Diary filled with sorrow

Dazzle made up her mind to train hard . Liam trained himself just for her and she needs to cope up with it and not let him down . Dazzle was taking a break when KL came and talked to her . He asked her " Ah , Dazzle .... are you fine ? ".

Dazzle nodded and looked at him . KL took a small diary and gave it to her . KL said " I bullied LM when I trained him , I took his bags and his things , two days before he died ... I can't help but feel guilty . I saw his diary among his things .

I read a few pages , it is all about you ... so I guess, I have to give it to you ."

Dazzle was looking at the diary and was going through the pages when KL said " LM really was so confident and trusted you Dazzle .

I trust you too . Train hard . " KL hesitantly walked away . Dazzle noticed that KL wanted to tell her something. She was so curious , that she ran and held his hands while saying "Trust me . I know you wanted to ask something else to me ..."

KL sighed deeply and said " I feel so guilty for bullying LM who went through many traumatic memories in his childhood. Thinking about it I cannot even let me sleep peacefully. I realised showing my power to a person weaker than me , was not something to feel proud about but discouraging my strength ."

Dazzle smiled calmly and said "if you regret it , then it's fine ." KL shook his head and said "No , join me with you .

Think me as your brother . I want to work for you ." Dazzle was shocked but managed to say , " No , KL , it's fine and no one is working for me . We all had the same kind of past or understood each other's situation before judging them . We actually work for Liam and his justice so..."

KL smirked and continued " I am ready to work for Liam ." Dazzle smiled and said " give me some time . I will ask Noah and the others also ." KL smiled and suddenly hugged Dazzle . The pendant started to shine in bright red colour .

KL looked at it and then looked at Dazzle saying "I will be you best brother , Dazzle ." The pendant immediately came back to it's normal form .

After KL left , Dazzle looked at the pendant and said "Liam , you are so protective and jealous." Dazzle chuckled to herself but her inside was crying in pain of losing Liam .

Dazzle started to continue her training later . KL had to leave early with Boss Grim for a meeting . Dazzle was training alone .

She was tired so she went to drink water . While , drinking water , she noticed Liam's diary . Dazzle immediately took it and started to read it . The starting of his diary were about how he was tortured when he was a kid .

Dazzle started crying when she read this , written by Liam ,

"My mother tied me to the bed and touched me . I felt so uncomfortable. I didn't know if it was right or wrong but I felt it was wrong . I said about it to my friends. They looked disgusted and said they won't be my friends anymore .

When I went back home , I asked my mom to stop doing those things to me but she tore my dress and made me sleep in the cold broken bathroom filled with insects a whole night . I was so scared . "

Dazzle couldn't believe Keira also sexually assaulted Liam when he was just a mere kid . She also read another of a torture Liam had to experience. It says ,

"Today is my birthday. My friend told me when someone has their tenth birthday. Their parents will surely give them any gifts . I saw mom wearing a nice dress . I thought she was going to take me out .

I wore a nice suit and went down . But my mother's dress was torn and a random person is touching her inappropriate. I rushed and hit the man but my mom scolded me and beat me . She didn't even remember it was my birthday.

She tied me shirtless with a string . My wrist is bleeding , the string is so sharp . Diary , please bring me help."

Dazzle couldn't take it anymore . She kept the diary inside her bag . Dazzle had a urge to kill someone brutally but the pendant controlled her .

Unable to control herself , Dazzle started to roughly continue her training . She hit the sand bag , did push-ups and other heavy exercise . Every guards were scared to see her like that . More than scared , they were concerned .

Dazzle continued her training for two hours all by herself . She finally stopped when Lisa , Monica and Noah heard the voices and stopped her .

Dazzle body was paining very badly. But she kept on saying " This is nothing compared to Liam's pain." But one sentence from Lisa made Dazzle stop her craziness.

Lisa said n" Half of you is Liam. You are not hurting yourself alone . You are giving Liam pain too . Liam already had enough of it .

"Dazzle started to cry and apologised to Liam through the pendant . Later unable to handle herself , Dazzle fainted . Monica didn't understand anything but she didn't question anything either.

Boss Grim was looking at Dazzle who was being carried to her home by Noah and Lisa . Boss Grim felt so guilty that he was not able to say her the truth about him. Boss Grim saw little himself inside Dazzle .

He remembered the times when he was ready to give his life for his friends and also how they stabbed him on his back .

They forgot that Boss Grim was the one who made them rich and powerful . They forgot all his kindness and made him heartless.

They made him homeless and broke . They even killed his family whom he loved more than anyone . They made him beg for security to his enemy . He lost his family , wife , reputations , house , heart and everything . He had nothing .

Liam was the son of Boss Grim's only true friend who had betrayed Boss Grim but Boss Grim loved Liam once he realised that his true friend was always true to him but was forced to make that car accident . They kidnapped Liam . In order to save his son , he had to kill his friend and himself.

Boss Grim took a deep breath and closed his eyes to have peace and forget his past .