Dangerous move

Dazzle and Lisa reached their apartment thinking Noah and the others are at the training place.

But to their surprise, Dazzle and Lisa were welcomed inside their apartment by mad looking Noah and concerned Monica.

As soon as Noah saw them he shouted: "Where the hell were you ?"

Lisa flinched with the unfriendliness of her brother.

Dazzle said, "We just went on a hangout." Monica said with a sad face "Don't lie." Noah said with an angry voice

"Why did you go there? What do you know about that Lady?" Lisa asked confused "How did you know it?"

Monica said, "David said" Dazzle looked at the floor confused and whispered to Lisa "How did he know we were visiting her?"

Lisa replied, "I guess he stalked us." Dazzle nodded. Noah said with a disappointed look "You think we are useless or as a burden right?"

Dazzle immediately looked up and said, "No...Never." Lisa said in a shaky voice "We had to keep it a secret."