Reunited gang

Dazzle was far away from her city and friends. Even though Lisa's therapist and Monica were with her, Dazzle missed Lisa and her comfort.

Dazzle can only seek comfort from Lisa and Liam, the two people who love her more than anyone else.

Dazzle sighed deeply and looked at the vast plain land around her staying place.

Monica was asleep next to her. Dazzle was feeling a very different and most hurtful pain right now. It made her regret her past activities.

Dazzle can't help but cry silently. She cried and said to herself "Why do I always get into trouble? From when I was weak to till when I thought I was strong."

The silence of her pendant made her more anxious but she knows that she has to cooperate to her fate.

Dazzle after some minutes of breaking down calmed herself down and slept.

Lisa was in her training place busy working out. Lisa took the whole week of Dazzle's absence with workouts and practices.