More manipulative

Dazzle asked, "Noah...Should we go and meet Nathan?"

Noah nodded but he also knows that Nathan makes everyone uncomfortable.

Dazzle said, "We must make an excuse." KL asked, "Are you sure Nathan is connected with this kidnapping?"

Noah said confidently, "I am sure about it. He has had many criminal records for kidnapping not only kids but also girls and women."

Lisa chuckled and asked, "What is the excuse?"

It was evening. Dazzle and Lisa walked on a road filled with loud music and bright lights.

Dazzle walked near Nathan's tattoo shop. She looked at the tattoo that she got from Nathan.

Lisa knocked at the door. The door unlocked revealing a thin guy with a sly grin.

Nathan said, "Welcome Ladies. Long time no see..."

Dazzle laughed nervously and said, "We are in a situation."

Suddenly, Lisa burst into tears. Nathan hugged Lisa and asked, What's wrong, beautiful?"

Dazzle looked at Nathan hands which were caressing Lisa's shoulders.

Dazzle saw that Lisa was not feeling comfortable, so she said pulling Nathan with all her force, "Our sister is missing."

Dazzle was holding on to Nathan's hands as if she was begging.

Nathan asked, "You had a sister?" Lisa said, "I cousin. More like a real sister."

Dazzle said, "We suspect she was kidnapped. Please help us."

Nathan said, "Hmm...I know a guy who kidnaps kids."

Nathan was suspicious of Dazzle and Lisa because they are not the types of girls who beg for help or ask for help.

Nathan knows how independent and strong Lisa and Dazzle are.

So Nathan said, "Follow me." and went out of his shop.

Dazzle and Lisa followed Nathan quietly.

Lisa whispered, "Don't worry. Noah is following us with David."

Dazzle nodded. Dazzle was quite familiar with the alley where Nathan was taking them, so Dazzle was not afraid.

Dazzle asked, "Where are we going?" Nathan replied in a low tone, "To meet him."

Lisa asked, "who?"

Nathan suddenly turned around and pushed Lisa. He put a knife on Dazzle's neck.

Nathan said, "What do you want? Who are you searching for?"

Lisa was angry and scared at the same time because Nathan would hurt her.

Dazzle tried to free herself from Nathan's grip but instead, she felt the knife in her neck.

Dazzle started bleeding.

Nathan laughed and said, "You killed you want to kill Arthur too?"

Dazzle asked, "What are you talking about?"

Nathan put a bit more pressure in his knife making Dazzle scream.

Suddenly, David rushed from the other side of the alley.

David pulled Nathan and kicked on Dazzle's leg pushing her down, so she won't get hurt by Nathan.

Lisa immediately grabbed Dazzle and dragged her away.

While, David sat on top of Nathan and started punching him saying, "How dare you to touch her!?"

Nathan started to lose his blood.

Noah who was tending to Dazzle's bleeding wound said to David, "David...stop...we got to find about Arthur."

David took Nathan's knife from him and poked on Nathan's left eye.

Nathan screamed and begged for mercy. David asked, "Where is Arthur?"

Nathan said, "He has his office behind the "Zoya" club."

David got up from Nathan and stabbed him in his chest to death and said, "No one dares to touch her."

Dazzle gulped seeing David's aggressiveness and looked away.

Noah said, "We killed Nathan...who is also part of the pendant's death wish list."

Dazzle nodded and smirked saying, "Now we know where Arthur is..."