First key

KL sat on Liam's table rethinking what Dazzle said to him. KL said to himself, "The victim of the pendant...that is Liam...has it.

We can't directly get it because it is hidden among him. That is the key may be hidden among his things. This is what Dazzle found.

I think I should search for things which are related to Dazzle but belonged to Liam. Let me read his diary and find about it."

KL read Liam's diary once again. He ended by crying but also got a clue. KL said sniffling, "I think I should check Dazzle's gift to Liam.

Liam liked it so much. It must be having the key." KL knew where Liam's gift was because he read it in the diary.

KL opened an underground drawer under Liam's bed. He saw Dazzle's gift. The bunny pencil was so cute but it had nothing related to the key.

Same with the other gift. KL was frustrated because he couldn't find the key. He looked everywhere around Liam's small room.

KL said, "" KL sat on Liam's bed and tried controlling his irregular breath and anger.

After a few moments, Dazzle called him and he picked up sadly and told how he failed to find the key.

Dazzle comforted but KL knew that Dazzle was hurt and disappointed too.

KL was talking with Dazzle while he walked out of Liam's house. He kicked the door open. KL said, "Ouch! It hurt."

KL landed on the floor by slipping on the stairs on the entrance.

Dazzle was asking him what happened filled with concern.

He was about to explain but stopped when he saw something gleaming.

KL shouted and said, "Got it?!. The key was in the stairs..." Dazzle started to laugh happily. KL asked, "Why stairs?"

Dazzle suddenly remembered the day when Liam pushed her down the stairs because she surprised him.

Dazzle said, "umm...I don't know...and we still have to get 3 more keys."

KL asked, "From whom?" Dazzle sighed sadly and said, "No clue...we are blocked."

Dazzle said the others about how KL found the first key. Lisa asked, "Liam is the only victim we knew of the pendant...right?"

Dazzle nodded sadly and said, "I have no idea who the next victim is..." Noah said a bit awkwardly, "Maybe all the person who died after you got the pendant."

Lisa added, "But they also must be loved by us ...more like our friend."

Dazzle thought for few moments and said, "Somehow I feel what David said is happening...

I am scared. Not for me but you...peoples surrounding me. Is this really a curse?" Dazzle asked holding her pendant in her hand. Lisa shook her head and said,

"Even if that's the case, we will get rid of this pendant. Don't worry..."

Next day, Noah said his Indian friend, whose house they were staying, that he had a small official call back at his place.

Noah left to collect the key from KL.

Dazzle and Lisa went to a park nearby to discuss their next move. Dazzle asked, "Who died after Liam?" sadly. Lisa asked, "Wait...Your dad...Grim. He was killed."

Dazzle was sad but she also felt that it was right. Lisa said, "Wait...we must inform Noah right way. So he will pay a visit around Grim's stuff.

Dazzle nodded and Lisa made a call to Noah and said about their next move. Noah also felt it was the right choice.

Dazzle sighed and said to Lisa "I thought this pendant saved me from my reality but now I am trapped in theses things which are much complicated and dangerous.

I think trouble really loves me." Lisa chuckled but she felt the pain in Dazzle's voice.

Lisa hugged Dazzle and said, "Whatever happening now is for something better later."

Dazzle nodded and looked at her surroundings. Dazzle always felt secure with her pendant but nowadays she could rarely talk with Liam.

Liam doesn't really talk to her in her dreams. Dazzle lost the comfort that the pendant used to give her. She also regrets the death of David.

He was a bad person but she felt that he wanted to help her. Dazzle sighed heavily thinking about the pendant.

Lisa understood Dazzle's situation and let her have her own time.

Lisa finally was done with the silence and said, "I am buying ice cream. What flavour do you want?" Dazzle was surprised by Lisa's sudden question.

Dazzle said, "Ice cream? Oh...umm...Vanilla." Lisa said, "Okay...two vanilla then."

Dazzle saw Lisa walking away to buy them ice cream. She suddenly remembered that the pendant always shines in light rose when Lisa is with her.

That is Lisa likes her the most in this whole world. Dazzle smiled happily and looked at Lisa with affection and happiness.

Dazzle mumbled, "Thank you, Lisa. I love you." Dazzle waited for a few minutes and was concerned that Lisa still didn't return.

Dazzle walked in the direction where Lisa went and looked around. She started to panic when she couldn't find Lisa.

She saw a small kid sitting down admiring a flower near her. The little girl had ice cream in her hand.

Dazzle tapped on the girl's shoulder and asked, "Did you see a..." Dazzle was shocked to see Lisa turning around and smiling.

Dazzle asked confused, "Lisa?!" Lisa said, "Sorry...I was looking at the flower." Dazzle's eye was wide and she blinked twice to accept what she saw.

Lisa looked at Dazzle confused and said, "Eat it or it will melt." Dazzle nodded her head while her eyes were still staring at Lisa in amazement.

Dazzle and Lisa walked through the calm streets with really nice peoples waving at them. Lisa said, "I also used to do this." Dazzle asked, "Do what?"

Lisa replied, "Wave at strangers from a different country." Dazzle laughed and looked at small kids who waved at them.

Dazzle found them very cute and friendly.

Lisa, on the other hand, became a kid.

She started to shake her head weirdly and wave hands at every kid.

Dazzle started to laugh seeing Lisa losing control and dancing like a small kid.

Everything was fine until Dazzle heard two men behind her talking inappropriately about Lisa.

Dazzle tried to calm herself but she felt her temper rising when the men didn't stop.

Dazzle finally got up and shot the men to death with a death glare.

Everyone started to scream because guns aren't something peoples there usually see.

Lisa was shocked but she knew whatever Dazzle did has a reason.

They two walked away fast. Lisa said, "Thank god... they had no camera. Dazzle...? What happened?" Dazzle mumbled, "He talked something bad so..."

Lisa asked, "About you?" becoming angry. Dazzle didn't want to say that he talked about Lisa, so she nodded.

Lisa smirked and said, "Then okay... No one messes with Dazzle and Killer belt."

Dazzle laughed and hugged Lisa.