Where is it?

Noah got the first key from KL. Noah and KL were searching for their next key around Boss Grim's room. Noah asked KL, "Remember any particular events of Dazzle and Grim?"

KL said, "They usually talk in the garden more than in the office. He rarely let her in here." Noah nodded and said, "We will go to the garden then."

KL nodded and both of them walked to the garden. They searched for a very long time but couldn't find any key or clue.

KL said, "Let's not lose hope. The key may be anywhere...Anywhere we least expect."

Noah and KL searched a few more places and finally lost hope. They called Lisa and said that they couldn't find the key.

Noah said, "Girls, catch the next flight and reach here." Lisa and Dazzle accepted.

Back in India,

Dazzle said, "Aunt...we are leaving tonight." to the kind woman whose house they were staying. The aunt denied permission because it was late at night.

Dazzle started to plead and she finally said, "Okay, go with my son." Lisa said, "It's okay auntie. We can manage it."

The kind woman gave a stern look. Dazzle and

Lisa gulped and accepted. Lisa whispered, "Wow...stern and protective peoples."

Dazzle replied, "She will be shocked to see our true selves."

Lisa nodded and smiled. On the other hand, the kind lady was truly amazed by Dazzle's and Lisa's braveness.

She whispered to herself, "They are so independent and brave..."

Dazzle and Lisa packed their things and left the house with Noah's friend to the airport. Dazzle and Lisa reached the airport.

Dazzle thanked their Indian friend and left from India. Lisa said on their flight, "Dazzle...Noah said he didn't find the key in Grim's office, garden ...not anywhere at the training place."

Dazzle nodded and said, "I and dad had less time together. I may not be much of a help. But teamwork..." "Makes dream works" completed, Lisa.

Dazzle said, "I am going to take a nap...Wake me up after an hour and you take rest. Okay?" Lisa nodded and started watching a movie.

Dazzle sighed and looked at the beautiful scenery of India from the aeroplane and slowly drifted to sleep.

Dazzle woke up and looked around. Everyone was standing ready to leave the aeroplane.

Dazzle asked, "We reached?!" Lisa said, "Yes...". Lisa didn't see Dazzle was glaring at her.

Lisa raised her eyebrows looking at Dazzle's glare. Dazzle asked, "Why didn't you wake me up? Did you even sleep?"

Lisa said, "I was so much interested in the movie that I forgot." Dazzle looked at Lisa in disbelief and sighed. Lisa and Dazzle walked back to their training place.

Dazzle said, "The weather is calming..." Lisa said in an annoying voice, "Calm? What is so calm here? Ughh..." Dazzle chuckled and walked forward.

Dazzle and Lisa were welcomed by an ill-looking Monica. Dazzle was about to hug Monica but Monica said, "Please no...I am sick. You will get sick too."

Dazzle smiled and moved away. Lisa asked, "You look so pale. Did you visit the doctor?" Monica replied, "No... it is just a common cold."

Noah shook his head and said, "Eat more and sleep more. Don't even poke your nose in this mystery. Full rest. Okay?"

Monica chuckled and nodded. Monica asked Lisa and Dazzle about their trip and three girls updated each other and happily chatted.

Dazzle was relieved to see all her friends again. Dazzle was also very concerned and worried about Monica. Monica has continuous coughs and she held her chest when she coughed.

Lisa also noticed it and asked Dazzle "We have to take her for a check-up...general cold check-up." Dazzle nodded.

Noah got their attention by asking Dazzle "Remember any special place of you and Grim?"

Dazzle thought for few moments and said, "The place...where he said I am his daughter?"

Noah said, "We checked there." Dazzle asked, "Umm...the place where David was about to shoot my dad and missed him?"

KL replied, "It's the garden. We checked there too." Lisa and Dazzle also checked again to make sure and as expected they didn't find the key.

Dazzle said, "This is so frustrating. We don't even know if we are looking at the correct person.' Lisa nodded and said, "What if Grim isn't the victim?"

KL said, "Then we are doomed." Dazzle said, "Idiot. Don't give up at ease like that." KL raised his hand in surrender and apologised.

Noah suddenly asked, "We are completely insane." Lisa asked, "What?" Noah faced Dazzle and said, "Dazzle ...you knew your father years ago when you were just 1 year old.

Grim is your dad and you were with him before the car accident.

You may have had events in your childhood too with your dad."

Dazzle was so amazed. She almost forgot about her childhood memories with her dad. Dazzle said, "We must go there... to dad's old house."

Noah said, "He sold it to some businessmen. We will have to ask them. If they say no...Killer Belt...your threatening." Lisa smirked.

Noah called the businessman and asked him about their visit there. The businessman was hesitant.

Lisa immediately grabbed the phone and said, "If you allow us we will only come. If not...I WILL HAVE TO BRING MY BELT AND KNIF..."

Before Lisa could complete the businessman said, "Sure. Please come." Lisa chuckled and smiled widely. Dazzle happily clapped her hands.

Lisa said, "I missed the evil me." Dazzle chuckled and nodded. Noah hugged Lisa.

Dazzle, Lisa and Noah planned to go to the mansion. Lisa said, "We have two mansions to visit, remember?"

Dazzle said, "But the mansion where I was kidnapped first ...I never went there. It was a place where my mother and father spent time."

The mansion was fully vacated with no humans.

Dazzle and Lisa started searching while Noah looked around. Dazzle searched all the familiar places but she didn't get the key.

Dazzle noticed everyone slowly losing hope. Noah sighed and said, "Let's go and come back again. We all are exhausted."

Dazzle nodded in disappointment. Lisa said, "Dazzle... remember you we're made on the other mansion?"