
Dazzle and Lisa reached their apartment. Dazzle rushed into a room and locked it . She stared at the mirror looking at the pendant in the mirror . She looked at it blankly and smiled.

The feeling of it around her neck is so comforting for her . She took the pendant and looked at it directly . Few drops of tear fell on it . Suddenly the crimson colour of the pendant faded into a light blue colour .

It was like a eyes that had softened. She had a feeling it was Liam's who was looking at her .

She looked into the pendant with all emotion and love . But her emotion were changing just like the colour of the pendant . It was becoming redder bit by bit . She knows she had to prepare herself for the future .

She rushed out ready to kill anyone in her sight . But Lisa stopped her and said "Girl , you need a plan. I accept you are strong now but you have to learn some defence and fightings too. We need to kill the right person. The person who changed your life and made it miserable ."

Dazzle felt it was correct. So she walked backwards and sat in the coach and asked "What do I do now ?". Lisa said " learn to fight and defend ourself ."

Dazzle shot a sharp look at Lisa and said " myself. I am doing it alone" . Lisa said "no, you got a line in wrist because of me, I know it is also because Of Liam but you cannot do anything alone . Don't make the same mistake that Liam made ".

Dazzle again knew that Lisa is correct. If Liam had said them , they could have figured out a way to save him . It would have been easy saving Liam.

So Dazzle nodded and said "Ready Lisa , for a do or die mission?". Lisa got up from the bed and gave Dazzle a confident look. Dazzle and Lisa waited for Noah to tell him about their motive.

Noah came later a bit sad and worried. He accepted to join along with Lisa and Dazzle. He said " I whole heartily accept this but before that, we need to inform Boss Grim about Liam . He is thinking Liam betrayed him . I will ask him about your training too ". Dazzle happily nodded.

Dazzle was a calm and kind hearted girl but they took it has her weakness and changed her into a monster who will kill anyone who stops her or hurts her.

It is never her fault . Her beauty of her mother had no one to protect it. Whoever tried to protect her died In front of her eyes.

Dazzle and Lisa slept together unable to bear the thoughts of loosing Liam when being alone . They have a very interesting day tomorrow.

Dazzle had a dream again but it wasn't scary or demonic but her boyfriend was there. Liam told her " Dazzle be calm whatever you do , don't loose control and again NEVER FORGET YOU ARE MINE, ONLY MINE ." Liam smirked at her and then Dazzle woke up smiling .

She wore a dark black jacket and a denim pant. They belonged to Liam. She also wore a black mask. Lisa liked the new Dazzle that stood in front of her .

Noah , Lisa and Dazzle got in the car and were going to meet Boss Grim .

They reached to a odd looking place. It was dusty and not very good. But they entered there anyway. Boss Grim was killing a man and then counting his money.

Dazzle was shocked but she continued walking. Boss Grim said " Noah , I thought you also ran way showing your back to me like Liam ".

Dazzle was so mad that she started screaming " he died, he wasn't a coward who shows their back and runs. He was killed. He died .He is gone ." with that she started to cry.

Boss Grim stood up . He was angry first but after knowing the truth , he started to fell bad . His man were ready to attack Dazzle for raising her voice but Boss Grim stopped them.

He came towards Dazzle and said " Think me as your dad, let me help you with whatever you need " .

Dazzle stood up and nodded her head. Noah explained how Liam died. He didn't tell about Dazzle's connection or the pendant after all he still is a gangster who can't be trusted.

Boss Grim accepted and said "ladies , I am ready to train you , but I saw your face in the wanted list from the council , Dazzle. Did you kill a man? It is against our society rules...right . "

Noah said "yes, sir she killed a man. I think the other one who escaped complained about it . Maybe we have to keep Dazzle hidden for some days." Everyone accepted but Dazzle had a different plan .

Dazzle said " no , I am going to the council. Give me a second " . She rushed away to somewhere alone .

She saw a tree and sat under it. She looked at the pendant and asked " Liam , should I hide or go to the council?" . But the pendant didn't show anything.

So she sighed and asked again " should I be a coward ?". The pendant turned red . She asked "should I face it ?". It turned to green colour .

Dazzle smirked and went back inside. Everyone were confused and waited for her. She said " I am going to the council ". Lisa said "but they may kill you or worse...punish you" . Dazzle looked at Lisa and smirked touching the pendant. Lisa smirked back and nodded .

Later they convinced Boss Grim to allow Dazzle to go to the council. Dazzle felt so brave . She was not herself. She is going to go to the council by herself and not hide from anyone.

Dazzle hid a knife with which she made her very first kill. She kept it inside her stockings.

She took a needle and kept it under her tongue. She also kept some small injections of sedative inside her dress.

She also didn't want to lose the pendant ever again so she attached it with her skin on one side . It hurt like hell but she managed to do it with the help of her therapist and Lisa .

Half of the pendant's wire is under her skin now . She took medicines to heal the stitches quickly. She is ready to go to the society council and win the justice in her own way.