Miss the killer

Dazzle looked at Lisa confused and asked, "What? Made?". Lisa smiled weirdly. Dazzle scoffed and said, "Seriously?! Why are telling that now?"

Lisa said, "Dazzle ...maybe the key is there. It was there where your dad and mom...."

Dazzle said, "Okay. Now shut up." Lisa closed her mouth and nodded.

Dazzle and Noah left the first mansion to go to the second mansion of Grim. Grim's second mansion was not as big as the first one but it was large too.

Dazzle and the others searched all the rooms for the key. Dazzle was looking at her parent's room.

It was large and luxurious. Dazzle was about to leave the place but saw something that made her stop.

Dazzle said, "A baby crib?" Dazzle saw a small pink baby crib. Dazzle said, "Aww...so cute. Is it mine?"

She adored the crib touching its luxurious carvings.

Dazzle noticed all the toys and other things were gone. There was only a weird-looking pacifier.

Dazzle took the pacifier in her hand and said, "Cool. Even the pacifier is luxurious."

Dazzle kept the pacifier back at the crib but dropped it on the ground accidentally.

Dazzle sighed and said, "My bad...wait what is it?" Dazzle noticed that the pacifier was broken and something fell from it.

Dazzle couldn't believe what she was seeing. It was the key for the chambers.

Dazzle mumbled to herself, "Th..e key?! In my pacifier." Dazzle rushed outside her parent's room.

Dazzle called Lisa and Noah, showing them the key. They were surprised and relieved. Lisa said, "FINALLY." Dazzle nodded.

Noah asked, "Where was it?" Dazzle giggled and said, "In my baby pacifier."

Lisa looked at Dazzle shocked and said, "You don't have a baby."

Dazzle glared at Lisa and said, "I meant...my baby self's pacifier.

When I was a baby this pacifier was mine." Lisa laughed at Dazzle's explanation.

Noah said, "Okay. Now the third one." Lisa's smile faded and Dazzle dropped her head down. They went back to their training place and updated Monica and KL.

KL asked curiously, "Why was it in your pacifier?"

Dazzle said, "I don't know but it was so cute." KL shook his head and nodded.

Noah asked, "So the first victim of the pendant is Liam and then Grim." Dazzle was sad when she heard it.

She thought, "Is this pendant dangerous? Why are peoples dying? Coincidence?

Dazzle was very confused but managed to keep her face clear and happy. Lisa asked, "The next person. We still have two more keys to find."

Noah nodded and asked, "Who was liked by Dazzle and are also dead?"

Dazzle yelled, "Don't tell it like that Noah. It hurts. I feel bad and dangerous.

Noah started feeling guilty. He didn't mean to hurt Dazzle. He was so much into the mystery that he didn't mind his words.

Dazzle started to cry. Lisa was hugging Dazzle while Monica comforted her. Noah asked, "I am sorry Dazzle. Forgive me."

Dazzle looked at Noah and then suddenly hugged him tightly.

The pendant shined brightly in jealousy. Noah asked jokingly, "Liam, you jealous?"

Dazzle laughed and the room was soon filled with teasings and laughter.

Dazzle said, "Let's sleep now. We can find another key tomorrow."

Lisa said, "As if we will find the key in one go." Dazzle laughed and said, "Mystery is fun and frustrating."

Lisa nodded and everyone fell asleep. Dazzle was sleeping when she had a dream.

In Dazzle's dream,

"Baby, Don't think I am making your life hard. I am protecting you and your friends." David was talking to Dazzle who was sleeping in an old rusty place.

He covered her body with his coat.

David continued, "I lost my mother, sister and friends, because of that pendant.

It made me lonely. I may die because of the pendant but be safe my girl."

David's eye was filled with tears. David stood up taking a last glance at Dazzle and walked away."

Dazzle woke up from the dream. She was sweating and also crying.

She knew that her dream happened in her real life too.

Dazzle said, "David? What was he saying? Was it the truth? He lost everyone whom he loved?" Dazzle's breathing started to get irregular.

She looked at all her friends and gulped. She can't bear the thought of being the reason for her friend's death.

Dazzle was deep in thought that she didn't notice KL staring at her concerned.

KL hugged Dazzle and said, "Don't even think about leaving us because of this pendant."

Dazzle was shocked. KL heard whatever she said a few minutes ago.

She cried silently on KL's arm and fell back to sleep. KL made sure Dazzle was asleep and then slept.

Before sleeping, KL said, "I have to make sure she doesn't run away from us. Dazzle...we love you. You need us."

Next morning, Dazzle begged KL not to say anything that happened yesterday night to others. KL jokingly denied and teased Dazzle.

But later promised he won't tell anyone. Dazzle sighed relieved and hugged KL.

Later, they all assembled in Noah's room to discuss.

Noah said, "Dazzle...We need you to be truthful here." Dazzle nodded and was silent.

Noah asked, "Was there any person whom you liked but they are no more?"

Noah tried his best to make his words less hurtful. Dazzle immediately thought of David, "David...please don't misunderstand guys.

I wasn't happy when you killed David. Not even a bit"

Noah was speechless. David said to him the exact thing, "My baby won't be happy about my death Noah."

Dazzle continued, "I know he kidnapped me and killed my dad but his actions had a reason. He was very kind to me when I was kidnapped.

He was abusive only when he found I was diverting him. I missed him.

I miss him. I will miss him. He had a reason which he didn't tell for kidnapping me.

I feel bad. We could have got many things and clues from him."

Everyone was shocked. No one expected Dazzle to defend David. Lisa said a bit mad at Dazzle, "He could have killed you."

Dazzle said, "You only saw him hitting me. But I saw another side of him. It was so caring ...not only for me but also for you...all of you."

Lisa sighed and looked away. Noah said, "I am speechless."

Dazzle added, "It was no one's fault. I wasn't in the situation to explain to you.

And our plan was to kill him too." Noah nodded. KL said, "Then, our next victim is David?"