Romantic design

After few minutes , Noah came out sweating and disgusted . Dazzle expected that reaction from anyone who looked at a room covered with blood and corpses. Noah said " that was more disgusting than Lisa ..."

Dazzle chuckled nervously and peaked in . Before she could get a glimpse , Noah stopped her by holding her hands , telling " I promise ... that will give you nightmares." Dazzle nodded seriously.

Dazzle looked at Noah concerned because his face was pale and said " I think we should go home and come back later don't look well." Noah nodded telling " of course...I am not felling well ...let's just go before we see another room filled with something more scary ..."

Noah and Dazzle were walking to their training place where they stay . Noah suddenly stopped and told Dazzle " Dazzle , you go on carefully...I will come back soon . " Dazzle said "Noah ,you aren't feeling well ...." Noah just nodded and signalled her to go . Dazzle hesitated but slowly walked away .

Noah watched until Dazzle reached the training place . He then turned around to walk to a place . Noah noticed a paper before in the room , in which a design or logo had been drawn . Logo was scary with blood and scars.

Strangely, all the dead bodies had that symbol carved by force . Noah planned to meet a well know design maker. He made designs for many of Boss Grim's company . He is the only one who makes design for gangsters .

His name was Nathan. His pictures of designs are creepy and depicted death and blood . He also does tattoos . He is the only person who is close to all the gangsters. Noah walked towards the busy street . He finally found the small shop which holds big mysteries .

Nathan was young man of 35 to 40 of age group. Once Nathan saw Noah, he hugged him and welcomed him, as if Noah was his close friend . Nathan was very friendly but a great back stabber too. Nathan's friendly and trustful but manipulative talks killed dozen of innocents who trusted him.

Noah took a nearby seat while Nathan was making a coffee . Noah said " mate , I don't want a coffee ...I want to make a design for my girlfriend.

I know I shouldn't ask you but I didn't know what else ..." Nathan cut him off saying " no problem .... I will make you a romantic design . So tell me ... should it be lusty or scary or sassy or ...."

Noah got triggered with the options because he doesn't really have a girlfriend . He immediately told " no , no ....cute tattoos ." Nathan looked at him and asked smirking " Cute ? Okay .... is it for your girlfriend or your toy ..." Noah was mad but he controlled it and said " no ... my girl."

Nathan chuckled and started to draw . After few minutes , Noah gasped and asked "hey , mate ... do you know what this symbol means ? I found this paper near that old building ..."

Noah showed Nathan the design or logo he found in the old building during his visit with Dazzle.

Nathan looked at it and said " I think I made this design for .... actually , some random person asked me to make a scary and torture design. They paid me heavily too but that man didn't reveal himself.

But he had a tattoo on his wrist . It was similar to what Boss Grim has ." Noah nodded and said " some mystery ...I am not interested..." Nathan did a beautiful design with hearts and butterflies.

Noah happily accepted it and paid to Nathan with his money . Noah was walking home thinking about the tattoo and the mystery man but what bothered him more was " to whom he should give the design ."

Dazzle is taken , he doesn't want to embarrass himself by giving it to Lisa , it means only one left out .

Noah slowly peaked in to see if anyone was there . Everyone were busy . Dazzle was under the tree talking with her pendant . Lisa was asleep . So he slowly walked to Monica who was watching television. He called her and said " ummm ... Monica . A small gift from me . Don't tell anyone ."

Monica was shocked and looked at Noah . She asked " really ? For me ...a lover's design." Noah thought in his mind " What it is a lover's design ? .Ummm . Monica is pretty . No problem ." Noah nodded .

Monica got it and was adoring it . Monica asked " Why for me though?" Noah suddenly pulled her closer and kissed her .

Meanwhile , Dazzle was having a good talk with nature and her pendant . She discovered that the pendant also notes blissful events of Dazzle's life and helps Dazzle recall it whenever she is sad .

She walked in calmly and was stunned by what she saw . Noah was pulling Monica into a kiss . Half of her wants to shout it aloud but other half made her take picture secretly , to use it at the right time .

Dazzle saw how they kissed with love and passion . She couldn't help but think about her first kiss with Liam . Tears dripped down her cheeks . She quickly went to her room and hugged Lisa while falling to sleep .

Next morning, the first thing Dazzle did was saying Lisa about what she witnessed last night between Noah and Monica and showed her the pictures of their kiss. Lisa promised Dazzle that she won't tease them or blurt out that they know about it until the time comes .

Lisa hesitantly did it . Lisa out of no where suddenly asked " am I the only one having a pure lips ? ". Dazzle looked at her with a raised eyebrow and nodded .

Lisa sighed frustrated and said " the flirty girl of this group is still single ..." Dazzle said Lisa to shut up when Monica entered the room . Both Lisa and Dazzle wanted to tease her very badly and that urge killed them but they managed to hide it . Monica was as expected extra cheerful that day .

Dazzle and Lisa planned to leave both Noah and Monica alone and go out . They wanted the new couples to have privacy and romance . While walking in a deserted road , Lisa was imagining lots of stuffs in advance . Lisa suddenly asked " Dazzle , what if Monica gets pregnant ? We will have a baby gangster too..."

Dazzle was shocked but said " Lisa , both Monica and Noah are still small ....don't imagine too much . I just wanted them to talk their hearts out with being afraid that they will be caught ." Dazzle couldn't help but laugh at Lisa's wild thoughts.

Dazzle always liked to talk to Liam a lot . So she wanted Monica and Noah to also feel it .