Type of killers

Dazzle looked at their room opening. She was surprised to see the boy who she was about to kill just a few minutes ago. Dazzle looked at Olivia.

Olivia was hugging her knees and crying. Her pale face was pinkish now. Oliver talked to Dazzle fastly, "He is Benjamin, a psychopath. He almost killed a doctor while the doctor was treating him.

He hates girls. Be careful. He used to threaten Olivia to death. Not going to lie, his threatenings were scary."

Dazzle said with a smile, "He is not the only killer here." James walked towards and hugged him. Benjamin yanked away James's hand rudely and said, "I am going to kill her. She pushed me down and punched me."

Dazzle got up from her bed and clapped her hands for Benjamin's attention. Benjamin slowly looked at Dazzle and had an immediate reaction.

He rushed and pushed Dazzle to the floor with force. Benjamin was choking Dazzle.

Dazzle laughed still struggling to breathe and said, "You are a psycho? Or are you pretending to be one? Tell me how will you kill me?"

Oliver was trying to stop Benjamin. Dazzle pushed Benjamin and asked in a stern voice, "How will you kill me? TELL ME!"

Dazzle let go of Benjamin as he started crying. Dazzle was surprised by his sudden change. Dazzle could never change her rage this fast.

Benjamin just walked away sniffling and wiping his tears. He went outside the room.

Oliver asked Dazzel curiously, "What happened? Why did he just go away?"

Dazzle said with a sad smile, "There are peoples who kill without hesitation and kill anyone whom they see. Their killing may not have a reason. That is psychopaths.

They kill either because the victim resembles or reminds them of their trauma or because when they are depressed and sad, they kill others who seem to be happy.

Psychopath won't claim themselves as psychopath first. They wait and stalk the victim. They learn a lot about their victim and then kill or kidnap them.

That is even if there is a psychopath here, we won't know it.

And then there are Mafia or gangsters. There are many types of gangsters. Drug mafia, the mafia who smuggles and exports illegal drugs. It is one of the richest work.

Weapon mafia, These types of mafia export and trade illegal weapons.

These mafias are less in number. But all these weapons are so expensive and most of these weapons are free for the Mafias because the traders are threatened.

These mafias don't kill often but if their products are in danger, they will. Then we have, the killers. The mafias who kill and kidnap.

According to me, these mafias are great. They kill the bad or wrong-doers. They kill rich men, betrayers and cheaters. These are the common type of bad and dangerous peoples.

The one that no one has ever heard of is, KARMAPATHS. They are as dangerous and cruel like psychopaths but they don't kill a random person for fun or to calm their urge.

KARMAPATHS are one who kills for revenge. They kill people who messed with them. If you do something wrong to a kid and after years, when the kid grows up and kills you, it is called KARMAPATH or revenge.

I am a KARMAPATH. I kill peoples who mess with me. But I have seen a psychopath. He is sly, cunning and manipulative. Karmapaths may get into an impulsive act but psychopaths are much calmer.

There are also some people, who had been treated badly in this cruel world. To make others scared of them, some claims themselves as psychopaths.

Benjamin is doing that too. It is also a serious issue. These peoples can't kill and if they do, they start regretting and get scared immediately."

Dazzle looked at Olivia and said, "So if he threatens you, endure your fear. Don't show him that you are scared, even if you are."

Oliver and Olivia nodded but they were so surprised with Dazzle's big lecture of murderers. They thought all the people who kill are the same, but they were wrong. The mental state and killing method change the type.

Dazzle rubbed her cheeks and said, "Ahh! My mouth hurts. I didn't even talk much." With a confused eye. Oliver coughed and laughed.

Dazzle looked at Oliver with a "what?" Look. Dazzle sighed and slowly laid on her bed. The bed was so small and uncomfortable.

She missed her squishy and fluffy bed with all of Lisa's teddy bears. She missed Lisa, who she pushes away every time they cuddle.

Dazzle said again in a sad tone, "I didn't even inform them." Dazzle looked at the plain ceiling. It had nothing like her brain, it was blank.

Dazzle slowly fell asleep. Dazzle was sleeping with some discomfort. She wasn't very comfortable so she kept on changing sides.

Dazzle noticed something move around her. She slightly opened her eye. She was so shocked to see a figure holding a knife, straight up to her heart.

It was Benjamin. Benjamin said, "I will kill you now and prove everyone that I am a killer. Everyone must be scared of me."

Dazzle was still shocked. Dazzle said with a smirk, "Kill me? Why are you waiting?" Dazzle could see Benjamin's hand trembling. Benjamin brought the knife close to Dazzle's chest.

Dazzle smiled at Benjamin but suddenly her eyes darkened. She used her leg and kicked Benjamin. She snatched the knife from him and held it near his throat.

Dazzle said as she was irritated, "Why are you irritating me? Either kill me or leave me alone." Dazzle made a big but not so deep cut on Benjamin's neck.

Benjamin's scream woke up the other roommates and caretakers.

They were welcomed by a surprise. Dazzle was dragged away from the room where she was staying.

They handcuffed her and took her to a small room. There was no one in that room. They handcuffed her hand with a pole on the room and left.

Dazzle didn't shout or cry. She just sat there, not wanting to explain what happened.

Doctor and caretakers asked her a lot of questions. Dazzle answered all their question at once with a big yawn.

The doctors were mad but all they could do is close the door and walk away. Dazzle chuckled and said, "I am more stable than you think."

The doctors who took care of Dazzle were discussing. Dazzle's report is positive. She is so healthy and strong. There isn't any permanent or temporary mental issue.

She just needed an anger management class. Her impulsive act must be controlled.

Dazzle was walking alone on an unfamiliar corridor. She was so bored. She felt someone following her.

She looked at the glass door nearby and saw a reflection. She smiled and said, "OLIVIA! Joining me?"

Olivia smiled a little and ran towards Dazzle. Olivia said in a shaky tone and was sweating so much, "You are so cool. How are you so cool?"

Dazzle didn't know how to answer it. Dazzle replied, "Umm. You must eat more, sleep more and do exercise to be cool. I guess."

Olivia nodded with enthusiasm. Olivia said in a sad tone, "there used to be a cute small girl here. She was 17 but it was rumoured that a doctor here behaved bad with her and she killed herself."

Dazzle looked at Olivia with a widened eye. Dazzle asked, "Really?" Olivia nodded and said, "That is why everyone is scared of the literature lesson."

Dazzle asked still confused, "Why?" Olivia whispered, "Because it is Mr Simon's class. He was the doctor mentioned in the rumours. He also makes me and my other friends feel awkward."

Dazzle smiled and said, "Is it? I am waiting for the literature class." Dazzle thought, "Another jerk here. In the hospital."

Olivia looked at Dazzle confused. Dazzle just smiled brightly and they started walking. Olivia started liking Dazzle after seeing her bold moves.

Olivia always wanted to be bold and confident too. She tried her best to act that way but she gets so nervous when she is with somebody. She only felt in the ease with her brother.

Dazzle went back to her room. She felt so lonely there. The wall was all plain white. The marbles were white. The rotating fan was white.

She was surrounded by all white. Dazzle is the kind of person who likes to be in dark surroundings. These bright surrounding made her sad and mad for no reason.

She started banging the door and kicking it with a lot of force. Her legs and hands were red and they were hurting but she didn't stop.

She started yelling and swearing. She couldn't calm herself down anymore. She leaned her back in the door and sat down. She closed her eye and started crying silently.

Dazzle felt like she is going to grow crazy. She got to escape from here. She thought she was comfortable and would be able to stay for a few days but now. She can't.