Beam of path

Dazzle and Lisa followed by Noah followed the beam of light. Dazzle recognised the light. It was the same beam of light that helped her reach Liam when he was in the forest at his last moments.

The beam of light vanished after taking a shift turn. Lisa looked disappointed while Dazzle looked around puzzled. Lisa said, "No...this cannot be the end."

Noah said, "I don't think so... search." Dazzle and Lisa were shocked and said in chorus, "NOAH?!"

Noah chuckled and said, "Don't worry. I am not mad at you for sneaking." Lisa said with a scoff "Why would you be mad? We are the one to be mad. You didn't even tell us."

Dazzle was very quiet and didn't bother to talk to anyone. She had a weird feeling of the beam of light still around her.

Dazzle suddenly remembered that back at the forest, at the day Liam was killed, when she lost hope on finding Liam and cried, her tears changed into the beam of light and led the way.

Dazzle immediately turned around and hit herself on the wall. Noah and Lisa were shocked. Dazzle started to hit more despite being stopped by Noah and Lisa.

Dazzle finally teared up a bit. She bent down and let her touch the ground. As expected a small beam of light appeared.

Lisa was shocked and said, "You sure are clever." Noah said, "You could have said to us about it and then hit yourself. I had a heart attack."

Dazzle apologised and rushed away to follow the beam of light. The beam of light when inside a book and dimmed itself.

Dazzle slowly got near the book. She took it in her hand and tried to open it but it didn't open.

Dazzle exclaimed shocked "It isn't a book...but a box." Lisa gave a grin but slowly changed into a pout when they couldn't figure out how to unlock it.

Noah said, "Wait, there is some kind of carving there." pointing at a shelf's edge. Dazzle couldn't see anything but when she kept her hands on the shelf, she felt some carvings.

Noah said, " did the design in the floor shin?" Dazzle said, "When my feet touched it." Noah said, "Do it."

Dazzle tried touching the shelf with her legs in all way possible but nothing changed. The shelf was blank and stared at them boringly.

Dazzle once again started to rethink. She closed her eyes and all she could see was the little girl outside the library standing in her barefoot.

Her brain kept on shocking the kid's barefoot. Dazzle said confused "Why the kid's barefoot? Barefoot?"

Lisa looked down thinking and suddenly yelled, "THAT'S IT...BAREFOOT." Noah asked, "huh? What?"

Lisa said, "Dazzle remove your shoes and then touch the carvings." Dazzle did what Lisa said and to their surprise, another bright red light emerged.

Dazzle asked Lisa "But I wore shoes when I stood on the design." Lisa looked at Dazzle's shoe and said laughing, "Your feet and the floor got into contact because of the holes."

Dazzle's cheek became red embarrassment while looking at her old shoes with holes. Dazzle bit her lips and started following the red light.

The red light didn't move very far. It went back inside the carvings. Then there was a moment of silence. Everyone was puzzled.

Dazzle then noticed a small button emerging from the centre of the carving. Dazzle clapped her hands excitedly and pressed it without any further thinking.

The shelf's side opened up revealing a small chamber. Dazzle took it out and looked around. The chamber had four locks.

Lisa let out a frustrated cry and sighed. Noah asked looking defeated "Where in the earth are we going to find the keys?"

Dazzle said, "Guys has a letter too. It says "Old is gold."

Noah slid his hand through his hair in frustration.

Lisa looked at the chamber and said sarcastically "What do you want us to do? Go and ask some oldies? Seriously?"

Dazzle's eye widened and she smiled. Dazzle said, "Lisa!? you are a genius." Lisa looked confused but said, "I know." with a hair flip.

Dazzle said with all excitement inside her "Girl...we gotta ask the oldies...maybe the will help us. Remember we got help from an old woman.

Lisa nodded and said, "yes...where to start?" Noah said, "The peoples surrounding this library."

Dazzle nodded and said, "Yeah. Many looked at me curiously when I walked there."

Lisa said, "They looked like they were protecting this library."

Dazzle and the other walked out of the library. Dazzle hid the chamber in her bag. As soon as the stepped out, they were welcomed by dozens of curious eyes staring at them.

Every elder had their eyes on Dazzle's hand hoping to see something. Dazzle understood that they were searching for the chamber and nodded a successful look.

Her confident nod made many peoples relieved. Lisa slowly walked near an elderly man and asked, "We need your help? Will you?

The elderly man laughed happily and nodded. They were welcomed to a small cottage. It was small but so comfy. The old man said, "The reason I am living long is to pass the information to you.

We were waiting for you...all of the protectors. We hoped at least one will know the truth about it. I am sorry. I can't tell you everything. I can't answer your questions.

I can only say what I am supposed to say. "This curse carries on. You may find the key at the victim of the pendant." Goodbye.

Dazzle nodded and left with the others. Lisa asked, "Curse?!"

Noah nodded and said, "David said the same thing. He said Liam was the victim of the pendant." Dazzle looked at Noah surprised and asked, "Victim?"

Noaj just shrugged and said, "Yeah but I am not sure what he meant." Lisa shook her head and sighed. Dazzle asked, "why is this hell hard?"

Lisa started rambling about the head pressure and how stressed she was. Noah and Dazzle were silently listening to Noah.

Lisa continued "It doesn't even make sense. Does Liam have the key? Like how come. If he is the victim then he must have it according to the old man.

But Liam is on our side. He will help us unless he is controlled." Dazzle looked at Lisa shook. Lisa's rambling made more sense than her detective skills.

Dazzle said, "Lisa...I am surprised. You are right. Liam may know where the key is, it may be hidden around his stuff but he can tell because the pendant won't let him too."

Noah nodded happily and hugged Lisa and Dazzle. Lisa shouted, "I AM CLEVER...REALLY SO CLEVER."

Dazzle laughed and said, "We gotta go back? To our city?" Lisa asked, "why?"

Noah said, "To search for the key in Liam's things." Lisa said, "We must ask help from KL and Monica...simple." Dazzle nodded and said, "Let me call Monica."

Dazzle called Monica through her phone which was answered after a few seconds. Dazzle said, "Hello..." Before Monica spoke she heard her coughing a couple of times.

Dazzle asked, "Monica? Are you alright?" Monica nodded and said, "Yeah... not feeling well."

Dazzle said, "oh, please take care. Now give the phone to KL. We have some mystery."

After a few seconds, KL's cold voice said a hi. Dazzle shook her head and started explaining him everything. Dazzle kept on hearing Monica's cough and the background.

Dazzle started to get worried. After explaining KL about their new mystery she also said him to look after Monica.

Lisa said in a concerned tone "Looks like she is sick." Dazzle nodded. Noah said, "KL must take care of her."

Dazzle nodded and said, "I said to him to look after her." Lisa nodded and said, "good." Noah said, "Now let's get back to our cosy, small and friendly house..."

Dazzle continued, "And wait for KL's finding."

KL was in Liam's house. The place where terrible things happened to Liam.

KL said, "let me start from his diary. I may get clues and ideas from there. Ugh...I have already some of it and it was so emotional. I better not cry.