The same hell

Dazzle and KL were standing in front of the Zoya club to find a way to sneak inside Arthur's office.

Dazzle was looking at all the passengers passing by them. Dazzle heard a scream of a soft voice.

Dazzle looked at KL who was pointing at a tree. Dazzle saw a small kid and two adult men behind the tree.

The men were trying to shut the kid's mouth but the kid was screaming.

Dazzle was about to go and stop them but KL stopped her.

KL said, "Dazzle...they are kidnapping the kid for Arthur. If we follow them...we will reach him."

Dazzle nodded and smirked.

The two men covered the kid's mouth and carried him on his shoulder. Dazzle and KL slowly followed them.

The two men looked around repeatedly and started walking inside a small narrow road, adjacent to the "Zoya" club.

Dazzle and Noah followed them until they reached an old mansion.

It was big but old. The place smelled of blood and sweat.

Dazzle looked around and saw many kids standing in line.

KL after looking around for a few minutes said, "They are classifying the kids based on their capacity."

Dazzle asked, "What do you mean?"

KL pulled Dazzle to a lonely place and explained, "They kidnap kids and classify them.

For example, if a kid is physically active, then he or she will be classified for the labour category.

If the kids are cute and attractive, then they are sold away to some rich peoples who do whatever they want with them.

Some kids who are sick will be killed and other kids who are not very attractive or useful will be used by the kidnappers."

Dazzle felt so sad.

She always thought her life was miserable but looking around she feels like her life was far better.

Dazzle suddenly asked, "How do you know it?" To KL.

KL looked down and said, "I have experienced this hell."

Dazzle was shocked and asked, "What?"

KL said with tears in his eye, "I was at the park with my mother that day when I was 7.

I got kidnapped at the park and my mother was killed because she followed the kidnappers to find me.

I was taken to a faraway place. As I was physically active and healthy, I was made labour.

That is when your dad came to visit my old boss, the person who kidnapped me.

Your dad really liked me and he also bought me as his son. That is how I was trained as a gangster."

Dazzle was on the verge of crying.

She hugged KL and asked, "What happened to your old boss?"

KL smirked and said, "He was the first one whom I killed."

Dazzle smiled satisfied.

KL's expression darkened and he said, "I cannot believe it is still happening."

Dazzle said, "Don't worry. Not anymore."

Dazzle and KL nodded.

KL walked to an old man who was sitting on a chair at the entrance of the old mansion.

KL said, "I want to meet Mr.Arthur."

KL went alone because Dazzle would be easily recognised by them.

The old man said annoyed, "Why? I can't tell you."

KL scoffed and asked, "Is this how you treat your customer? Mr.Grim recommended me to come here before he died."