Council day

Dazzle was all prepared to go to the society council . Today is going to be her " hearing " day and "confession of murder" day . She got all the things ready and got in the car with Noah. Noah bribed many judge in the council to not punish or kill her immediately because Dazzle had a perfect plan to escape .

Noah didn't bribe the judges with his money but threatened them with their life because Boss Grim himself is in their side .

Dazzle went to the council like a queen and surrendered herself. She was taken to the interrogation room .

She saw a weird looking police with a bad gaze was sitting opposite to her. He looked at her with his dirty gaze and asked " Are you Dazzle ? Aren't you a school kid ? Why did you kill ..." . Dazzle cut him off saying "I am not a machine to answer all the questions at a time" .

The police scoffed at her and then in a firm tone asked "why did you kill them?" . She replied calmly "they tried killing us . They killed my boyfriend and then that man tried to rape me. So I killed him".

The police said " But our society says that a girl has no rights to raise her voice in front of a male." Dazzle said " I did not want to get raped by that old bald head though."

The police officer smiled in a proud way and said " You could've have informed the police ." Dazzle smirked and said " To find our dead body. Right ?" .

The police who was confused asked " what do you mean ? " . Dazzle sighed deeply and said " first of all , we didn't have a mobile phone or other communication service. And even if we called you , by the time you reach, I could have died ."

The police got irritated and was about to raise his hand on Dazzle but stopped when he saw Dazzle's face changing scarier and her pendant glowing bright in red.

No one else saw it but the police who investigated her did see it . Just then a constable came in and said in the ear of the police "she is from Boss Grim's Side . We will be dead if he knows about you hitting her " .

The police gulped and looked at Dazzle who was smirking. He looked down and left the interrogation room. Dazzle looked around carrying the smirk around too.

Everyone were scared to talk to her. Later , two guys with mask came and dragged her to a room. It had many females and males with neat suit and dresses , one man who Dazzle supposed , the judge was sitting in the middle of the room .

Dazzle was standing in a allotted place without even a glimpse of fear. The judge asked everyone about her crime . She was asked to explain about it too.


Even though , many women and those bribed people of Noah supported her. Dazzle still was announced guilty.

Dazzle saw the man who escaped back at the forest smiling brightly but once he noticed Dazzle was looking at him , he quickly looked down . Any people who spoke against Dazzle , couldn't maintain a eye contact with Dazzle.

Dazzle was going to be punished today and killed tomorrow in public , so this mistake won't be repeated again by anyone and the public will be aware. Dazzle was ready to put her plan into action.

She got locked in a room which was dark and dusty. She didn't know what to expect coming. She was thinking and suddenly he door opened revealing a man whose face was covered.

Dazzle guessed that his face is covered because that man didn't want to be noted by her and then killed by Boss Grim. He said "Don't think , I am scared of you . My name is Rave.

You were a very bad girl, killed two person and one of them was a full grown male ." Dazzle hid her face because it was burning for no reason .

The man slowly walked towards her, thinking Dazzle is crying . Rave grabbed Dazzle by her hair harshly and pulled her up. But once he saw her, he gave a disgusted face and said "You aren't Dazzle .

You could've said me at the first, right?. I have to go and find Dazzle's prison. Those guards told me this one her room." It seems he mistook a another girl as Dazzle or not .

Dazzle was confused. She looked at the pendant to see what happened and understood what happened when she saw her reflection. The magic that is surrounding her , changed her face into a another girl's face.

She isn't herself anymore. She is another girl who is not very good looking . She slowly walked to the prison's entrance and casually said to a nearby guard " Guards...where is Dazzle ? I came here to talk to her about her hearing but she is missing ".

The guards looked in and found nobody expect the girl talking to him. Dazzle with another girl face said "why did you lock me in ? I am Lisa. Now let me out ".

The guards quickly apologised and opened the lock thinking they locked her accidentally . She nodded and said "inform me when you find her."

The guards nodded and were about to look away when they heard a loud thud followed by a scream. They saw a girl who was holding a knife in her hand . She then let it inside a nearby guards throat

. The other four guards surrounded her but she quickly took four small needle of sedative she kept around her dress and injected on two of the guards at a time . Before the other two guards could shoot , they got handled by one of Noah's man who was disguised as a guard.

Dazzle asked Noah's man " Am I Dazzle or the other girl now ?" . He said the guard didn't notice the magic and said " Your own pretty face ".

Dazzle smirked because she wanted her own face to be feared and not some other face. She is only going to use this face for escaping. She looked at the pendant and said " you do more wonder , than I thought ".

Dazzle and the other man of Noah , locked all the guard's body inside the prison from where Dazzle escaped right now .

She then touched the pendant to change back into the other girl for moving on with her plan . She named her other self has Delia. She continued walking to look around and kill anyone who irritated her in the past . She is particularly searching for one .

Keira's other man who was the reason she is here in the council . Dazzle thought it was already past his death day for that person . He was supposed to die when his mates died in the forest. But he was lucky that day .