They are same

Dazzle kept on worrying every single minute about LM and Liam. LM is missing and Liam didn't tell her about him leaving this city. On the other hand, Lisa is showing lot of improvements. Noah used his influence to put some police protection around their apartment. Noah is also staying with Lisa and Dazzle .

Dazzle couldn't keep it in anymore. She rushed to Noah half worried and half mad. She asked to Noah, screaming "NOAH , WHERE IS LIAM?". Noah looked confused and said "I don't know. And why asking me ?".

Dazzle was so mad that she held Noah by his collar and said "stop lying. I saw you that day with Liam when he was kicked out of his house" .

Noah's gaze turned dark. He came forward and pinned Dazzle to the wall harsh saying "I know. I did help him because he was my friend during our gangster training but he just left us all one day. Do you know how much Boss Grim liked Liam ?". Dazzle was confused .

"Liam and Noah went for gangster training in Boss Grim's gang and Dazzle didn't know anything about it. They must know LM too",Dazzle thought. Dazzle saw Noah leaving.

Dazzle rushed towards Noah and asked him "LM ? You know him?". Noah turned towards him smirking. Noah said "Dazzle, I thought you were clever and you still don't get it. LM is Liam , Liam is LM. They weren't two , they were one." .

Dazzle blinked her eyes twice. She can't believe it. Liam was LM. That explained many things. She went to her room. She cried infront of Lisa who didn't understand anything but tried to comfort her. Dazzle feel asleep after getting tired of crying. Dazzle was sleeping but she had a dream that felt so real .

Dazzle was walking around a dense forest. She could feel sweat roaming around her body. She noticed blood on her right knee. She was so much in pain but searched for something. She saw a small shiny object lying down . She rushed towards it and saw a pendent with "D" carved on it .

She started to scream "Liam , Liam, where are you ? ". She saw something move. She ran towards the spot and Liam lying on the rough ground lifeless. She tried waking him up but he could only said "find me , I need to talk to you".

With that Dazzle woke up with a extreme pain on her wrist. She also had a very bad head ache. She felt so dizzy and weak. As Dazzle got up, one line from her wrist, burst open and blood started pouring out.

Lisa who woke up because of the voice. She tried to help Dazzle but the pain was uncontrollable for Dazzle. Dazzle held her bloody arm and screamed so loud. Lisa was shocked to see Dazzle's face . But unlike others she didn't move back or showed her fright .

Noah came inside the room hearing the screams. He thought it was Lisa and her nightmare but was surprised to see DAZZLE. He rushed near her and got her right at the time when she fainted in his arms. They took her to the hospital which is now their frequently visited place.

Dazzle woke up with a bad head ache. Her arms were bandaged and treated . Once she realised what happened, she knows that she need to get to Liam not matter what. She got up her bed and ran outside to tell about her dream to Noah.

But she was stopped by Noah and Lisa. She immediately started to talk fast to Noah. "Noah , I had a dream. It was Liam. He needs us. His pendant he needs it. We have to rush ..." . Noah said "Are you sure ? Dazzle take rest , we will get to him later ". Dazzle said " Noah why don't you get it ? He has no time ." Noah asked again "where did you see him ?"

Dazzle said "a forest. It was dense and dark". Noah looked away worried and said "most forests are dense and dark, Dazzle " . Noah continued "but I will send some of our men around some of the forests okay?"

Dazzle sighed in frustration and said "NOAH BUT I CAN ONLY FIND HIM, I SHOULD GO TOO". But Noah looked at her with anger and said "I am sending a team to search for him. You stay here and talk rest. End of conversation" with that he left her crying in the bed.

Dazzle refused to eat or sleep. She felt that she was the only one who knows the truth and nobody is going to believe her or her dream. But every time she remembers the bloody face and the weak body of Liam. She couldn't stop crying .

She started to become crazy thinking about the same dream. This pushed Noah into a situation to drug her and make her forget the dream. He mixed the drug in Dazzle's juice and gave her.

Dazzle was about to drink the juice when she was hungry but as soon as she touched the glass, her wrist started hurting and the glass fell of her hand . Noah noticed something in a Dazzle's face and gulped in fear.

He asked her "what is that Dazzle ? Why did you get all those scar in your face suddenly ?" . Dazzle looked at him confused and asked " scars ? In my face ? No" she replied touching her face. Noah understood that Dazzle didn't understand it.

Noah left her alone and walked out. He was walking when someone suddenly said "I noticed it too". Noah turned and saw Lisa. Lisa continued saying " that night when she got the dream, she was screaming and holding her wrist. When I saw her face, it turned to have many scars and bloods. I got afraid. Is she possessed or something?"

Noah said "I have no idea . I think we have to take her to the church and meet our church father". Lisa nodded in agreement. Noah also felt, Liam is in danger . He sent all his men to every forest he know in his country to search for Liam.

Dazzle said Lisa about her dream. Lisa exactly knows how it feels when the dreams are so real. She accepted everything Dazzle told her. Dazzle looked at the sky hoping the star will start moving and lead her to Liam. She started getting frustrated knowing that It won't happen in reality.