Father is here

Dazzle after some moment of solitude went back in to check on what the others were doing . They were all chatting and laughing.

Lisa saw Dazzle walking , so she went towards Dazzle , held her arms and smiled . Lisa noticed Dazzle was sad or had been crying, she wanted to give her space and comfort .

Noah and KL were starting their training. But suddenly from nowhere Boss Grim rushed in angry . He looked around for a few minutes and once he saw Noah he went towards him . Boss Grim looked so angry that made everyone gulp . Lisa pressed Dazzle's hand in fear . Dazzle was also scared .

Noah looked at Boss Grim surprised while KL was trying to pull Boss Grim back. Boss Grim shouted with rage at Noah telling " You betrayer ....I fed you and your friend but what you gave me in return is your damn betrayal .... how could you do this ..... you are no longer in my side .... get out ...."

Noah asked calmly " Boss , please tell me what I did to make you this angry ...." Boss Grim didn't let him complete his sentence and yelled back " I thought you were like my son but you were his friend all long ...". KL asked Boss Grim "whose friend , sir ? " Boss Grim gritted his teeth saying " STRANGE LOVER "

Noah said "sir ...I was not ..." but Boss Grim dragged him out of the place telling " I don't need you anymore.... get out . DON'T YOU DARE TO FACE ME AGAIN. I won't hesitate to kill you." Dazzle was heart broken . Dazzle didn't know who to trust . Noah would never betray her but she is so confused.

Lisa hurriedly went towards Noah . She caught his arm and held it tight crying . Noah whispered " sister... it's fine ...." Lisa whispered back " I know whatever you do will have a reason . Please don't hesitate to tell it . Noah nodded and walked away . Dazzle and Monica followed him not knowing what to do.

Noah suddenly stopped and said without turning around " Dazzle .... I request you to stay here . I don't want to be the reason of your separation with your own blood relation." Dazzle stood and looked confused at Noah . Boss Grim understood what Noah tried to tell .

Noah continued " Boss Grim... I know who you are ... I wanted to know it ... that is why I met your former friend . I am sorry ." Dazzle asked Noah " Noah ... who is my relation here ? "

Noah replied , finally facing Dazzle " the one who named you DAZZLE ... think hard , mate . Will the person who kept you this name appreciate you changing it ?"

Boss Grim said " it is because Dazzle is already a gangster name . DAZZLE GRIM is a gangster name." Dazzle widened her eyes and looked at Noah .

Lisa looked around shocked . Everyone were shocked. Dazzle burst into tears . Noah walked towards her and said " Boss Grim is your father , Dazzle .... remember even Liam tried to mention it in his diary but KL tore it .

KL told me he was the one who tore it because he didn't believe it .

That is why I met Strange Lover in the club to get the truth from him . He didn't tell me about it when he was conscious . I got him drunk and then got what I needed . I don't know your real name but Dazzle was always your gangster name ."

Boss Grim walked and hugged Noah and Dazzle saying " I am sorry Noah ... I wanted to tell you about it but I thought Dazzle wouldn't like it ..." Dazzle broke the hug and asked Boss Grim. " What is my real name... dad ?"

Boss Grim looked at Dazzle , who was smiling widely , with his happy tears streaming down his cheeks .

Boss Grim said " It was Stephanie but no one ever called you like that .... your mom wanted your name to be girly and normal but I wanted it to be scary and sparkly.... Dazzle Grim ." Lisa mumbled " now I understand why you did not want her to change her name ... it was already a changed name ..." with a chuckle .

Boss Grim said " Noah ... I am sorry .... I was a bit sad thinking you betrayed me ... I...." Noah hugged Boss Grim again and said " you are my father too " Monica said " all of our father ..."

Boss Grim was so relieved and happy that the he didn't have to hide his care and emotions towards Dazzle .

Dazzle asked him why he hid from everyone and how he escaped the car accident. Boss Grim said " I was informed that it would happen .

But I was informed just seconds before it happened. Before it could inform your mother , the opposite car hit them. I immediately opened the car window and slide away but my wife was hopeless . I immediately took Dazzle away from the fire but she was badly bleeding .

I know that they will come back to kill me and Dazzle won't be safe with me . So I gave her to Noah's father to give her to my mom and raise her . Noah's dad did the exact thing . Later , I worked out and made myself hard .

I wanted to kill the one how did the car accident but I was broken when I found it was Liam's dad or my best friend . I was about it kill him because I became blank and heartless but he told me they kidnapped his son ... but before I could tell him anything ..he got the knife from me and killed himself in guilt ."

Dazzle nodded sadly . Noah asked " How many close friends did you have ?" Boss Grim smirked and said " three ... myself , Noah's and Lisa's dad and Liam's dad and Strange lover . We were so close and called ourself the TRUBLE FOUR ." Dazzle chuckled and said " fate brought your next generation together too ."

Boss Grim widened his eyes and said " I couldn't believe that myself . That day when I saw Lisa , Dazzle , Noah and Liam eating ice cream together , I nearly cried in joy .

I also took a small picture of Lisa and Dazzle hugging each other when Lisa won a dance competition.

But it so sad that Noah's dad forgot what fun is and is so busy with his work ." Lisa nodded and said " he didn't even visit me when I was in the hospital..." Dazzle hugged Lisa who was a bit sad .