Losses and sacrifices

Dazzle went Blank. Dazzle's surrounding started to echo. She started to loss control over her body.

All Dazzle could hear was,

"The pendant is as good as it is bad. It works as give and take. It includes sacrifices and losses."

Dazzle kept on repeating the same words again and again, without realising it.

Dazzle rushed inside the hospital room in which Monica was lying lifeless and pale.

Lisa hugged Monica and cried.

Dazzle looked at them with teary eyes. The lifeless smile of Monica made her feel miserable.

Noah patted Dazzle and went outside the room hiding his tears and emotions. He is a human with emotion too.

He even started to develop feelings over Monica who was no more.

Noah said, "Cherish her when she is around you." and sighed.

Two weeks later,

It had been two weeks since Dazzle and others lost Monica, their dear, sweet and caring friend.

Monica's funeral was secretive and simple. But it was all over.

Dazzle went outside her apartment to get some fresh air.

The light breeze washed over her delicate skin. Dazzle's wavy hairs were floating happily.

Dazzle thought about all the deaths and losses she had. She thought from Liam to Monica.

Dazzle mumbled to herself, "Dad and Liam would have been saved. We know how and why they died.

But What was the real reason that caused Monica's death?"

Dazzle was wondering.

Dazzle looked at her pendant with a small smile. Dazzle always felt good with her pendant.

It reminds her of the time she and Liam spent together. Her first stolen kiss...

She chuckled wiping away her tears. Her rosy lips formed a forced smile.

It may have been a short period with Liam but she was so happy and secured...It may even be the best part of her life.

Dazzle was smiling to herself and didn't notice David standing behind her.

David chuckled when he saw the strange sight of Dazzle talking to herself and smiling.

David asked jokingly to Dazzle with a mischievous smile, "Are you crazy? You are talking to yourself and laughing?"

Dazzle was startled to hear him but then replied sharply, "Mind your own business."

David pouted and sat next to Dazzle on the bench.

David said looking at Dazzle's pendant with sadness, "That pendant is a very powerful thing...maybe bad too.

You got to be safe, no matter what.

Don't make a fool of yourself, as I did."

Dazzle was confused and asked, "You made a fool of yourself with?"

David chuckled and asked, "You want me to die?"

David got up and walked away saying that, leaving Dazzle confused.

Dazzle shouted angrily, "Did my question and your question have any connection? Seriously? Ugh! I am so annoyed."

David heard Dazzle but pretended as if he didn't hear it.

He mumbled, "They do have a connection." with a mysterious but sad smile.

Dazzle sighed and closed her eye.

Dazzle suddenly realised something and opened her eye wide.

Dazzle asked to her pendant, "Wait. Why didn't the pendant react?

It usually turns green when I am near any other guy...

Liam isn't jealous anymore?"

Dazzle was beyond confusion and also was worried.

Meanwhile, Lisa was trying to sneak inside Noah's room.

Lisa said, "I am dead as a pork if Noah finds me."

Lisa planned to take the book about the pendant from Noah and read some of them.

Lisa reached Noah's closet and slowly unlocked it. SHE WAS SO CURIOUS.

Lisa looked around one last time and took the book slowly.

Lisa was trying to walk away when she heard a voice asking, "Stealing?"

Lisa was shocked and scared.

She could feel her heart losing the will to live.

Noah was standing at the doorway, glaring at Lisa.

Those glares made Lisa wanting to erase her whole existence.

Lisa said, "I am sorry...I feel like something big is going to happen and I am sure we are not ready for them."

Noah sighed and said, "I know but Dazzle is not ..."

Lisa stomped her feet and said angrily, "Dazzle is stable...we can't let her trust the pendant more.

I feel like that pendant is not Liam anymore..."

Noah thought for a while and said, "Let's call everyone and start reading... right now."

Lisa sighed in relief while Noah was still thinking.