Truth and fate

Dazzle controlled her tears and started listening to Liam. Liam started to explain everything to end. By that time, Lisa killed Keira and smashed her bone. She also started listening to Liam.

Liam said "A few years ago, remember when we were ten years old, you had a car accident. Your car and my parents' car crashed. I wasn't there in the car. Both our parents died on spot and got burnt on spot. Not even a bone was found.

But you survived. You were having excessive blood loss. You were rushed to the hospital. I was also there to see my parents. You got admitted in the emergency ward when I was waiting outside.

You had a weird complex of blood. It seems you had already lost blood before and got donated. Noah's father or let's say your father's best friend, who liked you as a daughter, used all his power and influence to save you.

The doctors were heavily pressurised. They were scared their career would be ended by Noah's father if you weren't saved.

They couldn't find you the correct blood for your body. That is when they came across my report in the hospital. Your blood and my blood had the same complexity. As I had no guardians, they illegally took my blood to give it to you.

It was illegal. I could've died but after weeks, they gave me some other blood of my type. That is why I was a weak and sick kid earliest. Later, once I got sold to Keira so I wouldn't expose their dirty work, I had an accident again and lost most of my memories.

I don't know if it was coincidence or fate. The blood that you donated for the blood bank came to me. I mean the blood that I gave you got fused with your blood and came back to me. That means we are connected. Our blood is connected physically.

Many people are connected like this but I realised we are more than blood connected when I first saw you in school. My pendant which was dull and had no carving started shining and something made me carve the initial D on it.

I was confused. That is when I met an old lady near the sacred river at night. She called me after noticing my pendant. She asked me who gave this pendant to me.

I said I saw it in the ground repeatedly like for many times, again and again, it was like it wanted me to have it so I took it.

That is when she said " This is a magical pendant. It gets connected with two peoples but once the two people have physical contact, one of the people becomes more dominant and controls the movement and the body of the other person, making the other one no longer a human. But it also means one of them should die.

Because when the two souls get connected all their pain and emotions are shared between the two-person. That is you will feel my pain and I will also feel your pain.

Eventually, that dominant one starts to suck the energy from the weaker own, killing it as time passes. In our case, I was the dominant one because I initiated our first physical contact.

That time I did it on purpose, so I didn't have to die. I made myself strong to overcome this fate but as times passed, I felt conspiracy around me. My mother ....ugh ...Keira and her works. She was planning to kill me.

Once when I realised I may die soon but not because of the fate or the pendant but because of Keira, I made myself strong so after I die the part of my soul that is with me will join with your body where my other part of the soul is and make you strong. This results in making you more powerful.

Those lines in your wrist, are the number of people who had hurt me and you. You and I are same, Dazzle. You were mine before we ever met. I love you and you love me. But if you make love with another man when I am gone out of this world.

You may lose your power. That is your secret or your weakness. Don't tell anyone your weakness. We didn't do to get connected but we are still connected.

I am sorry that I cannot let you love other man and move on away from me. It is our fate. Take your revenge on those mean peoples.

This pendant is called " THE POWER OF KARMA". Dazzle, get POWERED UP BY KARMA." Liam said touching the pendant with a smirk. He finally looked at Dazzle's eye.

With that Liam slowly started to shut his eyes. Dazzle held on to his dress and wept once he closed his eyes. He looked so calm and peaceful.

As she was crying she noticed his pendant on her neck, was shining brightly in crimson colour. The letter 'D' carved on it faded away and the letter "L" made its way in it.

Dazzle looked at it and could see Liam's face in it. She kissed her pendant. Lisa was so in shock with all what she heard but was happy that whatever she thought possessed Dazzle was nothing else but Liam.

Lisa and Dazzle cried. The cried until they heard a voice saying "I know this would happen". They turned around and saw Noah with a sad face. He said, " It is out of our hands now but we have to bury him, right ?".

Dazzle rushed and hugged Noah and said "Thanks to your father for saving me but Liam" she burst out crying.

Noah said "Sorry ...I knew this would happen. I know Liam will have to die and that you will escape from all those security guards I put around the apartment to come to this forest but Liam didn't want me to tell you, I was ready for my best friend's death.

It is the most unbearable thing when you know that he is going to die but you still have to not cry in front of him to make him happy as long as he is with us".

Dazzle held on to Noah tightly and cried. She felt the pain in Noah's voice. He had to control his emotion even after he knew Liam is going to die.

Later Noah brought a small coffin and put Liam in it and buried him. The coffin and the burial were already prepared. It was so heart aching. How would have Liam felt when he saw his burial and coffin when he was alive? They thought. They also put some of their ornament and his favourite things in it and made a small funeral.

Dazzle and Lisa left home leaving Noah alone because she said he needed some private time with Liam. He said " Hi brother...I ...I know you are fine. I will save your girl from any men who touch her. I know about all this when you killed those guys ...

MR. CHOI AND HER BOSS because they were having a bad gaze on Dazzle. I also know you initially hit Dazzle's shoulder when you first met her in Mr Choi's class to see her reaction. I read your secret diary.

I am sorry. I also learnt you were jealous of me being close with Dazzle. I will never touch your girl, man. Trust me " with that he cried his heart out in the middle of the dark forest.

His cold behaviour broke and his true soft self started to cry for comfort.