask on. He also had a red umbrella" . Dazzle remembered that person. He or she was one who was behind the window of their apartment that night when Dazzle was alone .

Lisa continued "first, she asked me for money, but then she said me to not be friend with Dazzle and then she forced me to move out. Once I found about her, she tried to kill me "

Dazzle was shocked. Lisa first mentioned this person has a male but now she is mentioning them with "she". Before the therapy would continue, Noah lost his control and literally screamed at Lisa asking her who it was. That scared Lisa and instead woke her up from the sedated mode.

Lisa looked confused and asked Noah "who...who should I say to you brother?". The therapist said Noah to calm down while Dazzle held his hand.mThe therapy for the day ended there. Later, Dazzle tried calling Liam but he didn't attend her call.

Dazzle didn't see Liam for weeks. Everyone in school were saying her left this city. She felt bad that he didn't even care to say to her about his whereabouts. Later the day, the therapist called Noah and Dazzle to talk about certain things regarding Lisa .

Once Noah ans Dazzle met the therapist, The therapist said " Lisa can remember all her past memories when she is sedated. This means she can regain her memories any time. But strangely she couldn't remember it when she is conscious. As you mentioned, she can feel the trauma when she is sleeping or being sedated but once she is stable, she couldn't remember it.

There isn't any specifics disorder for this . These kind of things happens only when taken specific medicines or let's say "drugs". Does she have the habit of taking drugs?".

Dazzle said a firm no but Noah said "yes doctor, she takes some drugs to remain conscious in parties or during exams to not be nervous. It was a approved medication by many doctor too. It is called E4OI doctor." Dazzle looked confused at Noah who ignored her gaze.

Then the therapist said "This make sense. She didn't loose her memories accidentally, she could have intended to do it. Maybe she didn't want to remember it.

She could have changed the dosage level of the drug accordingly. So I guess, if she did it intentionally we have to stop making her recall it. This drug helps people forget their worries and nervousness but with high dosage it may even remove memories."

Dazzle could only imagine what Lisa would have gone through , that made her want to forget everything. Noah started to check for those drugs in Lisa's bag and found many of them.

Dazzle was checking the drugs and her wrist started to hurt very badly, then couldn't help but started to scream . She screamed and bent down to control the pain. When she looked up , she saw Jenny. Jenny was scared and took few steps backwards.

Noah rushed out to check on Dazzle with a concerned face. Dazzle nodded saying she is fine to Noah. Dazzle for some reason couldn't see Jenny. Jenny's touch , her voice , her smell triggers her wrist so badly.

Dazzle knows for sure that something is wrong. Jenny was so afraid and said that she will come back later , when everyone is calm and less stressed.

Noah understood that Dazzle was not very happy around Jenny. He also noticed the same with Lisa . Whenever Lisa hears Jenny's name, she gets goosebumps without even realising. Dazzle wanted to meet LM because she felt he may know about it, so she went to the alley.

She waited nearly for an hour but he didn't come . She roamed around, read stories but he still wasn't there. LM always wears a mask, a dark jacket and denim pants but what always makes her feel different is his "pendant." It has a "D" letter carved on it .

She felt it always shine whenever LM and Dazzle had body contact. Dazzle suddenly remembered her first kiss. Dazzle missed both LM and Liam.

It was dark and cold breeze attacked her skin. She wanted to look after Lisa, so she left feeling disappointed. She was half way walking back to her apartment . When,

Dazzle heard a gun shot and a male voice threatening someone. She recognised it. It was BOSS GRIM's. She knew she is doing a big mistake or maybe she will regret it later.

But she was still walking towards the place where she heard a gun shot . She saw a man with lot of scars and scary eye sitting in chair. It was Boss Grim.

She stood few steps away from him . Everyone there were male. They were all smirking at her. Boss Grim started talking "A young lady at night, with courage to face us. Totally unexpected ".

One of the guards said " sorry, our boss isn't interested to play with young girls tonight ". Another boy said "what do you need, baby girl?" .

Dazzle was scared that tears started emerge from her eyes . Boss grim said "baby girl , we didn't even do anything yet ? Why are you crying ?". Dazzle said to herself "It is now or never ".

She brought all her strength together and managed to say "LM" . Boss Grim looked at her and smiled saying "LM ? ARE YOU HIS GIRLFRIEND ?". Dazzle said "no , I need to see him ".

Boss grim looked worried and said "He is missing for past weeks, we are also searching for him." Dazzle nodded and thanked Boss Grim . She was about to leave.

Every guard expected that Boss Grim will call her back and kill or torture her. But Boss Grim was blinded by her courage and innocence, that he let her go.

He also remembered that once LM asked his help to get a girl out of a cafe, where she was working. The girl whom LM said is familiar to this girl, Boss Grim thought.

LM even gave his salary to her that day. Boss Grim always liked LM like his son and he knows if he bothered Dazzle LM would be upset. Also seeing Dazzle was like seeing his daughter. But too bad , his daughter is no longer with him or this world.