Psycho brought down

Dazzle was thinking. She said to herself "First, I lost Liam. Then my dad...But it saved me also. Is the pendant safe?"

Dazzle suddenly remembered that she had to distract David from touching the pendant and interlocking it with his pendant.

Dazzle had no idea when Lisa and the others are going to come.

Dazzle got up from her room. She brushed off all the dust from her dress.

She said, "David? David..."

Dazzle heard a small hum as a response from a nearby room. She walked into the next room and gulped seeing David already ready with his pendant.

Dazzle asked, "What are you going to do?" David replied, "Join our pendants..."

Dazzle searched for words and said, "David...I have a problem."

David gave Dazzle a cold look and asked, "What?"

Dazzle said almost dying "" David looked at her irritated and asked, "Tell me already."

Dazzle shut her eyes tight and said in a low voice "My stomach hurts." David looked at her confused and then smiled asking "...umm...that?"

Dazzle didn't really know what but just nodded. David kept the pendant down on a table and walked out of the room with Dazzle.

David said, "Hang on...I will be back." Dazzle looked at him confused and nodded.

After David left, Dazzle sighed in relief. Dazzle started to pray to God hoping Lisa and the others will be here.

Dazzle waited for half an hour. She was hugging herself. David came inside her room after going out and handed her a bag.

He said, "Take your time. I am waiting outside." Dazzle nodded still confused about what David was talking.

David slowly opened the bag. She almost choked on her saliva on understanding the situation.

Dazzle said laughing "He thought I was talking about periods. Wow. I am intelligent."

Dazzle sat simply for nearly 10 minutes and walked out. Dazzle noticed a small blue light on the pendant that she gave to David.

Dazzle thought, "Lord...finally they are here." David smiled at Dazzle and asked, "Are you fine?"

Dazzle was searching for something to distract David. She had no choice but to kiss him.

Dazzle apologised to Liam and hugged David, David was more than confused.

She looked at him and suddenly started to kiss David. David was lost in the kiss and got totally distracted.

He held on Dazzle's waist tight and deepened the kiss. He slowly raised her and carried her to a lonely room.

Dazzle thought, "Lord...It is getting a bit out of control." David pinned Dazzle to the ground and started to kiss more deeply.

Dazzle started to feel disgusted and scared. She tried to slow David down but no use.

David started to enjoy himself and was deeply distracted. Dazzle tried to push David away but he was so heavy.

David was blinded in lust while Dazzle noticed familiar noises. Dazzle smirked to herself and spit on David's face.

Dazzle said, "Bitch you got distracted. Did you think I will love you?"

David was so mad that he started to hit Dazzle. The noise of David hitting Dazzle was so loud. Exactly what Dazzle wanted.

Lisa found Dazzle's kidnapped spot. She and the others searched everywhere. Noah stopped on his track when he heard loud thuds and hits.

Noah said, "I think this room."

Noah and the other broke the door and got inside a room. They saw Dazzle covered in blood and bruises and a mad David.

David screamed, "This is a plan."

David held Dazzle's head harshly and hit it in the wall. Lisa shot bullets at his arms and legs stopping him from hitting Dazzle.

David collapsed to the ground and asked, "Baby...why did you?" Dazzle couldn't breathe or move because of her heavy hurts.

Lisa hugged Dazzle and dragged her to their side. David asked, "how?"

Monica smirked and said, "Do you think Dazzle will just give away the pendant like that?" David replied, "Ugh...I had a doubt."

Noah said, "It was a fake pendant with a tracker on it."

David replied angrily,

"That is why you said me to go to my room because my room is the only place the tower destructor isn't fixed."

Dazzle nodded while Lisa patted her back proudly.

Lisa said, "For two weeks Dazzle wasn't here because she had to remove the real pendant from her skin and recover."

Dazzle said beaming happy, "Thanks to Monica for a great plan.

Monica hugged Dazzle. Dazzle said, "Lisa, I thought no one will notice the real one..."

Lisa continued, "At the backyard. Don't worry. I saw you drop the real pendant when David kidnapped you."

Noah said, "Nice move...we don't want him to take it."

David said, "Whatever but your real pendant is dangerous. As I explained to you baby."

As soon as David said "baby", Lisa shot his leg. David groaned in pain.

Lisa asked, "You managed to distract him?" Dazzle nodded and said, "Had to pay a kiss though"

Lisa chuckled and walked out of the room with Dazzle and Monica.

Noah and KL said, "Time to say goodbye." David shouted, "Baby, think... I know you like me...not as a boyfriend but something.

But as you started liking me...I am going to die."

David stopped speaking followed by a gunshot and then lots of shots. Dazzle felt what David said was right.

Dazzle felt comfortable around David recently. She was sure to make him a friend.

Dazzle was dragged out of her thoughts as Lisa handed her the pendant. THE REAL PENDANT.

Dazzle forgot all her negative thoughts just by looking at the pendant. She happily wore it.

Dazzle said, "Liam...we are back." Noah said, "Ummm...guys, we have to take a long rest and then start with another mystery."

Dazzle looked at Noah confused. Lisa just shrugged. Monica said, "Let's go somewhere far away."

Noah said without even thinking for a minute "India. We will go there."

Dazzle looked at Noah and asked, "Why?" Noah replied in a cheerful voice "To have a great time with nature."

Dazzle nodded even though she felt something curious.