Spiritual possession

Next day Noah and Lisa took Dazzle to the church to meet the priest . The priest called Lisa and Noah to talk first, so he can know about their problem . Lisa said about how Dazzle's wrist got many lines drawn automatically, how her face changes scarier when she is having a wrist pain . The priest thought for a while .

He then called Dazzle in to talk. The priest asked her "do you know why you are here? " . Dazzle said "No, father. They brought me here telling all the bad events happening to us must be stopped but I don't feel that it is the reason".

The priest continued asking her normal questions and observed her. After observing her, he called Lisa and Noah back and said to Noah and Lisa that, " we cannot tell she is possessed, if she is possessed she could have felt a irritation when she is in church or when she touched holy things in church but she was normal.

But when I talked with her I felt another presence inside her. Whenever she remembers about her friend Liam, I could see a variation in her aura. As if she is no longer a human. Her aura is comparatively more bright and large than we human.

Only Saints,gods or any Demi humans have those kind of aura. I don't mean she has large aura like a god but her aura is definitely bigger than us."

Lisa and Noah felt it was all like a fantasy movie. They couldn't believed that Dazzle isn't actually a full human. She isn't possessed but something is inside her.

Dazzle along with Lisa and Noah were going back to their apartments. Lisa didn't like that something bad is inside her best friend making her Dazzle's life miserable .

They were going past a forest to reach their apartment. As soon as Dazzle's eye sight fell on the forest, her wrist started hurting. She saw the forest and her wrist. She also remembered the dream. Dazzle thought "this has to be the forest".

She didn't tell about it to Noah and Lisa because they wouldn't let her go. Her only way is to sneak out. As they reached their apartment, Dazzle got so impatient to go to the forest. As it was a bit late at noon, Noah had to go out for a little bit of work.

Dazzle explained about her assumption to Lisa. Lisa had to accept it too. Lisa was also curious about whatever is inside Dazzle. So she also accepted to assist Dazzle in her mission without Noah's knowledge. Dazzle hugged Lisa for her support. They both packed some pepper spray , knife, drugs like sedatives and iron rod .

They had to sedate some of their guards to escape without Noah's knowledge. They succeeded in sedating all their guards by serving them sedated noon drinks. Dazzle and Lisa got on a taxi and went to the forest. Lisa and Dazzle walked until they reached the dense part of the forest .

They were walking but then suddenly Lisa got tripped by a root of a tree. As they were walking by holding their hands. They both fell down , Dazzle's right knee got hit in a stone and started bleeding. Lisa got up and helped Dazzle . They started walking again .

Dazzle's wrist started hurting as they were getting closer . Dazzle took it a clue to get closer to Liam. They walked for hours. Lisa started to get tired and was about to faint. So, They sat down and ate some of the foods they packed for them. Dazzle couldn't eat thinking Liam would be starving right now .

She started to cry uncontrollably thinking that she may see Liam in pain and bloody, just like how he was in her dream. Lisa tried comforting her with motivational tips.

They started walking again. Dazzle slowly recognised the places around her. She has never visited them but something inside her makes her walk in a direction.

Dazzle's body was not in her control , something like a wind inside her is moving her. She was walking but then Lisa slipped and fell down again .

Sadly , this time she couldn't continue walking because she was sure that her ligaments in her leg tore. Dazzle knows she needs to do it alone now.

She continued walking with all the assumption her body gives her. She felt the forest more similar. While she was walking she heard some twigs breaking .

She was so scared . She felt something roaming around her. She turned back to see what it was but got slipped and hurt her head , her blood oozed out of her head but she held in the pain . She stood up again .

She hide under a bush for few minutes. Later when she felt more secure, she got up and continued walking. She noticed , she was bleeding from her head and knees just like how she was in her dream.

Whatever happened in her dream is happening now . She was searching for the pendant with 'D' carved on it because in her dream that is what she found.

She walked to a tree that looked so similar to one in her dream . She looked around for clues . She started losing hope once she couldn't find any. A drop of tear from Dazzle's eye fell on the ground.

She looked down and saw that her tear was shining brightly. Suddenly she noticed a pendant with 'D' carved on it . She took it with a smile and started shouting "LIAM , LIAM , WHERE ARE YOU?". As expected she saw something move in the corner .

She ran towards the movement but found no one. She fell to the ground frustrated because in her dream Liam was lying here but he isn't there now. Half of her was happy thinking maybe he isn't that badly hurt and bloody .

Her wrist started to burn . Dazzle looked around , shouting "LIAM " repeatedly. She lost all her energy and emotion. She felt so drained and hopeless. But then she heard a small whimper. She rushed behind a bush and her eyes widened with what she saw .

She saw what she wanted to see for months . It was Liam he had tears built in his eye and a small cute smile . She kneeled down and hugged him. He was badly hurt but he can survive .

Dazzle asked "Liam, why are you here ?, what happened?" happily . Liam said "I am sorry for taking away your first kiss and second kiss" . Dazzle chuckled and said "and third kiss" with that she bent down and kissed him.

She slowly made her lip connect with Liam's. The kiss was slow , passionate and gleeful . They pulled away when she felt Liam's blood oozing out on her hand. That is when she realised he must be taken to hospital immediately.