Next mystery

One week later, Noah was thinking deeply about what David said to him before Noah killed him.

"You think I only kidnapped Dazzle because I needed her and the pendant. Then... you are wrong. You ...none of you know how much powerful and dangerous it is.

Do you know why the pendant moved away from me? Because it knew that I know about its harm. This pendant kills all the love that Dazzle finds.

If you want to know more, visit India...Southern India. It is not a trap. Trust me here."

Noah murmured "Is it safe for all of us there? I feel like David had a point. Liam and then Grim..."

Noah was thinking until he heard a sudden thud. Noah went to the nearby room from where he heard the thud.

He saw Monica on the floor holding her chest. Noah asked concerned "Are you alright?"

Monica said, "Oh yea ...sorry..." Noah gave a glare and asked, "Why are you apologising to me? Please apologise to the poor floor."

Monica gave him a death glare and pouted. Noah just laughed and walked away.

Dazzle was sitting in the backyard thinking about what happened back at the old place with David.

Dazzle accepted the fact that David had a soft spot for her and cared a bit too. Dazzle was so much in confusion.

She hates to say but she started to miss David. Dazzle sighed and looked around.

She saw a small kid plucking a flower. Dazzle didn't notice that she had a stone in her hand. The stone of mind reading.

Dazzle was looking at the kid and suddenly heard a voice asking, "Why is this flower so small? Can they walk and talk?

Dazzle was shocked because the voice was so young and cute. That is when she realised she was reading the kids mind.

She looked at her hand with a smirk. Dazzle saw the stone gleaming brightly in white.

Dazzle murmured, "Why didn't I think of you when I was with David? I am stupid."

Dazzle laughed happily looking at the stone in her hand. Dazzle started to pack her bag for their trip to India.

KL is not going to be with them because he has many works in their training place and missions with Machete and Razor.

Monica said, "Guys...I am not coming. I will stay here. I am going to go for a computer programming course."

Dazzle felt something was wrong and was about to use the stone of mind reading.

But Lisa stopped her and said, "We are not using that for invading one's privacy ...okay?" Dazzle felt bad and nodded.

Lisa smiled and hugged Dazzle. Noah said, "Then it's me, Lisa and Dazzle." Lisa whispered to Dazzle, "I feel this is more than a tour."

Dazzle replied, "Yes. He is so stubborn about going there." Lisa smirked and said, "A new mystery already."

Dazzle let out a long annoyed sigh and said, "But it is interesting...I guess." Lisa nodded accepting their new life.

Dazzle and Lisa were a bit sad that Monica didn't come along with them but they were also excited for the anonymous mystery ahead of them.

Lisa, Dazzle and Noah had a long journey and finally reached India. Dazzle felt so good inhaling the breeze of Southern India.

Lisa was fascinated by the surroundings which were filled with nature and greenery.

Dazzle was eagerly waiting for Noah to break down the suspense. But Noah didn't tell them anything.

Dazzle said, "Hey, Lisa...that guy is acting like a total mute."

Lisa nodded and replied, "I know, right?" Noah turned around facing Lisa and Dazzle with a blank expression.

Noah said, "Girls, we are staying friend's house.

South Indian's are so friendly and welcoming." He said pointing at a house.

Dazzle nodded and walked to the house. Lisa rang the bell, within minutes a kind woman opened the door and welcomed them very friendly.

Just looking at the woman's face made Dazzle and Lisa smile. Noah hugged his friend and said, "Umm...go and fresh up girls."

Dazzle and Lisa followed the kind lady to a room to freshen up.

Dazzle said to Lisa "Mah lord...they are so kind. She treats us like we have known each other for years."

Lisa nodded and said, "She is super cute too." Dazzle looked at Lisa who was murmuring something to herself. Dazzle shook her head.

Lisa, Dazzle and Noah visited many ancient temples, churches and spectacular waterfalls on their trip.

Lisa and Dazzle were going through the pictures they took in the falls when Lisa noticed Noah leaving the house.

Lisa asked, "Where are you going?" Dazzle turned and looked at Noah. Noah said, "Lone time."

Lisa nodded but immediately after Noah turned away from them she used the stone of mind reading. Lisa heard,

"Phew, that was close. I got to go and find the book in the ancient library. David looked serious when he told me to read about it."

Lisa quickly explained whatever she heard to Dazzle. Dazzle was shocked. Dazzle said, "Is he seriously going to handle this all alone?"

Lisa said, "We must follow him..." Dazzle nodded and smiled. Lisa and Dazzle held their hands with the stone inside, so both of them can hear through the stone of mind reading.

Lisa and Dazzle followed Noah keeping a good distance. They saw him entering an old building which Dazzle guessed was the library.

Dazzle was about to enter the library but someone pulled her by her sleeve. It was Lisa. Dazzle raised an eyebrow in confusion.

Lisa pointed at a design on the floor that was shining after Dazzle stepped on it.

Dazzle was shocked by what she saw. As soon as she stepped on the design in it shined and showed the pattern of her pendant.

Lisa smiled happily, clapping her hands in excitement. Dazzle bent down to examine the design.

Dazzle was examining but stopped when a pair of barefoot stood in front of her.

It was a little girl. She stared at the pendant in Dazzle's neck and pouted.

Dazzle asked her "What's wrong?" The little girl looked at Dazzle and then pointed at the pendant.

Dazzle held her pendant and looked at the little girl.

The little girl pointed at the library. Lisa said, "I think she wants us to go there."

The little girl suddenly said, "As you touched the design, you unlocked the protection for the book. Please go and read before someone else does it."

Lisa looked at the little girl surprised but Dazzle dragged her into the library. Dazzle saw a small light leading the way.

Noah noticed Dazzle and Lisa. He followed them too.