Diary with senses

Dazzle read the recent pages.


"I am noting that sly thin boy. He has the pendant but he is using it to misbehave with girls and steal money. I am sure he won't hesitate to murder me if I interrupt him."

A few days later,

"Today I saw the pendant in the neck of another guy. He was comparatively small and much better. I couldn't see his face."

"I stalked the new kid with the pendant but I hate him. I saw him forcing a girl to kiss him. At least, I saw his face."

Next day morning,

"I followed this kid to his school. He is talking with that girl. He forced her to kiss him yesterday. Poor girl, she is in a toxic friendship."

A few days later,

"True love is definitely strong. That kid is not a bad one like the former. He is ready to die for his lover."

Dazzle stopped reading and said, "Lisa ...please skip some pages and continue reading. I am getting emotional." Lisa nodded and started reading it.

Lisa said, "This is after meeting us that day..."