
Dazzle woke up after being splashed with a mug of water. Dazzle looked around annoyed and angry and saw surprised Noah and KL.

Dazzle asked sleepily, "What happened? Is everything alright?"

Noah pulled Dazzle out of her bed and dragged her to the hall.

David was sitting in the hall with a smirk but his smirk turned to a cold face when he saw Noah dragging Dazzle.

David said coldly to Noah, "You can let her go now." Lisa who was half awake said, "I smell jealousy."

David looked at Lisa with a killer glare and asked, "Lisa you want my knife to do an art on you?"

Losa scoffed and asked Noah, "Why did you wake us?"

Dazzle was waiting for the answer when Noah said, "Steve...the first person we had to kill...died today..."

Dazzle widened her eye and asked, "What? How? When? Where?"

David said, "At the Alley, yesterday by US."

Dazzle looked at David confused. David threw the newspaper at Dazzle.

Dazzle caught the newspaper and read it.

The news was about how a middle-aged man was killed at the alley.

He was tortured to death by poking his eyes and then choking him with a thorn belt.

Dazzle looked at David shocked while Noah and KL looked at Lisa suspiciously.

Lisa yelled, "Hey...I have a thorn belt that doesn't mean I killed him."

Noah asked, "Don't lie...Lisa...?"

Lisa was about to throw a fist but Dazzle stopped her and said, "Not was me...and David."

Lisa was disappointed and asked, "Dazzle...we are the secret attacking can you leave me and go with that psycho?"

David scoffed and looked away telling, "We just went on a date."

Everyone gasped while Dazzle said irritated, "Noo, I was on my way to the sacred river and saw a guy kidnapping ...

I killed him but David tortured his soulless body."

Noah asked, "So you didn't know he was Steve?"

Dazzle shook her head and said, "I had no slight idea."

Lisa asked, "Is this coincidence?"

KL said, "I don't know but I am happy that we didn't have to kill an innocent."

Dazzle said, "I had a weird feeling want me to go out but It happens usually so...I think it is coincidence after all."

While everyone was thinking David said, "I still want to kill someone." and looked at Dazzle.

Dazzle walked backwards and stood behind Noah trying to escape David's thirsty stare.

Noah looked at David angrily and then turned around to others and said, "We must learn more about Steve."

Dazzle suddenly remembered something.

Dazzle said, "While I was talking with Steve...he said he kidnaps kids and give them to someone."

Lisa asked confused, "Someone?"

Dazzle nodded and said, "I don't know who. He died before telling it."

David said, "Should we simply kill everyone we see and hope that the same coincidence happens?" with an evil smile.

Lisa whispered to Dazzle, "It was a pure mistake to think he was clever...he is just a psycho...not clever at all."

Dazzle laughed and nodded.