Room of blood

Dazzle was happy that her dad was never dead but always with her . She spent lots of time learning different skills and tricks with Boss Grim. Boss Grim also said her about her childhood friends and hobbies . She felt so happy talking about her cute past with fun and joy .

Part of Dazzle wants to go back to those times . Dazzle also enjoyed her present life with thriller and blood . Dazzle chuckled at herself thinking how she changed in few months . Dazzle , Lisa and Monica along with Noah completed their basic training course . They should practice regularly and not give up .

Lisa's specialty is hidden belt attack and knife fencing . Monica is good at distracting and attacking with knife . Dazzle is good in hand defence and shooting . Noah was good in everything. Dazzle and Noah got their own guns because they were impressive and more accurate .

Dazzle was practising her attacks with gun . That is when Boss Grim came to talk to her. He said " Dazzle , I am going to go out ....for a few days .... take care .... "

Dazzle smiled and said " bye , dad !" Boss Grim who was about to walk away turned around and said " I want to give you this bracelet. You mother's. You look just like her . Take care , love "

The bracelet was gold in colour . It had the name STEPHY carved in it . Dazzle remembered that it was her nick name . Dazzle was holding her bracelet ready to wear it .

She turned around happily after wearing the bracelet and saw a bullet falling at the ground . It narrowly missed Boss Grim. Dazzle's heart skipped a beat .

Boss Grim walked to his car and drove away before she could inform him. But Dazzle didn't give up . She ran towards the building from where the bullet was shot. She sprinted at her top speed. She reached the building and saw a black car driving away .

She immediately threw stones at it . She tried to note the car number but failed . When she stopped running and stood still catching her breathe , someone choked Dazzle from behind. Dazzle didn't have any weapons .

She tried her best to free herself . The pendant in her neck was stinging that person very badly but he or she didn't give up .

Just when Dazzle thought it was the end , she felt the grip around her neck loosen . She immediately pushed him away and turned around to see the man bleeding .

That is when she saw Lisa running towards her and hugged her . Lisa said " are you a fool to come here alone ? Thank goodness Monica noticed it ."

Noah dragged the man with him to investigate on whatever Dazzle was chasing them for . As soon as Noah ties that man , he took a nearby knife and killed himself telling " I won't give you kids any information." No one where able to stop him from killing himself .

Dazzle hit the nearby table in frustration and told the others how a bullet narrowly missed her father . Lisa was shocked . They Immediately informed their guards . They guards told them that that was usual .

Dazzle was getting more scared of losing her father after that event . Dazzle spent most of her time looking around to find someone . Noah suggested them to install a camera in the building and outside the backyard. The guards with no interest did it .

Dazzle was scared to see the guards not believing them and so uninterested in their work . They forgot she is the daughter of Boss Grim. She suddenly took her gun and shot at the sky dragging everyone's attention.

Dazzle said in a firm tone " Everyone assemble here ordered by Dazzle ... Dazzle Grim ." All the guards started gulping once they heard her full name . The main guard who was the only one who was interested and active , came forward and said them what to do .

Dazzle saw a guard yawning . She had urge to kill him and she did . Everyone were shocked and shaking . Noah smirked while Lisa chuckled . Lisa said " we aren't kids anymore . Right ? ". Everyone nodded their heads . Dazzle's pendant was shining brightly or more like proudly .

Dazzle felt happy that her plan was all going fine . Monica , Lisa , Noah , KL , Dazzle took turns and monitored the camera's all around their building.

Dazzle was monitoring the camera because it was her turn . Noah walked inside the camera room and said " Dazzle , I think we have to pay a visit to the building and check around for clues ."

Dazzle nodded in agreement. Lisa exchanged her turn with Dazzle and was monitoring the camera while Noah and Dazzle went to the building . It was a old building with broken windows , doors , covered in spider webs . The tables and chair were made of iron and were brown and rusted .

Dazzle thought these broken windows were easy for their enemies to shoot their target . Dazzle wanted to repair the window but Noah told " we have to wait till they come again . Let's no do something wrong ."

Dazzle said "but ....well, fine I guess ." Dazzle went to another room . That room had some papers with codes and names written on the board but the names were was erased . There were torn pictures in the dustbin . Noah tried to join them . It wasn't clear but they could tell they were Boss Grim's pictures .

Dazzle took photographs of the pictures and the papers with codes . Noah was examining while Dazzle moved in to another room . Her heart stopped pumping and she stood still . Dazzle left a small whimper and called Noah immediately .

Noah rushed in and was shocked to see death bodies and blood . That room was filled with blood and a nasty smell . Dazzle didn't want to enter the room , so she stayed out . While Noah took pictures all around . He recognised some of them were Boss Grim's guards and others were girls .

By seeing the bodies , Noah can only say that they were tortured to death . Noah informed Boss Grim's secret policemen about it and said them not to come or take action until Noah informs them .

Noah did this because they didn't want to get in trouble by hiding the fact they saw few death bodies .