New faces

Many of the members of the council weren't happy about the judge's decision. Dazzle was extremely manipulative. She will find a way out.

Dazzle was sitting in a locked room. She was thinking about something. She was so curious about the old but calm judge.

Something in him made her tell him her past.

As she was waiting, the old judge walked inside her room. He was old but walked with confidence. He said all the other guards to move away and give them a moment.

Dazzle asked as soon as all the guards walked away, "Why did you not order them to kill me?" The judge said, "Good peoples don't deserve to die."

Dazzle looked at the judge confused. Dazzle asked again, "Unlike other judges why didn't you mention anything about the male-dominated rule which I violated?"

The judge sighed and said, "You know once there was a man and his wife. They fell in love, got married. They enjoyed and cherished each moment they had together.

It was at the olden times when the male-dominated rule was so powerful and violating it had severe punishment. Like getting executed publicly, or sent to exiles.

No woman dared to even look at a man. The man protected his dear wife in all these situations. Once, when the man and his wife were sitting on a bench talking.

The man asked his wife, "What will you do if I die?" The wife got so sad and scared, she said, "Shut up" and slightly slapped him.

The man was not angry and was laughing. Little did they know, the country's head was looking at them. The man said to his wife, "I will go and get us some coffee."

The wife nodded happily and waved goodbye. The country head who was so obsessed with the male-dominated rule got scared.

He thought, "That man didn't even care when the women slapped him? What if this rule gets faded?.

Just as the man was out of his vision, he went close to the woman and stabbed on her neck with a knife. He left the place without leaving a trace of his presence.

But the man didn't leave, he was coming back to his wife to ask her about her coffee's selection. He saw his wife being stabbed because she slapped him.

He killed his wife. His one curious and unwanted question killed his wife. He can't help but cry and regret. He lost his loved one because of the unwanted, bad, rude rule."

Dazzle looked at the judge and nodded. But what she heard next made her feel so sad.

The judge said, "I am the man. My wife was killed because of this rule." with a sad tone.

Dazzle wanted to comfort the old man. She couldn't see a judge anymore. She only saw an old man with a wounded heart.

Dazzle apologised quietly. She didn't know why but she asked for an apology.

The old man patted on Dazzle's shoulder and asked, "How is Katie?"

Dazzle was shocked. Katie was her grandmother's short name. Her grandmother's name was Catherine but all her friends call her Katie.

Dazzle said in a quiet tone, "She passed away." The judge sighed and said, "She challenged me that I will be the first one to leave." and chuckled.

Dazzle asked confused, "You know her?" The judge smiled and replied, "My best friend and also my first crush. As peoples say first love will never work out."

The judge started laughing. Dazzle asked surprised, "Mr Jensen?" The judge looked at Dazzle with a surprised face and nodded.

Mr Jensen said with a calm old smile, "I am leaving now. See ya mah dude."

Dazzle looked at Mr Jensen with a weird look. Mr Jensen cleared his throat and said, "Isn't it how kids say it these days?"

Dazzle chuckled and nodded. "Old people are just babies." Dazzle thought. Dazzle was smiling but her smile dropped when a woman with a smug smile walked in.

That woman said, "Get ready. You are being taken to where you belong. Mental asylum." Dazzle smiled back and asked, "Want me to take you to where you belong? Hell?"

The woman took a few steps back and walked away fast. Dazzle mumbled, "Such a scaredy-cat" with an annoyed face.

Dazzle didn't want to go to the mental asylum. But it is better than dying. Dazzle thought, "I didn't even inform Noah and others." Dazzle scratched her head and sighed.

Dazzle was handcuffed. She had ten large bodyguards around her. "Am I that famous?" She asked sarcastically. She is famous.

Her bravery and boldness are known to everyone everywhere.

She got inside a black car and sat comfortably until five of the bodyguard joined. Dazzle yelled, "Yah! You planning me to crush me to death? Huh?"

The bodyguards didn't tell anything. They were just like statues. Dazzle asked in a low tone to herself, "Are they mute or deaf?"

Dazzle had an uncomfortable journey to the asylum. Dazzle got down the car and breathed in the air. She was standing still with eye closed.

Suddenly, someone dragged her in with a heavy pull. It was not the guards. Dazzle yelled, "Leave me alone."

It was a skinny guy.

By the dress what that person wore, he was a patient too. Dazzle pulled back her hands. Dazzle was stronger than the boy so she was able to pull her away.

But the boy jumped on the top of her. He said, "Ahhh I want to kill. Kill. Kill." Dazzle dodged a few of his punches.

She pushed him down and got on the top. She started to punch his face and slowly the boy lost his energy and started whimpering.

Dazzle got up and looked at him saying, "I would kill you."

and walked away. The whole asylum was silent and shocked.

Many even started to like Dazzle and wanted to be like her. The bodyguards ran towards her. Dazzle glared at them and said, "What is even your job? I was about to die. Shit."

The doctors and other caretakers took the hurt boy to his room. Dazzle sighed and said, "What a nice start." in a sarcastic tone.

Dazzle was taken for a hospital tour with other few patients.

The caretaker asked, "Why are we going on a hospital tour?" With a wide smile.

Dazzle said with a wide smile, "So that we can know how to escape from here."

The caretaker was shocked and all the other patient started laughing. Dazzle said, "Then what? Why would you show us around the hospital?"

Dazzle said that walked away. The caretakers were all surprised too. Dazzle got her key from the caretaker and entered a room.

It was the room where all the young teen who need mental help where staying. The room had 5 beds. Dazzle sighed and took a vacant bed.

Just as she was about to sit, the girl nearby her bed started crying. "She is going to kill me." She said repeatedly. Dazzle said in a cold tone, "Say that again, I will kill you." The girl immediately became quiet.

The boy opposite to Dazzle said, "Hey! I am Oliver. I am here because of depression. And she is my sister, Olivia. She gets scared easily and starts crying. More like overly emotional."

Dazzle nodded and said, "I am Dazzle. I don't know why I am here." The boy who was near to Oliver said, "I am James. I am here because I went insane after a trauma." and started laughing.

Oliver smiled and said to Dazzle, "He has a bipolar disorder and a bit of memory problem." Dazzle smiled and James and nodded.

Dazzle asked Oliver, "Why is that bed near James vacant? No one?"

Olivia said, "No. Benjamin." Dazzle looked at Olivia and nodded. But Olivia got scared and moved away.

Olivia had dark brown hair and very pale skin. She looked so fragile and weak while Oliver looked healthy and normal. James looked so hyper and energetic.

Dazzle asked, "Hey. Oliver? Why are you depressed?"

Oliver smiled and said, "I am 18. I had to work a lot when I was small cause my parents died. I had to take care of Olivia. All of these responsibilities made me scared and depressed."

Dazzle nodded slowly and asked, "James and Olivia, How old are you?"

James just smiled and looked away, shaking his hands and rubbing his fingers. Olivia didn't even dare to look at Dazzle.

Oliver sighed and said, "James is the oldest. He is 20. While Olivia is 16. You are the youngest here. In the whole asylum."

Dazzle gasped and nodded. Dazzle thought, "It isn't bad after all. But I should go away soon." Dazzle was looking at her pendant when the door of their room opened.

Oliver said with a cautious and fast voice, "Dazzle...we both are the most stable peoples here. I am talking fast cause others can't understand us. Look, be careful around Benjamin."

Dazzle looked at Oliver and nodded. She then stared at the door waiting for the person to enter. Dazzle was surprised to see who it was. It was.....
