Spiked drink

Dazzle later at her cottage , again started to read Liam's diary. She read from the the day they first met in school ,

First day :

"Today was another day filled with bullying and teasing . I don't care . I have to go to Mr. Choi's room and explain why I hit a girl when I don't even know her . I was forced to accept the blame . That is when I noticed Mr.Choi trying to scare a kid . She isn't a kid , after all my class mate , Dazzle .

Mr. Choi stopped once he noticed me . To be honest , I like that girl a bit . She saw me in my torn dress and my private things . Now I am not going to leave her until I see her's . She felt so uneasy around me .

I gave her a small shoulder hit and then I felt a weird emotion and connection. I looked at her curiously."

Dazzle laughed at how Liam saw her at their first meet .

Second day :

" Yesterday , I had my first kiss . I and Dazzle had it together. I forced her , to be honest . She looked so scared that she readily gave her first kiss to me .

I can't tell you this secret though . We have some magical connections that is all ."

Few days later ,

" Dear diary , I think I am in love with Dazzle . We became friends. I befriended her to use her for my life and save me from my fate .

But her innocent and concerned face makes me struggle to do so . If I love her I can't cheat her . Dazzle is the only one who truly understands me . I am not going to hurt her . Why should it be her ? Why not any other girls?

Months later ,

"I may die or I will die soon . Keira isn't my mother . She is going to kill me . I did all my workouts and made me strong , so I wouldn't be a burden but strength to Dazzle .

I'm a going to give my soul to my only girlfriend , Dazzle . She is mine . I will give myself to her . We are going to be one after my death ."

Dazzle could see Liam's self motivation through his writings . How he motivated himself to not hurt Dazzle or to die . Dazzle uncontrollably started to cry . One thing that she read made her so curious . It was half thrown . It said "I FOUND DAZZLE'S BLOOD RELATION . IT IS BO.....".

Liam found one of Dazzle's blood relation . Dazzle was so curious to find who it was . She was thinking but stopped when Lisa hugged her from behind and said "let's sleep , girly. You are supposed to take rest after those heavy workouts and fainting .

Dazzle looked at Lisa hiding Liam's diary and wiped her tears saying " let's watch a movie ..... I ..am scared ... I will start thinking about it again...and ...." Lisa cut her off asking "which movie ?."

Dazzle looked at Lisa smiling and said a comedy movie name . They sat together with Monica and watched the movie . While Noah was recalling what happened between Dazzle and Boss Grim. He felt so suspicious.

Boss Grim is definitely hiding something about Dazzle . Noah started to think in a wrong way . He thought "maybe , he killed Dazzle's parents or ...." . He shook his head feeling it isn't the right answer .

Noah slowly walked inside their living room and saw Dazzle and Lisa hugging and sleeping while the movie was still playing.

He turned off the television and walked to see if Monica was asleep. He saw Monica in her room sleeping . He slowly walked away .

Noah was walking in a street which was crowded . He saw a name board shining "Spike club" , he smirked and entered it .

It wasn't a good place for anyone to go but he has to do it . Noah saw many girls with revealing and very disturbing dress . He could hear strange moans and screams . He shook his head and searched for the person whom he wanted to meet.

Noah smirked when he saw the person whom he searched in between nearly dozen girls . As soon the man saw Noah , he smiled a bit and walked towards him pushing all the girls aside .

Noah asked " Having a blast aren't you , Mr. Strange lover ? " . Strange lover looked at Noah and asked " You work for my former boss ...Boss Grim . Right ?" Noah nodded .

Strange lover continued " why are you here ? What do you want ?" . Noah sighed and said " you and Boss Grim are no more friends or close but you were his assistant or friend for years . I want to know more about Boss Grim."

Strange lover sighed and said " I didn't betray Boss Grim. He couldn't accept when I wanted to have or do business my own . But personally I still think Boss Grim is my friend . I won't tell you about his past ." Noah smirked and said " Then , it's fine . At least , enjoy today's party with me ."

Strange lover looked at him seriously and then laughed hard saying " of course . Let's enjoy." Noah spent the entire night with Strange lover . No one expect Boss Grim knows Strange lover's real name .

Noah saw that , minute by minute , Strange lover drinks more and gets super dizzy . Noah sighed and said to himself " I think I Will be the one carrying you home."

Noah didn't like that place at all . Noah's deadly charms pulled many girls attention . Every girls were touching him seductively . Once Noah realised that Strange lover has lost his cool and is struggling to walk .

Noah helped him to balance . He pushed all the girls harshly and took Strange lover away to a lonely place with just both of them .

Noah spiked Strange lover's drink . Everything he did was for no harm but to learn the truth . Boss Grim's whole history is in Strange lover's brain .

They were close friends . Boss Grim felt betrayed when Strange lover told him that he wanted to start his own gang . Strange lover felt bad for relying on his friend but Boss Grim thought Strange lover used him. Strange lover isn't a heartless gangster but a rich womaniser .

Now he has to get the truth behind Boss Grim's life . Noah was satisfied and shocked after he got all the information from unconscious Strange lover . He wanted to tell Dazzle about it but he waited for the right moment . Noah left Strange lover there and just walked away to his house .