Mission for us

Next day , Dazzle , Lisa and Monica were working out with their full strength. Boss Grim had some business so he wasn't there . KL and the other trainer felt that the girls were improving everyday . Dazzle felt her body hardening . She used to have soft hands and soft skins but now they are sweaty , hard and reliable .

Dazzle felt a rush of pride once she found her biceps popping out . Dazzle also told about how KL wanted to join them to Noah . Noah thought for a while and said " I hate to be the only guy . I will love KL joining us but I still want him to apologise for what he did to Liam those days ."

Noah thought KL will be hesitant but he immediately said " Liam ... I am so sorry . I understand your pain . I should have been your friend . You made me realise .... that you are more powerful than me ." Dazzle felt so happy . Lisa was looking at KL shocked for no reason . Monica as usual didn't understand anything but this time she asked " who is Liam ?"

Noah was hesitant but Dazzle told " my boyfriend. Remember I mentioned you I'm fighting for his justice and Woking for him ...." Monica continued " I know that but how did he die ?" Lisa said " he ... was killed because he learnt a shady work of his.... I mean a pathetic lady called Keira ."

Monica nodded slowly and said " thanks . I will work for Liam and his justice ." Everyone smiled at her . Dazzle's pendant also started to glow . That made everyone expect KL and Monica smile widely .

When they were talking to themselves, one of the guard came and told them " kids , today is your first outdoor mission. All the best . Read the paper thoroughly and make a plan ." With that he walked away . Dazzle was shocked and she saw the paper it said ,

"Mission one for KID MAFIA





Monica asked " Is our team name kid mafia ?" Lisa nodded with no interest because they didn't choose this boring name . Lisa said " It is so easy ." Noah chuckled and said " then , let's spilt up the work . Okay ?" Dazzle nodded . They discussed thoroughly and finally decided .

First mission by Head Smasher or Monica using her calm and innocent face diverts and kidnaps Lily.

Second mission by Lisa or the Killer Belt threatens Lily's father by saying his daughter is kidnapped .

Third mission by Dazzle threatens and gets the money .

Fourth mission by KL kills the shop owner and release his daughter .

Noah or Deadly charms looks after the guards of the shop owner and his daughter.

Noah sighed knowing that he has the toughest work . All five of them did a group cheering and got on the car to the nearby salon where Lily is getting her manicure according to the information the guards gave them .

Once they reached in , Monica entered the shop wearing a normal and cute dress , while the rest four stayed in the car . Monica went in and saw Lily ready to get out . She quickly went outside and stood there normally with a chocolate bar .

Once she saw Lily she rushed towards her and cutely said "Hi , Lily ..." Lily rudely cut her off saying " I don't like these cheap chocolates."

Monica was taken back but she continued calmly " oh . Sorry . Want to go out and get some ice cream ?" Lily scoffed and said "who are you ? Gold digger ? Or a stripper from the nearby club? GUARDS ?"

Monica lost her control and dragged Lily away forcefully, while Noah hit two guards of Lily without warning .

Monica pinned her in the wall and said "eat the chocolate or die ." Lily tried shouting for help but it turned to a whimper when she saw Lisa and Dazzle walking towards them with a knife . She quickly ate the chocolate snatching it from Monica and fainted .

Monica said " she was so rude ." Dazzle said " you were like a real gangster though." Monica smirked but her eyes widened when she saw Noah carrying Lily .

Dazzle noticed it and laughed saying " Monica , he is just kidnapping her ." Noah looked at them confused while Monica was blushing and looking down.

Now it it Lisa's turn to rock . She called to the owner through Lily's phone . Lisa heard a concerned voice saying " Lily princess. Where are you ?." Lisa told " sorry . I am killer belt and your smelly daughter is been kidnapped.

"Lily's dad said " you know who I am and what I can do ? Release her and run away or you will regret ..."

Lisa said irritated " oh shut up , that rich bastard rambling . I have your dear princess . If you want her , meet me at THE ALLEY NUMBER 7." Lisa cut the call immediately and sighed saying "rich peoples rambling are so annoying."

Dazzle said " girly . You are rich too ." Lisa glared at Dazzle who was laughing along with Noah . Monica said " don't worry . You were so cool on the call ." Lisa chuckled . After nearly 15 minutes The shop owner came .

Dazzle called him to sit opposite to her . He looked at her in disbelief and said " you are just a kid . Wait , you are Dazzle , the murderer . Please leave my daughter." Dazzle smirked and said " Your stinky , ugly daughter is not what we want . Give me the money that you got transferred , right now ."

The shop owner widened his eyes and said "transferred money ? I didn't..." Dazzle was about to shoot at his arms but he kneeled down and took the money from his pocket and gave it to Dazzle with his shaky arms .

Dazzle checked the money and nodded him to leave . He asked " Lily ?" Dazzle said " she will come ....." KL continued Dazzle saying "for your funeral " with that he shot at the shop owner's chest and instantly killing him . It was the coolest thing of this mission.

Noah went back to the place were Lily was tied up and released her telling a lie " I am sorry Lily . Someone was planning to kill you and your father . I had to keep you safe . But sadly your father died ."

Lily cried and hugged Noah . He said " leave now ." Lily quickly left that place still crying.