Chapter one of the mystery

Noah called Lisa and KL so that they can start reading the book of the pendant. Everyone mentally prepared thematically.

Dazzle and others settled down on Noah's room. Suddenly they had a loud knock on the door.

Lisa jumped a little because of the loud knock.

Lisa said annoyed, "Gosh! That freaked me out!"

Noah slowly opened the door with caution.

They saw a furious David.

If someone would die with glares, Noah, Lisa, KL and Dazzle are already dead.

David's glares was so deadly.

David yelled, "You all left me alone." He was so mad and annoyed.

Lisa chuckled. David glared at everyone and sat next to Dazzle still with a flaming eye.

Noah started to read,

" Chapter 1

It sees from above, the sad ones and the happy ones.

"Sadness is part of their life," it says "But there are some really unlucky ones.

I help them".

It finds a pair of a keeper.

These pair of keeper may not even know each other but the attraction between them is strong enough to bring them close.

If the keepers can't find the other one, they may feel empty rest of their life.

Once the pendant finds the keeper, it chooses the strong one and weak one.

"I never choose the physically strong ones but always the mentally strong ones." It says.

The pendant makes their keeper happy, satisfied, feel powerful.

It has strong magic and is so advanced from the other world.

The keeper of the pendant who wins over the weak one can become stronger than before, because of the presence of the soul of the weaker ones in the pendant.

"Not many are lucky enough to get me or even know about me," it says

"If they get me, I don't know if they are lucky or unlucky".

The pendant

gives light but also brings darkness,

gives love also hatred,

gives confidence and also makes you nervous,

gives you strength also much weakness,

makes you crystal clear and also confuses you.

Think you got peace and power?

It is not done yet.

With power comes responsibility.

One who fails may drown in the darkness that is prying to swallow them.

Chapter 1 ends"

Lisa gulped and looked around. She was shocked and didn't know how to react.

Noah said, "We already knew about this. right?"

David nodded and asked, "Is Dazzle the strong one here?"

Dazzle shook her head and said, "In my case, it had a difference.

Liam sacrificed himself."

Dazzle voice showed that she forced herself to say those words.

David got annoyed a bit when he heard the name "Liam".

Lisa gently patted Dazzle and said, "This chapter ends a bit oddly. Isn't it?"

KL asked, "It said about some darkness and all...What was that about?"

David said irritated, "Fools! How can you simply know everything after reading just the first chapter? Read the rest."

Lisa imitated David's angry and annoyed face teasingly.

David said, "So funny." sarcastically.

Noah said to Dazzle who was thinking deeply, "Chapter one clear. Let's move on or do you ..."

Dazzle cut off Noah by saying, "Let's read the next chapter." With a firm nod.

KL rubbed his hand as he got excited and curious.

David said in a low tone, "This book is never going to give us sweets, so better be prepared for the bitter. Trust me."

Dazzle asked David, "Did you read this book? Why are you talking as if you did?"

David smirked and said, "My life is a book."

Dazzle rolled her eyes and started reading the next chapter of the book.