Best weapon

Delia, the new form of Dazzle was walking in the deserted corridor looking around for her prey . She was looking around but stopped when she heard a conversation.

She went closer to the door to eavesdrop. She heard a man telling "You mean Dazzle isn't in any prison ". The other man said "yes , that girl is definitely something else".

The other man said " she isn't even a human .Some kind of ghost , I think she is . I saw her face changing like a ghost when she killed my friend " . Dazzle noticed that they were going to open the door , So she went back and started walking innocently again .

The men noticed her and asked " who are you lady ? " . Dazzle said "Delia , I am in charge of Dazzle's investigation but she is missing, so I am searching for her ". The other man just sighed and left .

Dazzle saw the direction were her victim was walking . She nodded concerned at the man near her and followed her prey . He went to the men's restroom . Dazzle quickly touched the pendant so she could become a man.

As expected , she changed into a unknown man . She smirked at her pendant. She walked in to the rest room .

He saw her prey splashing water in his face in frustration. Dazzle walked towards him and asked "Hey, calm down. They found her. What is your name ?" . The man quickly said "Marc. Where is she ?" . Dazzle said " hello, Marc . Dazzle is in the men's restroom only."

Marc looked around scared and then chuckled saying " nice joke man , I was creeped out for a second " . Dazzle said walking backwards and looking at him in the mirror's reflection, she touched her pendant changing herself back to herself.

Marc didn't realise it and continued talking "she was so scary. She should die ." Marc was confused with the silence and looked up at the mirror. He screamed and begged for this life.

Dazzle slowly walked towards Marc . Marc noticed the door of the restroom was locked . She said " Hello Marc. Thanks for killing my boyfriend. You could have just considered yourself lucky and hid your face from my vision but instead you voluntarily called me by complaining me in the council. Don't you know I am not a human and I have my own method to find you . "

Marc started to beg and cry. She looked at him and said "Look at you . Liam didn't beg like you nor me. You coward " with that she stabbed him in his stomach.

He was still alive , so Dazzle wanted him to experience hell experience. She poked his eyes and now it was bleeding .

She then mercilessly cut his tongue and threw it away. Once she realised he died , she slowly washed her hand and changed herself to Delia and walked away sneakily from the rest room .

She walked away and stood beside a room far away. Nobody saw her. She was satisfied with what she did back in the restroom. She took her pendant and looked at it. She could feel that Liam was happy too .

Now her plan was to kill the judge who sentenced her to death . The judge had assaulted many woman. He never had the rights to be a judge. She is going to kill him for ruining lives of many girls who didn't have the opportunity to change like her to fight back .

She slowly walked to the judge's office . She was planning to act like a maid and at the right moment send him to hell . She walked in and said "sir , I am going to clean your office ". He nodded . Delia wasn't a pretty girl , so he didn't get attracted towards her .

But when Dazzle was working . The judge stood up and walked towards a room . He forgot to lock it . After couple of minutes, she heard a girl whimpering and crying . Dazzle understood what was happening.

Dazzle slowly crawled in . The girl saw her wides her eye but the judge was busy harassing her . Dazzle signalled the girl to be quiet .

When she was close to the judge , she took the judges belt that he unbuckled and used to around The judges fat neck . Dazzle tightened the belt around his neck.

The girl rushed and took a big wooden plank lying down and hit the judges head with it's sharp corner . Blood of the judge splashed everywhere.

The girl was shocked but Dazzle gave a calming nod . When they killed the judge , Dazzle asked " what is your name ?". She looked at Dazzle with admiration and said "My name is Monica".

Dazzle was confused with Monica's look and asked her "what's wrong ?" . Monica replied " I was shocked. How did you change your face ?" .

Dazzle chuckled and said " karma's power ". Monica suddenly hugged Dazzle and said " Dazzle , he was about to rape me. You saved me . I owe you my life . Let me join with you in your fights ." Dazzle hugged back and said " that makes five of us ."

Monica raised a eyebrow and asked " five ?" . Dazzle nodded and said "Liam , Dazzle , Lisa , Noah , Monica ".

Monica asked " Are you ready to trust me ? I am weak. " and looked down sadly . Dazzle said "chins up girl . Karma is our best weapon.

With fury and revenge thrist , weakling like us becomes strong." Monica asked "you we're weak too ?" . Dazzle looked at her and said " I was so weak . I was weaker than you . But my fate and power saved me ." Monica gave a confident smile and said " I am ready Dazzle . We can do it ."

Dazzle got surprised and asked "do what ?" . Monica paused a minute with this sudden question . They both laughed and continued sneaking out .

Dazzle told Monica about all the traumatic things that she experienced few weeks ago . She didn't tell Monica about her powers because she has to fully get Dazzle's trust for that.

From what Dazzle learnt she isn't going to trust anyone at ease . Dazzle was happy that she didn't only save her but also other girls like her .

That is when she thought " I am not going to use these powers for myself but for every human who misbehaves with anyone who is innocent".